Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

45 ratings
Silent Hill Walkthrough (Custom Map)
By Olde
Walkthrough for the custom campaign Silent Hill L4D2. Written by Dangalong.
The Silent Hill campaign for L4D2 was created by Leafo, the author of other maps such as Alien Trilogy and Silent Hill: Otherside of Life.

This is a walkthrough written by Dangalong, NOT me. This was originally published in 2013 on IGN's FAQs page here. I did not write this, I am merely reposting it as a Steam guide for ease of use when playing the game. That being said, I did trim a little bit from certain sections but only because they wouldn't fit Valve's idiotic character limit per section. I only trimmed some verbose wording and otherwise I did not edit for content.

Before playing, you should know that for some absolutely absurd reason, there are more versions of this campaign than any other campaign, mostly because of people ripping off this map and changing something very minimal. So here are the different versions of this map.

Silent Hill L4D2: ★★★★★ 6 parts. 1.11 GB (uncompressed)
Silent Hill 8.0★★★★☆ 5 parts. 852.75 MB (uncompressed)
Silent Hill (with l4d1 survivors and sound ambience)[www.gamemaps.com]No rating available. 805 MB (Compressed)
Silent Hill 2[www.gamemaps.com]No rating available. 391 MB (Compressed)
Silent Hill 2 (8.0)[www.gamemaps.com]No rating available. 402 MB (Compressed)
Silent Hill 2 Minor Fixes[www.gamemaps.com]No rating available. 605 MB (Compressed)
Silent Hill Deux[www.gamemaps.com]★★✬☆☆ 617 MB (Compressed)
Silent Hill Enhanced[www.gamemaps.com]No rating available. 948 MB (Compressed)
Silent Hill L4D2[www.gamemaps.com]★★★★☆ 598 MB (Compressed)
Silent Hill Mini[www.gamemaps.com]No rating. 374 MB (Compressed)

At a later date, I may try these all out and describe the differences between them. For now, I think the best one to go with is either the Silent Hill L4D2 on the Steam Workshop (in 6 parts) or Silent Hill L4D2 on Gamemaps.

Please note that Silent Hill: Otherside of Life is a completely different campaign by the same author, which has entirely different maps and puzzles. This walkthrough will not help you on that campaign. That being said, on to the walkthrough.
Map 1: Old Silent Hill
Starting Out: The four players start out by a crashed car on the edge of town. This is presumably how they ended up here, just like Harry Mason did in the first Silent Hill game. To your immediate right there is a map of the town posted up on a display board with the locations of interest if you want to look at it. You will see that you are at the north end of Bachman Road. Unfortunately, you can't carry the map with you. But with this guide, you shouldn't need it anyway.

Convenience Store: Start out by going to your right down the street and on the left at the first intersection of Bachman and Finney there is a convenience store that you can go into to gain an extra pistol and usually one or two health items. The pistol is behind the counter with the cash registers, on the floor in the corner on your left as you enter the building. The health item(s), either a health pack and/or a bottle of pills, are located on the shelves in the small store (this location varies slightly). Just as you exit the building, on your right there is a group of blue garbage cans that conceal a gas can that can be carried along by one person to set things on fire if desired.

First Key: After leaving the store, continue to the intersection on your left and turn left to head east on Finney Street. Note that when you are navigating the streets, the street signs at the intersections say what road you are on, not what road you are coming to. Stay to the left side and there will be a machine gun tucked in a corner in some weeds just before the foliage peters out to concrete. Continue on down to the police car that's crashed into a fence at the dead end of the road and pick up the KEY laying on the ground just behind its trunk. Just press your action button when your character's hand is stretched over it, and it should disappear, meaning that you picked it up, although you will not be able to see these special items in your inventory.

Second Key: Turn around and head back the way you came until you get back to the intersection, where the blood splatters are, and turn left again to head down Ellroy Street. Just past the white van on the left there are some more blood splatters in the road. Follow them across the intersection to the opposite corner where there is a huge bloody streak on the ground beside a yellow building. This leads you to a plank that you have to cross over a chasm to get another KEY out of a mailbox.

Third Key: Once you have the second key, go back to the blood streak you just past and turn left to go down Matheson Street until you see a short alley on your left just after a blue post office drop box. At the end of it, on the left side behind some garbage cans is another machine gun if you want to refresh your ammo. Also sometimes there is a health item behind the garbage can on the right. Turn around and directly across the main road from that alley is another alley that you need to go down. Keep going down there until you see a metal gate on your left, right after a couple of dumpsters. Enter it and there will be ammo to reload your gun. There will also be another KEY you need to get off the ground in the blood smear by the basketball hoop. You can also enter the garage by the door on the left in case there might be an item in it. And to the right of the basketball hoop, in a corner sometimes there is a gas can if you feel like getting it.

Construction Site: Exit the gate and go to your right, back the way you came. When you get back to the street, turn right and go to the next intersection of Matheson and Bachman where there will be another map of Silent Hill posted at the corner. Directly across the street from this sign is a construction site with two entrances in the chain-link fence around it. You can go up the stairs in the unfinished building to obtain a pipe bomb on the top level, laying on the floor in the far corner behind a partial wall.

Café: When you're done there, go back across the street the way you came, towards the town map sign you just passed. Along that side of the street (Bachman) you will see a white compact car that's parked right next to a café called "5 to 2", which is a building that you can go inside. At the end of the bar by the small TV set there will be a pistol and possibly a health item either there or on one of the tables.

Long Alley: When you exit the café, go right to the next intersection and turn left on Finney (where there is a blood streak on the pavement). When you go past a green pickup truck, on your left there's another alley. Go down this alley to find a gate you can go through, and keep going all the way to the end of the winding path, through another gate, to find a machine gun and some health items laying on the ground. There is also a child's notepad on the ground from the original Silent Hill that belonged to Alessa, indicating you should travel to the elementary school.

Fourth Key: Go back out the way you came and go left down the street until you see the body of a dead split-head dog monster from Silent Hill 3 laying on the corner of an intersection. Keep going straight across the blood streak in the road and you will see more of these same bodies laying around. As the road dead-ends, go to your right along the row of houses on the far side of the street until you see another dead dog in a large blood smear that's right next to a doghouse outside one of the residences. There is a KEY inside this doghouse you need to get to open the door of the main house, and the safehouse symbol is painted in orange on the walkway leading to the front door that you can now go inside.

