Zombie Night Terror

Zombie Night Terror

Arm Wrestling
81 Kommentare
maxicrane 20. Mai um 8:23 
will the mod be updated one of its day?
꧁༺ღƘĬṨṨღ༻꧂ 29. Sep. 2023 um 10:58 
LOL, this is biggest bully game mode ever I play, I think you should adding "hard mode", where human spawning even faster or like Drug Lord... would be more enjoyable.
ASTUR_GAEL 16. Sep. 2023 um 14:36 
This level inspired me in something i ever published lol :ai_ancillary:
chasicles 8. Sep. 2023 um 3:21 
spam scream with normal zombies. jsut keep spamming till u get tank spawning and spitting then spam spits.
Техник 22. Juli 2023 um 22:51 
to win you need spit spit spit and crawler and tank need to spit
РlΦ৸टΦЯę 15. März 2023 um 21:49 
Super spaßig, brauchte eine Runde zum orientieren, danach lief alles tiptop. Beim Levelaufbau sieht man deutlich wie overpowered die Untoten sind. Dadurch, dass man sich hier direkt zu Beginn für fast alles an Ausrüstung entscheiden (einer nach dem anderen), ohne vorher verschiedene Wege vom Level auszuprobieren, bzw man nicht dem ursprünglich Leveldesign folgen muss, kann man ganz easy den Schwierigkeitsgrad direkt im geschehen persönlich anpassen. Erfahrung sammeln kann man hier durchaus, man muss aber recht schnell auf alles ein Auge haben, denn der Gegner wartet nicht und man sieht sich nach keinen 4 Minuten ner Horde an Feinden gegenüber, mit nicht zu wenigen starken Einheiten.
Hat Spaß gemacht, hab mich gefreut. Gut gelungen!
Cya =)
KarlRommer 25. Dez. 2022 um 12:57 
i love this community level
Control 13. Aug. 2022 um 10:03 
WilliamS0717 11. Aug. 2022 um 20:55 
maybe you can make custum zombies i man you are very good making stuff
Marduk 16. Feb. 2022 um 11:32 
that was EZ >:)
your level was so nice in my opinion
Soli 16. Sep. 2021 um 4:52 
Honestly, I was getting really bored with the base game, and this was right up my alley.
小六 14. Sep. 2021 um 17:18 
Juanpi Torrico 1. Juni 2021 um 7:06 
ta bien
jojobeast668 27. Mai 2021 um 16:01 
5,000,000,000,000,000 out of 100
Darcoz 27. Feb. 2021 um 11:35 
Ta' bueno :)
the adir842 #FixTF2 5. Dez. 2020 um 0:57 
if anyone want to get the overkill eachivment (or crash ZNT)
this level is your friend
@SensXIII 7. Nov. 2020 um 17:08 
i love this level beacause i won by some police gett in the button and i kill he and i won
Latex Buster's 8. Juli 2020 um 11:37 
oh yease

MAKAHALOL 2. Juni 2020 um 1:10 
the best map in the world
Kommideus 3. Mai 2020 um 14:48 
rad as hell
Totally Not Skelly 7. Feb. 2020 um 20:48 
Lurtz 23. Nov. 2019 um 10:52 
this is pretty neat
Saucy Duck 10. Aug. 2019 um 20:13 
You're really creative, awesome job!
Flap 3. März 2019 um 5:55 
Illustration of comment below : https://gtm.you1.cn/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1671788142

Winning the map in 1'07'' by mistake, and missing the whole point...
Flap 2. März 2019 um 23:15 
Hmm. On my first playthrough, i did not understand that we could unlock skills. And thus broke the map in 2 minutes :
Wait to get a second infection shot. Infect a human. After killing the zombie, one the humans will walk to the right. Infect it while it is on the button. Victory... And me thinking, is that all ?

Honestly, I untill I red the 56 comments, I was convinced that it was just an extremelly shallow map
ramaca100 15. Feb. 2019 um 8:08 
KasparowKP 28. Jan. 2019 um 1:41 
Trigger 21. Dez. 2018 um 2:59 
haaaa! nice :)
CedLeVrai 26. Nov. 2018 um 12:27 
Une excellent surprise, ce jeu :)
koalabearxiii 10. Nov. 2018 um 14:37 
feral demoman 22. Okt. 2018 um 11:18 
This is simply... AWSOME!
Kratus 14. Sep. 2018 um 4:07 
Dude, you're a genius! Awesome!
X-23 11. Sep. 2018 um 1:13 
Yeahh babyyy. Brains
Doctor Zomboss 31. Aug. 2018 um 22:24 
arm wrest is so cool!!!!
Doctor Zomboss 31. Aug. 2018 um 22:22 
+ how did she win!!!!!!!!!!!! oh zombies are not strong thats why XP nvm
Doctor Zomboss 31. Aug. 2018 um 22:21 
oh i say why is there a kid and a zombie XD
TSense 24. Aug. 2018 um 10:52 
This is the first level i ever played, story or workshop, which didn't had the answer "exploding overlords" to its puzzle.

It was "tank rush"
print 24. Juli 2018 um 16:05 
Logicon 30. Juni 2018 um 3:27 
@zombie salt
why is a little girl arm wrestling a zombie AND winning
Jolly 9. Juni 2018 um 21:52 
I've always wanted to beat off an infinite wave of men :special:
Zalt_Dev 9. Juni 2018 um 10:06 
why is a little girl arm wrestling a zombie:steamfacepalm:
Snarpari 8. Juni 2018 um 13:17 
very fun recamended
PolyFloppa 8. Juni 2018 um 1:43 
I keep getting a glitch where my spitter overlords die, probably from the sniper gaurdians. Otherwise a really cool map!
Kaptur3 1. Juni 2018 um 16:32 
You do know Beat off has more than 1 definiton. Beat off works perfectly fine there because of the way its used. Dont feed lies to the map creator.
Butch 1. Juni 2018 um 3:39 
Cool map, 13 minutes on first try.
floriantech  [Autor] 23. Apr. 2018 um 2:14 
lol, sry for my english man! I really do my best! ;)
Ned_Flanders 22. Apr. 2018 um 8:54 
OK, i really liked the map and the simplicity of it!

But please god, man, learn some english! "Beat off" means masterbating! You meant "Fight off".
floriantech  [Autor] 25. Feb. 2018 um 16:36 
lol kanaye! I'm not dead yet! ;)
I want to make more content, but I can't do it now.
I have an idea for arm wrestling 2, and for a chapter story!!
BucklePants 25. Feb. 2018 um 16:18 
please tell me you arent dead. this is the most amazing steam workshop ive ever seen, ive played tower defense and this one, and i just love how you mix the chemist scenes in with the game. Looking forward to more creative maps, updated versions of these, and maybe you could make an entire storyline with the doctor? i just love the cutscenes and how much life is put into them.
cat stang 6. Feb. 2018 um 18:41 
My record is 20 minutes