Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

Nittlepicks Wonderful New Vineyard Farm
13 opmerkingen
Nittlepick  [auteur] 27 sep 2021 om 19:52 
Maybe if you could post a screenshot in my discord to help me get a better idea? Farms are terrain and always have been impossible to blend on all fronts, but once you get the full 512 x 512 texture of the farm placed down in the right spot you can get the perfect farm with all edges correctly blended. I also made the vineyard intentionally rough with dirt clumps and randomness for it to look like its been dug around in and made lumpy like real vineyards are.
Nittlepick  [auteur] 27 sep 2021 om 19:38 
I also forgot to mention, part of the reason I added more shading to darken the ground a little out was for 'watering' enrichment going on by the farmers and dew drips off vines or leaves down below. But if you notice the beginning stages compared to final stages of the vineyards shadowing, it only gets darker when the leaves get bigger and thicker and grapes plop down. Check the sheep shadows, villager shadows, other shadows that are from dense objects but close to the ground, they are made darker than trees because light is filtered thru trees, and theres a large height gap from the bottom of trees to the ground below, thus more light can reflect thru and lighten a shaded area.
Nittlepick  [auteur] 27 sep 2021 om 19:30 
For the next question, the vineyard is low to the ground and the leaves are growing out but arnt covering the bottom/ground area, draw an angled line from an upper right leaf to the lower left ground point and it would be correct for a shadow to be there and I made the shadows darker because theres thick leaf cover from the vines and broad leaves that grapes have along with multiple layers of them. As for the terrain not being the same, yes, its got dirt rows that I put in, If I removed the vineyards completely somehow, youd end up with a terrain that shows rows like a farm. It wouldnt make sense trying to use that as terrain unless you want farm rows for terrain.
Nittlepick  [auteur] 27 sep 2021 om 19:30 
Welp, some shadows that I did were a little off but all in all its very small details, and all in all the shadow direction is close to the same as the tree or buildings, but note that when I made these they were not diagonal. The game itself rotates the terrain 45 degrees. So its quite difficult to get the stuff to come out looking right when all the pixels get rotated 45 degrees around, this ends up with pixels collected in one spot and not where they wouldve been before the rotation, some pixels are completely covered by others.
jdiefenb 25 sep 2021 om 0:22 
That dirt terrain isn't the same as this one. Also why did you choose to darken the terrain (as a shadow for the vineyard) on the incorrect side? The shadow direction doesn't match with the shadow direction for the trees or buildings. I feel like it would be a bit lighter where it's darker in the front of each vineyard and only a sliver of shadow visible behind not in front. Is it possible that this change could be made? And unfortunately the dirt terrain you mentioned doesn't seem to match the one here.
Nittlepick  [auteur] 24 sep 2021 om 21:04 
Hi jdiefenb, I do have the Dirt terrain separated. My Vineyards were deliberately built on the terrain revision I created way back for my multi produce farm. Its under 'Nittlepicks Wonderful New Dirt.' Just look thru my profile to find my other works!
jdiefenb 24 sep 2021 om 8:06 
Hi, is it possible that you could include the terrain without the vineyard? Right now there is no way to use that terrain without the vineyard. It could be used like Dirt 1 2 and 3 in the editor.
Nittlepick  [auteur] 5 jun 2020 om 13:55 
Forgot to mention, Version 2 the rows also extend the full length of 512x512 texture then stop at the ends.
Nittlepick  [auteur] 26 mei 2020 om 11:31 
Oh no, it doesnt take more space, but I did make the rows only 6 wide and with gaps so that there would be less walking on vines by villagers and be more realistic like how spaced vineyards are. You would just have to build like 6-9 in a large square so that you get a full vineyard so to speak with less cutoff halfway instead of just building a few farms and only seeing a few vine rows. Also - Your saying my other farm is still there? I think you forgot to turn off the other farm mod. Make sure you check your mods list and have the others turned off and only the vineyard enabled. It will keep the first one loaded if its still checked to enabled, so just make sure its disabled.
pinkbutton7 26 mei 2020 om 9:10 
i tired the mod, but berries are still the same. They are not converted to grape vine.
pinkbutton7 25 mei 2020 om 21:34 
Wow you actually included my name. Thanks :)
The screenshot shows so many mills around the vines, is it because it occupies more space than berries ??

PS- Just subscribed, going to try it
Richy 21 mei 2020 om 23:16 
Muchas gracias bro, me inspiraste a crear otro mod de granjas, sigue asi ;)
Nittlepick  [auteur] 21 mei 2020 om 2:34 
Its actually good that - by accident my screenshot showed the farmer on top of the vineyard, because now you can see the end result in all full form of this type of farm. I originally wanted to remove it but thought otherwise due to this fact of reality. Never the less, its a great farm that I dutifully built but will improve on request.