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Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver: Distance Edition
My next project. Its still a month or two away from completion, but I have a lot done. Aside from building the environment and track, playtesting will take awhile, especially with trying to adapt Hot-Wheels-style jumps into Distance, not to mention that the original game was a FMV on rails, so this level won't be very easy. I want to be as accurate as I can; this is basically an unofficial remaster.

Its a big map, the whole thing could be 14+ minutes (given that each track is 2~ minutes), but this is the entire game with some extras. There will also be a free roam mode as well as individual level select. I'll also see if I can get a main menu version as well. Hopefully custom music will be available by the time its finished.

Let me know if anyone's interested. If this goes well, I might do world race next.

Last edited by TFProtoform157; 23 Jan, 2019 @ 9:08am
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Californ1a 20 23 Jan, 2019 @ 10:15am 
Not to be a downer, but typically stuff like this doesn't tend to work very well in Distance. You can freely leave the road and go wherever you want (even with abilities disabled). The best thing to do for something like this is to take the core theme or general idea from the source, but adapt the layout so it works better with Distance's mechanics (don't have u-turns, loops, twists, or crossroads without teleporters, if you want to enforce driving on them, for example). Add things like track transfers and flight sections instead of just having a single long flat road (flat in the sense that any landings are on flat level surfaces instead of walls or ceilings). From the screenshots, I can see that a lot of roads cross over other roads, which is going to make for quite a few easily skippable sections.

The biggest mistake map authors make when they try to directly recreate something in Distance from another game, is that they're trying to directly recreate it, even though Distance has totally different mechanics and functions more like a platformer (sm64, meat boy, mirror's edge) rather than a traditional racer (trackmania, wipeout, fzero). Of course everyone is going to like different map styles, but typically you'll want to play to the strengths of the game you're creating a map for, rather than try to go against them.

Unless you're making this for Stunt mode, I'd say probably rethink some of the layout so it works a bit better for Distance's mechanics in Sprint mode.
Last edited by Californ1a; 23 Jan, 2019 @ 10:19am
TFProtoform157 1 23 Jan, 2019 @ 10:42am 
Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. I was going to make some adjustments to make it more distance-like, its going to take a while to do the whole thing anyway. I'm still aiming to do a traditional remastered version, but I might also do a modified version that is more like distance.
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