Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

School of the Dead: Remastered
1-4/4개 항목을 표시 중
업데이트: 2021년 3월 23일 @ 오후 5시 08분

- Insta-kill character quotes have changed from Primis to Ultimis; This *should* be the last of them. Emphasis on should.
- Added Ray Gun audio riff
- Fixed Wunderwaffe power texture
- Fixed Death Machine icon
- Fixed camo on .44 Magnum world view
- Replaced Gold Plating with Downpour custom camo on M4 iron sights PAP'd

업데이트: 2021년 3월 18일 @ 오후 7시 16분

- Added custom Wunderwaffe
- Improved audio on Wunderwaffe
- Added custom PAP camo; Applies to all weapons except Thundergun
- Added custom perk bottles
- Removed PAP attachments on multiple weapons; AK47, G36C, M4, MP5
- Nikolai & Dempsey playermodels have been fixed
- Some voice lines have been changed from Primis to Ultimis; There may still be more
- Changed announcer voice to World At War style; Also added death machine announcer, custom fire sale announcer
- Added new font
- Fixed FX not playing on Ammo-Matic
- Fixed minor lighting issues

업데이트: 2021년 2월 2일 @ 오후 10시 45분

- Custom Cold War Ray Gun added; Look in description for exact details on the Ray Gun
- Character voice lines have been changed to the Ultimis Crew; Richtofen and Takeo player models have been changed also; Dempsey and Nikolai PMs have too many errors currently, they are still using Primis models
- Added trip mine wallbuy in power room
- Re-edited the round changing music; fixing the rare occurence of audio popping, while fading out the "round end" properly
- Many errors fixed; including all ray_gun_zm errors
- Fixed exploit in outside area, where the player could clip through an emergency flood light
- Fixed exploit in Basement area, where the player could clip behind the door
- Font has been changed back to default; to fix with rare moments of screen stuttering and make certain weapon names and zombie counter easier to read

Additional Notes:

I am currently working on getting player models error free for Dempsey and Nikolai, but with another map in development and life getting much busier now-a-days, I can't make any promises.

Screenshots have been changed on the store page to fit the current build as well.

업데이트: 2020년 10월 31일 @ 오전 1시 22분

Re-release of the map, fully complete.