Enter the world of Zlime, an action Roguelike game where you'll embark on a thrilling adventure in a demonic realm. Experience an unique transformation system, devour your foes, enhance your powers, and battle your way to victory! Prepare for an exhilarating and challenging gameplay experience!
Усі рецензії:
схвальні (42) - 97% з 42 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
27 квіт. 2024

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Що бажають сказати розробники:

Чому дочасний доступ?

«The game is still inprocess. And we plan to sales the early version with the completion story rate as 70% of the full game. And also want the player's opinion as to improve the full version to ensure the game is sastified the player.»

Як довго гра буде у дочасному доступі?

«Will take around 1 year. as to complete another 30%»

Чим повна версія гри буде відрізнятися від версії для дочасного доступу?

«More story, stage and more system. Also improve the challange stage.»

Який поточний стан версії для дочасного доступу?

«All the features listed in the "About This" section except the 50 transformable forms are already implemented. please refer to that section for further details. The current transformable distinct monsters are 25+ in the early access version. However, the full version will have the monster for the transform 50 as informed in the section. We plan to add more stage, relic, challenge content in the full version.»

Чи буде відрізнятися ціна гри протягом дочасного доступу та після його завершення?

«We plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features.»

Як ви плануєте залучати спільноту до розробки гри?

«We have a facebook page, and also will continue update on the steam community for the full version. Or any update/improvement.»
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Придбати Zlime: Return Of Demon Lord

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Про цю гру

Jump into the world of [Zlime - Return of the Demon Lord], where unbridled excitement reigns supreme! Immerse yourself in an intense and exhilarating gaming experience that action enthusiasts and roguelike fans crave. Get ready for a wild ride where every playthrough is a fresh, heart-pounding challenge!

Now, as the unlikely hero of [Zlime - Return of the Demon Lord], you embody Zenoth, the once-mighty Demon Lord. Betrayed and cursed to become a slime, he embarks on an extraordinary journey to reclaim his throne. Can he succeed? Only you can know.

Unleash the "Transform" skill. As the cursed slime, you possess the unique ability to consume defeated monsters and change into their forms. This fascinating mechanic introduces an exciting dynamic to your gameplay experience, offering a fresh take on strategy and combat.

The 'Roguelike Style' encourages you to experiment with different strategies, swiftly adapt, and evolve your approach to each encounter. Interact with random NPCs, stages, and rewards, further enriching your experience. Victory is earned through skill and perseverance.

-Tranform into monster : Devour and transform into over 50 distinct monsters, wielding their unique skills to match your preferred playstyle.
-Dynamic Challenges: Embrace the "Roguelike Style" as each playthrough offers randomized maps, treasures, and NPCs, ensuring every session is a thrilling new adventure.
-Skill upgrade: Permanently upgrade passive skills to bolster your strength for upcoming battles and face the ever-increasing challenges.
-Make Allies: Forge alliances with demon NPCs for in-game advantages, adding depth and camaraderie to your journey.

Системні вимоги

    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи
    • ОС *: Windows 7
    • Процесор: Intel® Core™ i3 Processors
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 4 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: GTX 750 ti
    • DirectX: версії 11
    • Місце на диску: 1 GB доступного місця
    • Потребує 64-бітних процесора та операційної системи
    • ОС: Windows 10 or higher
    • Процесор: Intel® Core™ i5 Processors
    • Оперативна пам’ять: 4 GB ОП
    • Відеокарта: GTX 1050 ti
    • DirectX: версії 11
    • Місце на диску: 1 GB доступного місця
* З 1 січня 2024 року клієнт Steam буде підтримувати лише Windows 10 чи новіші версії цієї ОС.

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