Special Note: if you had come from a different direction, at the dead end of Matheson Street there is a loose piece of notepad paper on the ground by some blood splatters in front of a chain-link fence where the road drops off with "DOG HOUSE" printed on it to give you a hint where you needed to go, and as a homage to the original game. Also, the trail of dead dog bodies will eventually lead you to the right location if you got lost. Just make sure you got all the keys or you wouldn't be able to open the saferoom door to exit the level.

Level Exit: When you enter the house, there is a bedroom on the right with a closet that acts as a respawn room for dead players to be rescued from. Check the kitchen counter for health items, and the back door is the map exit. If you had not found any of the keys to open this door yet, there would be a bar across it with 3 padlocks keeping it closed. Every time you grab a key, one of these padlocks automatically disappears, and when you have all three keys the whole bar disappears so the door can be opened and you can proceed to the next area.
Map 2: Midwich Elementary School
Machine Gun: You will wind up in the back yard of the house you just went through, but now it will be night time in Silent Hill. Check the picnic table for health items, then proceed out the wooden gate to the alley behind the house. Go left to the end of the alley where there is a lit sign with the town map. Right in front of it is a new machine gun if you want to reload. But note that as soon as you get to that spot, there will be a big horde attack, so be ready to fight at this point. When the violence has subsided, go directly across the street and into the next alley. In this second alley, the third set of blue garbage cans on the left has a health item, and then the third set of blue garbage cans right after that has another health item (sometimes a health pack, sometimes pills, it alternates).

Finding the School: When you reach the end of the alley, go right across the street and start heading to your right from there. Sometimes there will be a tank spawn near this area, so beware. When you get to the intersection, turn left. Pay attention to the porches of the houses you pass on your left as you go down the sidewalk. The fourth one down may have a health item, and the ninth (last) one has a pipe bomb. Right past that house there is a bench on the sidewalk that may have another health item. Keep going straight until you reach a hedgerow of shrubs. Turn right and go across the street right past the road block on your left until you run into longer hedgerow. Just after it there will be the walkway leading to the main entrance of the school. However, if you go past it for now, there are a couple of items you can get before going in.

Sewer Place: Keep following the really long hedgerow to the right of the school entrance until you see a break on your left with a chain-link fence. There should be a health item right there next to another Silent Hill map on the ground. Inside the fence is a sewer entrance you will be going into later on, but for now the gate is locked. After that, keep going the way you were and a little ways down the sidewalk you should see a flickering street lamp by a large green sedan. It is the only street lamp in that area that is lit at all. And for some reason it has a long rope hanging down from it that has a pipe bomb attached to the end that you can take. It looks like some weird trap, but it is actually safe to take this item, from my experience. From there, go back to the school and start making your way inside.

First Floor: There will be a large horde attack as soon as you get into the front door of the school. Once you get through that, go through the first set of double doors on the inside and go right to the medical office, where you should find some health items on the desk and/or examination table. After you exit that room, go to the left side of the hallway, past the entrance, where there is another office on the left just after the lantern on the counter. Inside there is a machine gun on the coffee table, along with a ghost witch that can't hurt you. Right outside this office, on the wall in the hallway, there is a clue to the puzzle from Silent Hill 1 that you can read if you want. The fluid is a bottle you pick up in the chemistry room, the black object is the piano in the music room you need to play some notes on, and electricity refers to the generator in the basement you have to turn on to get to the next level. Once you're done there, go back to the second set of double-doors right across from the main entrance that leads out into the courtyard. To your right there is a blood smear leading to a stone door in what is supposed to be a clock tower that is locked for now. This is the way to the map exit that will be unlocked after completing all the puzzle steps. For now, go across the courtyard to the other side where there is another set of double-doors leading back into the school. In the room right past the next set of double-doors across the hall from this should be an extra pistol sitting at the end of the right-hand bench if you need one. Exiting this room to your right will lead you to a hallway with a staircase. If you go down to the other end of that hallway, the second-to-last door on the right is a bathroom with a possible health item around the corner just past the toilet stalls. I think at least one of the bathrooms in this school (there are more on the next floor) can also serve as a respawn room for dead players.

Second Floor: Go up the stairs to the next floor and search the classrooms for possible items if you like. The first one on your right has a molotov cocktail on the teacher's desk. Go down to the end of the hall until you get to the next one on your left by the lockers. The first room on the right in this next hall has the piano in it. If you look at the chalkboard inside the room you will see a white circular object that serves as a KEY imbedded in it that can't be removed yet. Just activate the piano until the object falls off the chalkboard and then you can go pick it up off the floor. This is needed to unlock the door to the map exit. After leaving the piano room, go right to the last door at the end of that hall, just past the balcony overlooking the school entrance. Go around the row of lockers to the other side and sometimes there is a health item laying on the floor in the corner. You also need to walk into that location to unblock the way into the next hallway. Go back out and to the right into the next hallway where the staircase leading down is. At the very end of this hallway to the left is a library. Go through both rooms in here to gain access to the next hallway that is blocked off by metal bars. Upon exiting the second half of the library, go right until you get to the second door on your right (last one). Inside this storage room on a shelf is the CHEMICAL in a light blue-white bottle that looks like suspiciously like vodka that you need to get the next key, along with an ever-spawning molotov on another shelf. Go inside the chemistry room right next to this room (previous door) and on the middle table is a severed hand covering another yellow circular object KEY. Activate the hand after you have obtained the chemical bottle and it will disappear, letting you then take the yellow circle that looks like a drink coaster. Also inside this room you will find more molotovs and possibly a health item. After this, go to the left outside of the room, back the way you came, and turn right down the previous hall until you get back to the staircase at the end of that hall.

Basement: Head all the way down the stairs and into the bloody stairwell that leads into the basement. The first door you come to is the generator room, the only one that can be opened. Go inside and activate the highlighted fuse panel to turn it on. There may also be a health item on the ground inside. This will trigger a big horde attack, so stay inside the generator room for safety until it is over.

