In this interactive tale of love and war, be the force of reason that your kingdom needs, or perpetuate its reputation as a force of destruction. Find love and weave friendships, or cast it all away for the sake of retribution.
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дуже схвальні (331) - 94% з 331 рецензій на цю гру є позитивними.
Дата виходу:
9 груд. 2022

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Придбати Arcadie: Second-Born


Про цю гру

Centuries of war define the Kingdom of Arcadie. Will you allow them to define you?

You are the second-born, second-in-line to the throne. As Arcadie is set to sign a peace treaty with your age-old enemies, you are put in charge of any future dealings with them.

Today will see you taking the first step towards a new destiny, and perhaps a new future for your Kingdom. Will you put the Realm's interests before your own, or will you precipitate it down the path of another century of war?

Create your character

Male or female; gay, straight, or bisexual. Define your personality through your choices and actions. Will you be friendly and conciliatory, a wisecracking charmer, or will you antagonize anyone who would dare approach you? Specialize in Swordsmanship or in Statecraft. Learn about the mystical power wielded by your ancestors, and perhaps even tame it for yourself.

Know your companions

Interact with a vivid cast of characters, each with their own goals and motivations. Gain their support, their friendship or even their love. Experience naturally-evolving romance; steamy, sweet, passionate, or even thoroughly ill-advised. Your relationships will change the story, in small and bigger ways.

Control the story

Enjoy the freedom to save and load your progress, and to change your choices should you desire. Reach a different ending depending on your decisions. Will you strive for peace, or demand blood be spilt?

Опис вмісту для дорослих

Розробники описують вміст так:

Arcadie: Second-Born is intended for a mature audience. It contains text-based violence, mentions and use of alcohol, and text-based optional sexual content.

Системні вимоги

    • ОС: Windows 10
    • ОС: 10.9

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