Your Only Move Is HUSTLE
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Обновление: 1 март 2023 в 11:26

V1.35 new fancy hp bar

Обновление: 28 февр. 2023 в 13:50

Umbra V1.3

Teleport Slash updated and Split into 2 Moves
Flying Wind, Slow bad version, only usable outside combos
Blinking Wind, Fast good version, only usable within a combo

Buffed the fuck out of Storm Stance, since it was useless before

Обновление: 11 февр. 2023 в 4:37


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Umbra 1.2
I'm trying to make the character more interesting and fix the moves nobody uses, to be viable.
I want umbra to have less just about frame data but more about fun play.
Also fixing the unneeded way to long hitstun, its more in line how vanilla characters work
and of course fix any crashes

Backdash no longer crashes game.
Portrait now more in line how most characters are doing it, boring and simple but no longer goes over hp bar.
Adjusted Movement, Speed and Jump Height, Umbra was set to default and felt super bad
Sting pulls enemies towards ground
Tripple Thorn now called "Triple Thorn" (classic language barrier moment)
Triple Thorn gives 3 speed instead of 6 so it no longer whiffs all the time
Forward dash now an actual dash to work on par with the new dash system
Downpour giving proper knockback downwards
Down Pour, Swing, Low Bud, Flower Split, Razor Petal, Seeker, Tornado Dash do all land cancel now (thats normal, just forgot about it)

New Move - Flying Wind
aka Teleport slash, to make sure not to fall off against vanilla characters getting all this crazy stuff, I wanted to add this originally anyways, but there u go.
It comes out decently fast and has good range, but when you whiff or it gets parried, you are in a lot of recovery frames, it can be used in combos.
It also got good damage but the use case might be limited at times.

Buffs (buffs might look like a lot, but its mostly: "lets make useless moves actual viable")
Downpour now gives speed downwards
Downpour comes out 1 frame earlier to be more in line with the visuals
Low Bud bit less knockback so its easier to combo
Season Grab comes out on frame 10 instead of 12
Season Grab is now 20 frames instead of 30 making this move actually viable instead of useless
Next Season 10 more damage, now 60
Storm Stance hits now have minimum damage, rewarding more the use of it
Storm Stance comes out 2 frames earlier, making this move useable instead of bad
Seeker can now Cancel on Self Hit, makes it better in close range only
Slightly more damage for Triple Thorn
Wind Dash slightly faster

Sting ground move only now
Sting gives less forward speed
Wavedash is now a little slower
Cloud Stance hitbox overally way less hitstun
Single Thorn halfed the hitstun
Sprout way less hitstun
Glaive Less hitstun
Flower Split less hitstun