Exiting the Level: Before making your way to the exit, go back to the appropriate rooms in the building to re-up your ammo, health items, and/or molotovs you need or want that are left in the area, because there aren't usually many supplies in the next "saferoom". Once you are ready, head back to the 1st floor courtyard and enter the now opened clock tower door that shows the two circle keys attached on both sides that were obtained to unlock it. As long as these items were picked up by someone in the group, they should be automatically installed in place where they go. Just inside the small room there is a hole in the floor that you must drop down into to get to the map exit door.
Map 3: Alternate School
Starting Out: You will start out in a strange, dark, yellow wood-panel tunnel suspended over a black pit by a metal catwalk that you can fall off the side. This is leading you to what is called the "Otherworld" version of the school building. This is what Silent Hill is really famous for. It is the same building but in a nightmare version with metal grates everywhere, dead bodies suspended in cages, and large turbines. In the middle of the tunnel you may see a bottle of pills suspended in mid-air that you can take, but it won't always be there. At the end of the catwalk there is a ladder to climb up and you will emerge from a giant pillar in the center of the school's courtyard that wasn't there before. One side of the pillar is emblazoned with the strange red symbol that served as the save point in Silent Hill 3.

First Floor: The first set of double-doors immediately in front of the pillar exit is locked, so you have to go around to the other set on the back side. Immediately on the other side of the doors, the next set of double-doors across the hall opens to a room with a giant rotating fan that looks scary, but can't hurt you in this game. Inside there you may find some ammo to reload your gun. Upon exiting the fan room, go to the right and the first door on your right from there has a puzzle item in it you need, the pink RUBBER BALL on a cadaver's gurney. Go back past the fan room and enter the next door on your left. It just leads around to the hall that's blocked the normal way through. From there to your left is another room you can go in that has another puzzle piece to get, the miniature door KEY. It is the only one in the pile that looks like a metal door. Pick it up to unlock the door that looks just like it you will get to later on. Head on through the doorway to the adjacent room that just has some chairs in it, and exit that room by the door on the far end to enter the next hall. Go straight down that hall until you get to a double-door on your left that leads into a room with a black pit in the center, and a caged dog body hanging over it. You might find a health item in the back near the wheelchair in the corner. Do not fall in this pit because you will not be able to get out or be saved by your teammates, you will just be stuck there. After this room, the next door on the left leads to a room with a brown couch and the metal door that should be unlocked by the key you picked up earlier. After going through it, the second door on the left side of the hall may have a shotgun and/or ammo in the back on the floor by the dead body that's stuck to the wall. After exiting that room, go through the very next door down from it on the left that just has some lockers in it and go on through to the next room it leads to that has a table with phones on it. One phone is highlighted and you need to click on it to get through, but it will spawn a horde attack, so be ready for that. After they are dead go on out into the hall right across from the phone table and directly to your left will be a staircase going up.

Roof: Go all the way up the stairs until you get to the roof of the building so you can go ahead and do the ball puzzle. Go all the way over to the far corner of the roof where there are some metal rods sticking up out of the concrete wall that's facing the courtyard. If you look down right there you will see a black gutter pipe hole circle that you can place the rubber ball in by activating it. The ball will appear in the hole after you do this. Then directly to your left is a rusty valve handle you can turn that's right next to the big water tank. This makes water flow out of the pipe and over the ball so it gets to the next gutter pipe that has a key stuck in it that needs to be flushed out onto the ground in the courtyard below so you can get it. Once that is done, head down the stairs to the floor directly below you.

Second Floor: Go directly to your right and into the first room on the right, and go on through to the next room from the adjacent doorway. Then go immediately left and exit to the hallway from the first door in the second room. Turn right and go down the hall to the end where there are some double-doors on the left and go through them. Right past the caged balcony over the dog room is another door on the right with some lockers in it. Go inside and around the lockers to the other side of the room where in the corner is an open locker with blood in it. As you are walking back the way you came, a locker on your left will pop open with a dead body falling out, and maybe a hunter spawn along with a big horde attack. This will also drop a KEY on the floor right next to the newly opened locker you need to pick up.

Courtyard: Head all the way back the way you came and down the stairs to the 1st floor so you can get back out to the courtyard. Right beside the set of double-doors that are facing the side of the pillar that has the glowing symbol on it is the drain pipe attached to the side of the building where the KEY from the ball puzzle on the roof was produced. Pick this up off the ground. If you have trouble finding it, just look straight up at each corner of the building inside the courtyard until you see the metal rods sticking out of the top where you placed the ball earlier and you should see the drain pipe coming down from the roof directly to the left of them.

Second Floor Again: Go back up to the second floor and stay to the left through the hallways until you get to the two barred doorways at the end. The one on the left can be opened by activating it now that you have the key for it. Directly to your left inside that room there may be a health item on the large shelf with books on it. Go around the table to get into the next room that also has a shelf and table in it with a possible health item. Then go out of that room into the hall and directly to the left is another barred door that you should now be able to open with your last key. Go on through the two chair rooms to the next hall and go left to find the stairs to the basement. If there are any items left or ammo you want to pick up, now is the time to do so before going down below.

Basement: Follow the stairs down to the basement and it leads to a strange skinny metal ramp that goes way down into a weird room with a thing in the center that's supposed to resemble an armillary sphere. Once you get close enough to the bars enclosing it, they will lower and a tank battle will ensue. Try not to touch the rotating spikes in the middle of the room as you are fighting the tank. On both sides of the room are two respawn rooms for dead players. On the opposite side of the room is another hallway that leads to a T-section that goes around a cube in the center. It doesn't matter which way you go, they both lead to the same place, to the map exit. But if you're really lucky there will be another tank waiting for you in this area to try to stopping you from escaping the Otherworld.
Map 4: Church
Leaving the School: You spawn inside the normal version of the generator room in the basement of the school. Go out the door and up the stairs to the first floor. Only the first set of double-doors are open, the rest are locked. All the other doors in the school are locked except for the main entranced that lets you leave the building. You may find a pistol on one of the tables in the lobby near the exit under the bulletin board. Go outside and down the path leading away from the school.

