Stand together with the US Marines in Operation Flashpoint: Red River, the ultimate tactical infantry shooter.
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Om dette spil

Stand together with the US Marines in Operation Flashpoint: Red River, the ultimate tactical infantry shooter.
You’ll play as one of four distinct and complimentary classes in a Marine Fireteam – Grenadier, Scout, Rifleman and Automatic Rifleman - as you embark on an epic campaign. Take on huge sandbox battlefields in the new setting of Tajikistan, a geopolitical hotspot bordered by Afghanistan and China. Face the unpredictable threat of all-new insurgent enemies and the might of the world’s largest Army, the Chinese PLA. Use authentic tactics on your own initiative in solo or in four player drop-in, drop-out co-op campaign.
For extended replayability, Operation Flashpoint: Red River also includes new class choice, load-out personalisation plus standalone co-op Fireteam Engagements. With a huge range of authentic weapons and the chance to call in devastating airstrikes, Operation Flashpoint: Red River will put you in the boots of a Marine like never before.


    • OS *: Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, Windows 10 not supported.
    • Processor: Dual Core 2.4Ghz
    • Memory: 1GB (2GB for Vista)
    • Hard Disk Space: 8GB
    • Video Card: ATI Radeon X1800 256mb, NVIDIA 7800 256mb
    • DirectX®: DirectX 9c
    • Sound: DirectX compatible soundcard
    • Additional: Online play requires log-in to Games For Windows - Live. Click here for a list of countries/regions with service.
    • OS *: Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
    • Processor: Quad Core 3.0Ghz
    • Memory: 2GB
    • Hard Disk Space: 8GB
    • Video Card: ATI Radeon 3800 512mb, NVIDIA 8800 512mb
    • DirectX®: DirectX 9c
    • Sound: DirectX compatible soundcard
    • Additional: Online play requires log-in to Games For Windows - Live. Click here for a list of countries/regions with service.
* Fra den 1. januar 2024 understøttes Steam-klienten kun på Windows 10 og senere udgaver.

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