Arma 3
Dynamic Recon Ops - Helvantis
9 commentaires
NordbyJR 14 sept. 2023 à 10h58 
When i press the link it says: 502 Bad Gateway so i can't get the map mod. If this is a problem for more pepole please make another winter map with DRO
Cryptic 26 juin 2021 à 22h20 
not working.
Cryptic 10 mai 2021 à 10h29 
Since You disabled comments on the other one I'm going to post this here but the version for the new SOG mod is really buggy. Setting civilians to not be hostile still spawns them with modern weapons even though this is supposed to be taking place back in the sixties and the Viet Cong sometimes spawn with modern weapons and equipment.

Also when it creates a base around like a mortar replacement for the Viet Cong they have modern sandbag in placements and stuff like that where it should be just like wood barricades and stuff
Spocku 20 mars 2021 à 16h25 
it literally has the link for the map mod in the description... read people
Mr J 10 déc. 2020 à 14h51 
Mission doesn't start when I press Go?
Turing Tested 31 janv. 2019 à 20h16 
I have both Mods downloaded, but when I click play nothing happens? Cant find this map in Editer so is there another mod with this map that I need to download?
Grimlock 11B 9 nov. 2018 à 22h38 
dont work
YU 5 avr. 2017 à 16h54 
yes nuclearmessiah us the thirsk maps snow logic module its either in modules or logics but you need the thirsk map loaded too
Desolate 25 déc. 2016 à 2h30 
Is there any way to add snow scripts into this scenario ?