Streets 1: When you get to the end of the path near the Midwich Elementary School sign, go left down the sidewalk. Keep going that way until you reach the fenced-in sewer building on the left, where there is a health pack laying on the ground in the corner of the hedges. The sewer entrance is still locked at this time. There's nothing else down in that direction of the street because it's blocked by a fence, so go across the other side of the street and up past the houses toward the intersection. You may be able to find a pipe bomb on the ground beside the steps to one of the houses on this side, directly across from one of the street lamp on the sidewalk. When you reach the intersection, you should see a white van parked on the other side of the road, with a shotgun propped against it. Go down that street the way the van is facing. Then turn left down the alley since the rest of the road is blocked. On the ground at the beginning of the alley there you will see the dead body of a Silent Hill 3 monster called a Numb Body. Just past it down the alley behind the green car on the left you may find a gas can. You can go all the way down the rest of the alley to the dead end to find a possible health item on the ground. By the garage door with the blood streaks on it you need to go through the wooden gate there to get in the backyard of the same house you went through earlier in the game.

Streets 2: Go back through the house and out the front door, and go to the left of the sidewalk to find a pipe bomb on the last porch by the fence at the dropoff. From there, go directly across the street to find a health item on the other porch that's by the fence. From there, go all the way up the street to the intersection and turn left, and stay on your left to go down the next available alley. You will know you are going the right way when you pass another dead Numb Body on the ground. When the alley ends, turn right and head up the street to the next intersection of Bloch and Bachman. Go to the right, and at the end of the sidewalk there should be a health item. Go back, and in the middle of the intersection is another dead monster, this time from Silent Hill 2, known as a Lying Figure or Patient Demon, which appears to wear a straightjacket made if its own flesh. Just beyond that, to the right is the church you need to go in, but don't do it just yet. Stay on the left side of the road, because there is usually a witch just inside the front doors of the church, guarding the entrance. Keep going up the street and you will find ammo on a bench next to a green car that has another Lying Figure body on top of it.

Gas Station: From there, cross the street over to the right side where there is a yellow building that's part of a gas station. In the first corner is a door that opens to a garage where you can possibly find a molotov and gas can to help you fight the witch at the church if no one has a shotgun to crown her with. Be aware that the gas pumps in front of the gas station can explode when they are shot at. Also, just around the corner on the far side of the building is the door to a respawn room where you can rescue players that have died earlier. If you keep going past that door down the road towards the dead end there is a big truck parked in the small lot on the right of the street. Sometimes you can find a health item in the corner near the back end of the truck. You can also jump onto the platform fixed over the truck's cab to help you fight some zombies. After that you need to go back to the church.

Inside the Church: When you get back to the church, kill the witch blocking the door and go inside to find a KEY sitting on the pulpit in the back, which triggers a horde attack when you pick it up. You may also find a health item on one of the other stands against the back wall. When everyone is ready, grab the key and some of the pews will fly up into the air just before the big zombie attack begins. When this is over, go back outside and down the road to the right back towards the gas station.

Crossing the Bridge: Don't forget to reload your gun from the ammo on the bench across the street from the church if you need to. Keep going straight down the road from the church and on through the intersection past the gas station. Just before the bridge starts there are two alcoves with steps to nowhere on both sides of the street that you can check for possible health items. Keep going down the road from there and just before the raised portion of the bridge on the right side just past the crossing arm is a control tower you need to go in that serves as the map exit. Climb the steps to the door, and inside the small room there may be a single health item for you to pick up, or fight over with your friends.
Map 5: Alchemilla Hospital
Crossing the Bridge: You will start the level still inside the same control tower from the previous map, but now the bridge by it will be lowered so you can get across to the next area ahead. Leave the building and cross the bridge to the other side. There's another small building on the left at the other side of the bridge, but you can't go in it. Keep going down the road past the bridge where there might be a tank battle waiting for you at the intersection. Go straight through the intersection and the first building on the left corner is a police station that you can go in.

Police Station: Go inside to find some items, possibly an extra pistol and/or health item on a desk in the office on the left, a health item on one of the desks behind the counter in the middle, and an auto shotgun in the other room to the right of the entrance as you come in. There are also a couple of storage rooms in the back area behind the shotgun room that may serve as player respawn rooms for people who have died. These rooms also make decent cover for zombie fights or resting for people's bathroom breaks. When you are done there, leave the building and get back out on the street.

Getting to the Hospital: From the police station, cross the street directly towards the video store on the opposite corner and keep going in that direction down the sidewalk past the "Just Cats" store on the left. The next building after that is the Post Office/Currency Exchange building on the corner. Go down the street around that corner and on the right side of the road just before the dead end is the entrance of the hospital.

Hospital Entrance: Go through the gate of the hospital building and into the main entrance to the right of that. As soon as you are inside, go around the corner of the lobby and into the first open door on the left side of the hallway. The first door on the left inside that room leads to another room with a health item. Then go back into the previous room and through the door in the back of it, past a short hall with a bunch of empty shelves on both sides, and through another door at the end. From there, go left and across the next hall to the first open door in that corner. To the right of the couches in this lounge is a meeting room with the basement KEY sitting on the table. Get the key and go back out into the hall and to your right from there. On the right side of the hall there is a double-door that opens to a kitchen, and the next door down from that is an office you can check for a possible health item. At the very end if the hall is a non-working elevator, and the door right before that leads to the basement staircase that you can now go through with the key you just got.

Basement: When you get to the bottom of these stairs, on the right end of the hall is another elevator where the buttons are glowing, but it doesn't work just yet, because the power is out. So go down towards the other end of the hall. There is a door across from the staircase to a bloody room you can go inside that has a ghost witch and possibly a pipe bomb in the very back. The only other door in this hall that can be opened, which is the next door down from the stairs, has an electrified box in the back next to a water heater that you need to click on to restore power to the elevator on this level. After you do that, then you can activate the glowing buttons on the elevator to open the door, and this turns out to be the map exit.
Map 6: Alternate Hospital
Fourth Floor: The elevator takes you to the Otherworld version of the hospital where everything is dark and weird. Exit the elevator by activating the buttons on the right of the door and go through the double-doors outside to the first hallway. All the side doors in this hall are locked, so just go through the next set of double-doors at the end. The next two doors are also locked, so head down the stairs past them to find out that the first level down is the third floor, indicated by a number 3 on the wall.

