Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

ChungusBohemian #FixTF2  [author] 11 Oct @ 8:25am 
Its a game
But if you don't have 10 dollars, you find the stuff for it here
Zeta 10 Oct @ 9:36pm 
what exactly is cs:s? a add on or separate game?
GOptimusG 9 Oct @ 9:12am 
ChungusBohemian #FixTF2  [author] 9 Oct @ 6:55am 
not that i know of
Sprout 9 Oct @ 6:13am 
any navmesh ?
BrainBud 8 Oct @ 5:27pm 
nice job!
ChungusBohemian #FixTF2  [author] 8 Oct @ 7:22am 
no soda machines lol
GHForever 8 Oct @ 3:49am 
where's the pack a punch
ChungusBohemian #FixTF2  [author] 7 Oct @ 7:14am 
It might need cs:s
horus lupercal 7 Oct @ 2:47am 
there are some missing textures
ChungusBohemian #FixTF2  [author] 6 Oct @ 10:46am 
Chris 5 Oct @ 11:06pm 
This is a pretty great map for Gmod. I will say the Moon is way to close to the Earth but thats probably just a problem for N E R D S like me:steamthumbsup:
You were very wrong to publish that map. The problem is that the author of another map about the moon deletes and throws copyright complaints about such maps. I've already suffered at his hands
ChungusBohemian #FixTF2  [author] 3 Oct @ 1:52pm 
in those rectangular boxes in the 8th image
Arreple 3 Oct @ 1:30pm 
I have a question, where do these people sleep?