The main function of the software is to allow users to import different images for each cursor and export them as installation packages or compressed files.
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4 nov 2024

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scm简易指针制作器 kopen


Over deze software

Simple Cursor Maker is a tool designed to convert images into cursor formats.

The interface is clean and user-friendly, allowing for quick importing and exporting of files, greatly simplifying the workflow.

It includes a cropping mode that enables users to split a single showcase image into multiple parts.

Completed cursors can be exported with one click as either a ZIP file or an EXE file.

The EXE file serves as a quick installation package, including an icon, text information, and a double-click mouse installer, with no additional content.

The main feature of the software allows each cursor to import a different image format (.gif, .png, .ani, .cur) and export them as a compressed package. Users can choose between true color mode and 256-color mode for export, offering flexibility in output quality.

If the software generates sufficient revenue, future updates will include versions compatible with macOS and Linux systems, along with additional features.


    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Processor: inter(R)Core(TM)i3-370m
    • Geheugen: 40 MB RAM
    • Grafische kaart: NVDIV GeFoce GTX 760(128MB)
    • Besturingssysteem: Windows 10
    • Geheugen: 40 MB RAM

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