Third Floor: Go through the entrance of the third floor on the right of the stairs you just came down. The first door on the right from there leads to a room with a puzzle item you need. At the very back of the room past the sinks, sitting on a windowsill is a square BLUE PLATE. Picking it up will trigger two hunters to spawn on either side of you plus a large horde. After they're dead, go straight out of the room and the first door on your left at the corner may have a pistol on the floor. The next room down from that on the same side of the hall is also open, and may or may not also contain another item. Go down to the last door on that same side of the hall to check for more possible item spawns by the two rows of hospital beds. After that, head into the only other open room by the crooked shelf in the hallway. Go through that room and directly across the next hall to the next open room that contains a bunch of shelves. You may find a health item on the one in the left corner and an auto shotgun on another. On the shelf against the wall behind the shotgun shelf is a BLOOD PACK hanging from a strap you need to grab. After that, leave the room and head down the hall on the right where the pipes are sticking up from the middle of the floor. The first door on the right may have a pipe bomb at the end of the metal walkway (you cannot fall off of this or into the holes with the pipes). The next door down from there has the next puzzle item for you. Stuck to the middle of the wall at the back of the room is the WHITE PLATE. Once again, you will get double hunter spawns and a horde as soon as you grab it. After that, leave the room and go back the way you came to get back to the stairwell leading down.

Second Floor: Go down the stairs to the second floor and right across from the entryway is a set of locked double-doors. On the wall to the left of this is a plaque which refers to the original Silent Hill game puzzle in this area. Go down the hallway to the left of the entryway where the first door on the left can be opened. On the examination table in the back there's a gold item that's supposed to be a CIGARETTE LIGHTER that you can take. Directly across the hall from that room is another open door that leads you across a metal walkway to another plaque with a riddle printed on it. Directly to the right of that is a door with a special lock that requires all of the colored plates to open it. At this point there should be three squares stuck to it already: white and blue on the outside, the two that you have picked up yourself, and the yellow one in the middle that was already there to start. There are still two more plates you need to find yet to complete the puzzle. Go back out and to the right at the end of the opposite side of the hall is one more open room on this level. In the back of this room you will see something pretty interesting: giant tentacles growing out of the wall that want to eat you, and that are guarding the GREEN PLATE on the wall behind them. Without having picked up the blood pack earlier, the tentacles would drain your health and the plate will not come off the wall. If you already got the blood pack like you should have, then you can just walk through the tentacles to get the plate without a problem. You can click on the tentacles to actually place the blood pack on the floor in front of them if you feel like it, but this is not necessary. If you go back to the puzzle door, you will see that the green plate has been applied to it automatically. Go back to the stairs now and down to the first floor.

First Floor: Through the entryway of the first floor at the bottom of the stairs, the first room on the right may have a health item. The room directly across the hall from this has the door to the map exit, but it is currently locked by a padlock that you need to find a key for. The next open door in the hall can be checked for items, as well as the kitchen a couple of doors down from that. From the kitchen, the next room on the right has the last piece you should need for the door puzzle on the second floor, the RED PLATE, sitting on the table. Go ahead and grab it, but before you go back to the second floor you may want to head into the basement first, down the stairwell right next to the room you just took the plate from, to get some items.

Basement: Down there, the first room on the right at the other side of the hall may have a health item. The next room down from that on the same side is currently locked, but the next room down from the stairs has an assault rifle propped against the water heater that you might like to get at this point.

Second Floor: Go back up to the second floor and check out the puzzle door. All five of the colored plates, four of which you had to get, should now be installed on the wooden fixture. If so, then just press the yellow square in the center to make the lock disappear and then you can open this door that leads to the next hall. This also unlocks the set of double-doors to the same hall that were previously locked before. The first room across the hall from the puzzle door has a pit in the center with huge pipes coming out. Go in there and to the left to get into the adjacent room with a basement KEY on a stretcher. Picking it up causes a hunter spawn outside the room and another horde. For some reason the key always respawns in the same place a couple of seconds after grabbing it, and continuing to pick it up will re-trigger the same hunter spawn by the door over and over. Note that it is only necessary to get this key one time. When you are done there, go back out into the hall and the next open room contains another special item you need, the DISINFECTING ALCOHOL, sitting on another stretcher. Once you have that, go down to the very last door on the right, which can possibly have a health item on one of the chairs. Now head back down in the basement.

Basement: When you get back down from the first floor, the door across from the stairs that was previously locked should now be open since you got the key for it. Go inside and against the left wall is a bookcase that's blocking another door. Push the bookcase to the side by activating it from the right, then open the door behind it. Inside this room is a large metal grate in the floor that you can open. But if you had not already grabbed both the lighter and the alcohol from the previous locations, there would be some vines covering the hatch that wouldn't let you through. Having them lets you set the vines on fire to get rid of them and go down the steps below.

Basement's Basement: After you get down the steps, go through the next door and straight down the hall to see something cool. Look into the barred room at the end while crouching to see the girl named Alessa. Keep staring in the room for a couple of seconds and she'll teleport to you before disappearing. Go through the double-doors to the next hall, and the first room on the left opens. In the room you'll hear the sound of breaking glass and there might be health. Across from it is another room you can check for items. Then go down the hall to the last door on the left to find Alessa's hospital bed. There's a KEY to the map exit door on the stand next to the photo. Getting it will cause double boomers to spawn in the room with you. Go back up to the first floor and finish the level by going into the now unlocked saferoom.
Map 7: Other Church
Leaving the Hospital: You start out back in one of the rooms on the ground level of the normal hospital. On the desk by the wall there is a KEY, and you need to make sure it gets picked up. After that you can go through the door on the right and through the next room to get back out to the lobby by the main entrance of the building. Or you can go out the other way around the hall, it doesn't matter. Either way, there should be a health item sitting on the counter by the exit that you can grab. Then leave the hospital and go out the front gate to get back on the street.

Streets: Go to your right down the street and turn left at the next corner. This is the only way you can go now anyway. One of the stores you pass on your left has a sign for Sky Toys with a cartoon version of the Pyramid Head boss monster from Silent Hill 2. When you get to the next corner, go right. When you get to the next intersection after that, go left. At the end of this street is a fence that you can go around through an opening on the right side. The path between the fences leads you to a parking lot.

Parking Lot: Go up the ramp to the upper level and on the left side in the back corner is a section of fence that is broken through with a ladder you can climb down. Go down there and into the building through the door on the right, which has two rooms where you can find health items and a pistol. When you're done there, go back up the ladder and straight over to the car with the ramp on top of it, but don't touch the car yet until you are ready to fight. Jump on top of it to trigger the alarm and spawn a major horde attack. When that is over, you need to break down the boards blocking the opening that the ramp on the car leads to by shooting them so you can get through. There's another ramp below that on the ground that you can fall down on to prevent falling damage.

