Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Peace Out
100 kommenttia
kindergarten Q&A YT 21.10. klo 19.33 
im glad this taunt is in the game
chillsey 19.10. klo 10.01 
i thought this taunt was reddit initially but honestly we probably need more of "meme reference!!" taunts in the game
Fucking GoPro 13.10. klo 9.40 
@deer girl Cope
dg 12.10. klo 7.02 
this is horrible and shouldn't have been added
dg 12.10. klo 7.02 
aaaand you updated it and now it's ruined
DemaneR 11.10. klo 6.53 
Reddit Gold
The Imperial Combine 10.10. klo 22.23 
I can see this being used a lot with killcam frames
Yeeticious 10.10. klo 18.06 
congrats mate!
ShadowMan44 15.9. klo 18.36 
This new version is a lot better, well done with the update!
Captain 15.9. klo 12.04 
could certainly be faster but i like it enough to upvote it
A Sheepish Shepherd 15.9. klo 9.37 
Much improvement with the animation time shaving! Wouldn't mind seeing this in the game.
spongebob 8.9. klo 8.22 
it's alright, but i think there are just too many prop taunts in the game
silly 1.9. klo 21.15 
amazing meme reference
Polip PT 11.8. klo 14.17 
its too long,you can cut out the part where he looks at tombstone and make him just stand up
dg 6.8. klo 18.10 
it's a meme reference, but it fits so perfectly into the game
Parble 29.7. klo 1.43 
absolutley :lario:
MB_memes 18.7. klo 15.06 
Yes, it's a meme reference, but Scout would 100% do this.
arsonist 12.5. klo 11.20 
I feel like there's a bit of fat to cut out, it feels too long with unnecessary gestures. Maybe for it to flow better, the tombstone can jump out as Scout goes into the pose, then knock it down. You only have like a second and a half to get the "capstone" of the taunt to show up in killcams.
raving 27.4. klo 10.15 
i think if you shorten it a bit by cutting out the pointing part and/or the part where he pushes it over this would be damn near perfect, meme reference aside.
medicocantplay 18.4. klo 7.47 
i love how it reference an old meme
cpotworek222 13.4. klo 11.32 
It kinda look like the soldier taunt with this, but it's actually pretty good
Xtreme_Shoot 5.4. klo 2.42 
Good Lord. X'D :'D i support it! :steamthumbsup:
Ramblin' Evil Mushroom 24.3. klo 14.27 
This looks incredibly disrespectful, I love it!
Ceratosaurus Gaming 5.3. klo 18.11 
Now this is a taunt!
Reimu 4.3. klo 15.05 
yeah very goofy right dude?
Ting🍊 23.2. klo 9.45 
A taunt... that taunts?????
Reimu 18.2. klo 14.57 
I love when someone with a amazing blender skills just make the least suitable thing for the game, not personal son
Commander Soldier 14.2. klo 19.58 
this fits scout's personality perfectly, i dont care if its in reference to an old meme, because this just feels like something that scout would do anyway
Endi 12.2. klo 4.41 
Shave off those last few seconds, and its solid. I would also say don't let him look at it at the start, just let him get down and pose. Keeping up with the fast theme. Not a bad idea otherwise!
bubby 11.2. klo 19.41 
Thorne (Carnivore) 6.2. klo 6.41 
You know, this definitely sparks an inner dillema in me. This refrences a meme, and memes tend to get old rather quickly. Things once popular go often times go stale rather quickly, funny or not.

But at the same time, this isn't something that is trending, and rather just a usual meme tamplet still used to this day. Plus, it is well animated, the pacing of the animation isn't whimsical or floppy, and it fits the scout's personality and it's actually a taunt and not an EMOTE.

For those reasons, I think we should all reconsider at least once.
Arch Linux loser user 1.2. klo 20.14 
Don't need a meme taunt but it does fit the scout's personality.
Gorden Fremen 1.2. klo 18.52 
Best taunt ever.
TheGenericDoe 28.1. klo 9.56 
Since I don't want to fight this war below, I'm gonna say it's neat.
Reimu 16.12.2023 klo 18.53 
N u h u h,Not modern memes in a game from 60's like tf2
object in motion stays in motion 8.12.2023 klo 18.07 
Agreed with Cosmic, sure its a taunt but can we have taunts that make sense and not just fortnite emotes
TwitchyEyes 2.12.2023 klo 18.17 
haha yes funny meme reference!!! have my reddit gold kind stranger!!!
Cosmic085 30.11.2023 klo 18.23 
I don't think this fits in TF2, adding a full on meme is something Fortnite would do, but this is TF2 workshop last time i checked. No offence, but i just don't wanna have irl meme taunts in this game.
Dagda 22.11.2023 klo 16.26 
Who the fuck is Zesty?
I didn't even recognise any meme there, it just seemed like a taunt that's an actual TAUNT, and it fits with Scout's mocking tone.
Gomi_Hako 21.11.2023 klo 3.26 
even if it's originally a meme taunt, it still fits scout personality perfectly and can be seen as something original when the meme gets old and is forgotten.

*looks at zesty angrily*
The Pootis'd Berd 13.11.2023 klo 9.02 
zesty said something stupid again?
mizze 11.11.2023 klo 14.16 
very funny and fitting
Kingkrool94 10.11.2023 klo 15.50 
Meme-based taunts are inherently flawed, as they age and die out, people won't understand what they reference. but this is a rare exception where it manages to fit scout enough to be a great taunt regardless of the reference.
Tangerine Paint 27.10.2023 klo 19.39 
It may be a meme but it fits Scout so it would be nice to see this in the game one day
Dimitri_Hunter_Of_Hellhounds 14.10.2023 klo 21.15 
Literally that one meme.
Spooky Scary Squid 4.10.2023 klo 19.54 
Wow a taunt that actually works as a taunt.
Gravy Grandpa 4.10.2023 klo 14.52 
This would be better if all-class. It doesn't seem to fit scout specifically.
Yakuza Merkitzi 2.10.2023 klo 7.22 
@grass can consent
The Medic's appearance in this game is literally based on Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters.

And just like Extra Ram said, this game has always been referencing pop culture since its release.
FireFox the Furry Sfm 27.9.2023 klo 18.21 
Good taunt. Make it all class please
PeaceOut 25.9.2023 klo 22.16 
Flash reference