Portal 2

Portal 2

Robotic Retrobution 3
4 kommentarer
jandlml 13. dec. 2018 kl. 19:13 
i was able to play this one. fun!
Expat 2. feb. 2018 kl. 7:34 
Good to know I did it right ;)
Tomato  [ophavsmand] 2. feb. 2018 kl. 7:27 
That was the solution, it just a case of wether or not you know how to do it
Expat 1. feb. 2018 kl. 21:47 
I found getting out the exit a bit fiddly, but eventually managed. I assume the intended solution involved standing on the exit threshold and using the light bridge to raise the cube? Good fun, thanks for creating.