Antique Shop: After you get down on the ground from the parking lot, go across the street to the other side, and the last door on the right is the Green Lion antique shop you need to go inside. The door at the bottom of the stairs inside the main entrance will be locked unless you got the key from the hospital. If for some reason no one got the key, then you will be screwed because there is no way to get back there from this point. As soon as you are down into the room inside, there should be ammo for you to reload on a table. You may also find a health item in this room. When everyone is inside, the door you came in will become permanently locked so that nothing can get in our out. This is a good time for bathroom breaks. Then at the back of the room is a movable bookcase. Push it aside to reveal a hidden tunnel in the wall. Go through to the next room where there might be another health item on the table in the back. The picture above it is of the Samael entity from the original Silent Hill game. Once all the survivors are in the room together, the candles around the table will light up, a safehouse door will open by itself, and a force will suck everyone inside. But this is not really the map exit. It just transports you to the Otherworld realm that is part of the same map.

Otherworld: You may find a health item on the couch in the new version of the antique shop that you wind up in. On the metal grating that serves as the floor in this room is a large glowing red symbol that is the same one from Silent Hill 3 again. Go out the door and up the stairs to find the whole area has also been transformed. Stay on your left until you get to a door behind a fence that has been broken through. This leads you into the otherworldly shopping mall.

Mall: Walk up the escalator and your vision will briefly change to show you the large monitor screen on the right of the escalator on the ground level. You can continue to watch the screen on your own if you like as it shows you some of the different symbols associated with Silent Hill lore for a few seconds before it goes blank. At the top of the escalator on the right past the railing there is a small square platform suspended over a pit with a health item on it. Do not attempt to get this because it is a trap that will just get you killed. Jumping on the platform will cause it to fall down and then you will die. On the other side of the railing is a jewelry store you can go inside to get ammo and a real health item, and in the back of this room is the door to a respawn room for dead players to get rescued. Leave the jewelry store and start inching your way towards the left where there is a blue bench propped up on its side against some metal support beams that have fallen down against the railing. The floor just past this will fall down into a pit that you have to go down anyway, but it is safer to stay at the top until you are ready to climb down the ladder right there. The platform on the other side past the dead body has a health item on it, but it is not possible to get. It's just there to trick you into crossing the section that falls down. Go down the ladder to the bottom level where there is a hunting rifle you can take if you want one. There should also be a tank battle in this room to fight through. Then go through the exit on the other side of the room to find yourself back outside again.

Funny Streets: Go to the right and start heading down the metal walkway that takes you between a bunch of windmill turbines. Keep going down that path and at a certain point, a group of four dead bodies will drop down from the sky in front of you that are doppelgangers of the four survivor characters. Continue on to the next section of the altered town towards a square-shaped pit in the center. When everyone gets close enough, a large rod will come up from the center of the pit and bars will raise up behind you as a big horde attack commences. When that is over, the bars will go back down in case you needed to go back for something. Then go straight past the pit and all the way down the road to the "A Movable Feast" building where you need to go left around that corner. Keep going straight from there until you reach a metal walkway to the door of a building that you can go inside. You can look around in there for potential items, and there is a respawn room on the inside as well. From there, go back out and to the left until you reach a crooked walkway with barbed-wire for railing that leads to some steps that go up to the roof of a building across the way. There will be a tank spawn on the roof of that building as soon as someone steps on it, so you may want just one person to go up there and spawn it, then run back down across the walkway where there is more room to fight. Plus the tank can potentially be slowed down by the winding path of the skinny walkway, or may even kill itself by falling off the side. Either way you decide to do it, when it is done the room on top of the building is the map exit.
Map 8: Sewers
Streets: You will still be inside the same room on top of the building where you exited the previous level, but the world outside will have returned to the normal-ish version of Silent Hill. Have fun sniping zombies in the street below, then head down the stairs to get on the ground. Right across the street is the gate to the hospital that you can still open, but you cannot go back inside the building. Go down the street to the intersection and turn left, then cross the street and go to the end where there is an old white car. Right past it on the sidewalk by the corner of a yellow building near the dropoff you may find a pipe bomb. Turn around and go up the sidewalk on that side of the street to the Konami Burger eatery where there is ammo on one of the outside tables. Konami is the video game company that originally produced the Silent Hill game series. From there, go ahead and cross the road back towards the Just Cats place. Keep going down that side of the road and straight across the intersection is the police station again. You can go back inside to look for more items or get the auto shotgun in there if you want. The only place you have to go now is back across the bridge you went over earlier. This time by the small building on your right at the beginning of the bridge you may find a health item on the barrel next to it.

Sewer: For some reason when you start to cross the bridge, it teleports you way back to the fenced in sewer entrance near the school that used to be locked. It isn't now, but there are new fences around the place you spawn in that keep you from going anywhere else. Before going down the ladder of the manhole just inside the gate, check out the small building next to it for an item such as a pistol or pipe bomb. This may also serve as a respawn room if anyone has died. When you are ready, carefully climb down the ladder into the sewer below, because you don't want to take that fall. At the bottom, go through the tunnel on your right until you get to a T-section, and then go left. Go around the corner to the left after that and at the end you will find some ammo. If you fall in the pit between the walkways, you will have to find the step on the side that lets you jump out. Go back the way you came to the first metal crossing that lets you get to the other side of the tunnel. Then continue on down from there until you are forced to cross back over to the right. Keep going in that direction until you get to another crossing and go to the left to get to the door on the left side of the fence up ahead.

Sewage Pit: Go through that door and stay to the left on the walkway going behind the first white sewage tank. Go over the concrete platform from there and keep going around the corners to get past the next sewage tank on the other side of the room. If you fall into the pit in the center, the only step to get out is right by the first sewage tank you passed coming into this area. Right past the second sewage tank is a small room with a KEY stuck to the board on the wall that you need to get. Then go out the door on the right side and you can unlock the next door in the fence.

More Sewers: Go down that walkway until it ends and either drop down in the pit and climb the step to get up to the walkway on the other side, or you can go around on the metal walkways to get to the same point. Either way, you need to be going down the tunnel that's on your left as you're coming from the sewage tank area that you just exited, which takes you back past the tunnel you originally came through from the main sewer entrance. Keep going straight down that way and you may find a health item by the next fence in the corner on the right. Then go through the door on the left and keep going down that way to the very end. On the left side walkway there should be another health item and on the right side there is a ladder in the corner that you need to climb up. At the top of the ladder there should be another health item at the end of the catwalk to the left. Then go right and go into the tunnel on the right from there. It leads to a dead end that sometimes has another health item in it. Then go back and directly across the metal walkway to the next tunnel. Keep going all the way through that tunnel until you get to another area with a fence on your left that has a map exit door. The door is currently locked, though. Go down the way to the right and through the next fence, and keep on going through two more fences until you get to the very end of the walkway where there is a KEY on the edge of the grating. When you pick it up, a boomer will spawn directly on top of you, so you might want to have your friends go in the pit by the ledge where you can jump to get away from the boomer as soon as you grab the key, so they can shoot it without sliming you. On your way back you might see a molotov you can grab at the end of the left side walkway before going back through the first fence. The key you just got unlocks the map exit door you passed a bit earlier, so go on back there and then you can finish the level.
Map 9: Resort Area
Exiting the Sewer: You will start out still being in the final room of the sewer, but just climb the ladder on the green wall in the corner to get back outside in a new section of the town. If you are down in the pit, there is a step on one side to help you jump out. As soon as you are above ground, directly to your left is a ruined structure that has ammo and a health item against the back wall in each corner. In front of this is a street. Go across to the other side and stay to the left as you make your way forward. You will go around a yellow concrete building that can't be opened and into the weeds to the left in front of the building. On the other side is a parking lot that has a molotov on the ground by the fence all the way in the back. Across from this is a yellow wood panel building that also cannot be entered. Go around this building as well to the other side where there is another parking lot. Go to the back fence again and right behind the next building, that you also can't go in, there is a garbage can with another molotov sitting on top of it. Keep going around the building to the front and just past the IEC Burger sign to get back on the street. To your far left you should see an information bulletin under a lit street lamp. Just beyond this is another yellow building called "Indian Runner". This is a building that can be entered, but for now it is locked. Stand in front of the main entrance of this building and turn around so you are facing the exact opposite direction, then go straight from there. After you cross the road you will see a parked car (blue/gray sedan), and directly to the right of the brick wall behind it is another parked car (white sedan). Go around that side past the white car and stay to the left near the wall as you go on from there until you go right past some hedges. Just after the end of the hedges is the entrance to Annie's Bar on the left.

Annie's Bar: This building you can go inside to find a motel room KEY sitting on the edge of a pool table. The Indian Runner KEY is also laying on the floor by the corner of another pool table. You may also find a health item on the counter near the entrance, and the office behind the counter may serve as a respawn room if someone died. Once you have everything, leave the building and head back the way you came to the Indian Runner that's in the same direction as the backside of Annie's Bar.

Indian Runner: You can now open the door and go inside if you got the key from Annie's Bar. Right behind the counter with the cash register are a couple of drawers that can be opened by activating them. The top drawer by the register contains a pistol, but you might have to jump onto the counter to reach it. The other drawer against the wall will contain a KEY to the "safe". The safe is the larger compartment directly underneath the first drawer under the counter. It contains several items, including two pipe bombs, four bottles of pills, three health packs, and the motel office KEY. You may need to close the drawer above it if it is open to reach the safe. All three of the compartments that can be opened in here have black circles on them.

Park: Go back out and toward the two parked cars across the street again, but this time go left from there. Around the hedge to your right will lead you into the park, where you can find two molotovs on or inside garbage cans beside benches on opposite sides and an extra pistol on the yellow ledge surrounding the globe monument in the center of the park. Once you are done there, go to the far side of the park where there is a gray cinderblock wall behind the hedgerow and go left. When you reach the end of the shrubs you will be back to the street.

Motel: Go right from this edge of the park and it will lead you to the green building that is the motel on your right just past the wooden fence. The very first door facing the street can be opened with the key from the Indian Runner to let you in the office. As soon as you enter, on your left on a brown couch is a MAGNENT you should get. All the other doors in here are locked for now except the one that just lets you back outside the office to the parking lot. Go outside and across the inner parking lot of the motel to room 3, which can be opened. Directly to your right inside this room is a bookshelf that can be pushed aside. In the floor under it has a crevice containing a KEY to the motel garage that you can pick up with the magnet you got from the office. Go back out and into the motel office again where you can now open the previously locked door next to the couch (that had the magnet on it) that leads into the garage. Inside there is another pistol on the shelf in the back along with ammo and a pile of new guns on the floor behind the car. There's also a gas can on the shelf if you want it. After that you are all done in the motel. Go back out onto the street in front of the motel and turn right. Keep following this street to the end and it will turn into a bridge. Going across this bridge will send you to the Otherworld where you cannot turn back, so make sure you have all the items you want from the previous area before proceeding across.

Otherworld: There will be a tank battle waiting for you just on the other side. After that, go straight and to your left is a dead end with a health item laying on the metal grate that serves as the ground in front of a gray building with a nightlight over the door. You cannot go inside the building, though. Turn around and go the opposite way until you get near the other end of the walkway where there are three barrels to your left behind a street lamp. One of them as a molotov on it. Be careful when grabbing it because it is possible to knock the barrel off the ledge and the item along with it, into the abyss. Go back out and past the information sign on the right and go across to the other side of the street. Keep going down that street and turn left around the corner just after the building with the blue "East Garage" sign on it. When you get past the two rows of buildings, go to your left and there will be a health item either on or next to a brick planter in front of the building with a green and white striped awning. Turn around from there and go down to the opposite end of the street, past the churros stand, and turn left at the next intersection. This will lead you to the dock.

Dock: Go down the steps on your right towards the boat in the water. Be careful not to fall off the sides in this area since the walkways are very narrow. When you get to the bottom of the steps, go across the plank to the left, around the corner, and through the first double-door to board the boat. Inside are two rooms that can be respawn rooms. The one on the right should have a health item in it. The center door leads to the helm, where there are two health items on the counters, a pistol, and ammo. When you're done there, go through the double-door on the right to exit the boat. Then go left and down the plank to get back on the walkway leading further down the dock, and go left from there and up the stairs. Go straight from there to the next staircase on the right and go down to cross the next plank and go left from there. Keep going to the last plank on the left and go right after you've crossed it. Keep going straight past the next stairs and the red Silent Hill symbols to find a hidden health item on the ground. Then go back to climb the steps. When you get to the top, go right and then left to get to the next steps and go down. Keep following the path behind those stairs to the next stairs and go up them. At the top, go right, and there will be a strange looking building with a big platform on the top that's supposed to be a lighthouse.
Map 9: Resort Area, Pt. 2
Lighthouse: Go up the steps to the lighthouse and go inside and climb the spiral staircase to get all the way to the top. Only one person has to do this. Be careful with the door because it is possible to get stuck behind it. On the roof you should just see a message saying that you were too late for something and should now go to the amusement park. This is a reference to the original Silent Hill storyline, and it unlocks the door to the map exit.

Exiting the Level: Leave the lighthouse and head all the way back the way you came until you are completely off the dock and back on the "street" again. Then go straight up the street and just past the fourth lamp pole with an American flag on the left there will be a health item balanced precariously on a fence post. Keep going down the road until you reach the corner with the information sign on the left. If you look in the distance from there, across the street and slightly to the left there should be a red glow. Head towards that to find another Silent Hill 3 symbol on a wall in front of some barrels. Behind the barrels on the ground in front of the symbol is a molotov. Then keep going to your left from there to the end of the road and the map exit door is on the right, in a shack next to a Lakeside Amusement Park sign.
Map 10: Amusement Park
Sewers: The "saferoom" you spawn in is not very safe, because a smoker can spawn on the roof of the tall building in the back and pull you off the ledges, so watch out for that, and you can get horde attacks in here as well. Also be careful not to fall in the two pits in the ground. In the back corner behind the barrels you should find a health item. One of the pits has a ladder that you need to climb down into the sewers, but be careful since it is a long drop if you fall. When you get to the bottom you will hear some witches crying, but don't be scared, because they are trapped. Keep going straight around the water pits in the floor and at the end of the walkway on the left should be a health item. Then turn around and go into the open tunnel. A little ways in you will find two witches stuck in cages against the sides. They cannot get out. Just shoot them and they will automatically catch on fire. When they are dead, keep going forward and you will see a dead tank on the right that doesn't do anything. Just go past it and when you get to the intersection there may be a live tank battle that you will have to fight. Go left from there to find ammo to reload your gun. Then turn around and up the way on the left is a short tunnel with a health item in it. Keep going straight from there and on the left is the next tunnel you need to go in. Keep going to the end of the tunnel and there will be a ladder you need to climb up to exit the sewers.

Amusement Park: This will still be in the Otherword, and there are lots of ledges, so try not to get pulled or pushed off the side by special enemies. Straight from the ladder is a ledge with skinny metal beams sticking out off the side that you can walk on if careful. Go around the left corner of the walkway to find a beam with a health item on it. Another beam here has a pistol at the end if you need one, and another one has a hunting rifle. Follow the walkway around to a freaky red ride with bloody knife blades spinning around. Right past this on the right are three large pipes leading off the side. You can walk on these to find an assault rifle at the end. Go back and straight off the pipes is a yellow food stand with the word "magic" on it. Around the other side of this building is the entrance where there is ammo on the counter, and you can go inside to get four health packs off the table. From the front of the building, go directly to the right to find a respawn room by a freaky farris wheel. From there, follow the walkway around to the right and there will be a beam with another pistol on it. Keep following the walkway around the corners to another respawn room. Right behind it is the entrance to the carousel.

Carousel: When everyone is through the door, it will close and the circular platform will start spinning while a tank battle spawns on you in the enclosed area. When it is dead, the carousel will stop spinning and the exit will open. Proceed out and the next walkway leads directly to the map exit.
Map 11: Nowhere
Starting Out: This is a neat map with a menagerie of rooms from different levels of the game packed in one area, and one of the more difficult puzzles. You start out in what appears to be a hospital room with three doors, but only one opens, which leads to a metal walkway over the abyss of the Otherworld. There might be a pistol on the table by this door. Open the door and right there on the ground is a hunting rifle. After that is a doorway that will automatically open for you when you get close to it. Just beyond this is the beginning of a long winding decent down many ladders and skinny stairways that are easy to fall off of. Not a good place to get smokered, and if you're really lucky there might even be a tank. After you've made it down the final ladder to the bottom floor, go into the open entrance in front of you to find yourself back in some area of the hospital.

First Key: The first room on the right contains ammo and a locked birdcage with a key inside it. The room right across the hall from it has another key that's stuck in a pipe and also cannot be removed at this time. Continue down the hall and go into the next open room, just past the locked Phaleg door. Directly to the left in the corner is a new shotgun if you want it. You don't need to go all the way into this room yet, so go back out and continue down the hall to the staircase directly to the right of the locked Hagith door at the end. The stairs lead down into a classroom from the Midwich Elementary School that you were in earlier. There is just one desk (Alessa's) in the center with some words scratched on top, another strong reference to the original Silent Hill game. In the next room connected to this one, past the lockers in the back, there is a desk with a KNIFE sticking up on it that you need to take. After that, go back up the stairs and back into the room with the KEY stuck in the pipe that you can now take. This will open the Ophiel door, which is the one just before the stairs on the right of the hall. Note that when this door and the others with words on them become unlocked, the words can disappear after the doors have been damaged by either zombies or humans.

Ophiel Area: Once you enter, there is a door on your right with three signs over it saying "alter", "alert", and "alarm". Use your gun to shoot each one of these signs to open the door. Go through to the last room beyond it and grab the AMULET OF SOLOMON off the back wall, which is the Star of David symbol. Go back out to the hall and around the corner to the right, then into the first open door on the left. On the pillar in the back of this room are three Zodiac signs with groups of numbered buttons underneath them, and a green square in the middle. All you have to do here is push in all nine of the buttons by activating them and then you can take the green square, which is the STONE OF TIME. It does not matter what order you press them. Leave the room and go right to get back out into the main hall you originally came in.

Second Key: Go left from the Ophiel door to the next open door on your left where the shotgun is. Go all the way through the corridor and when you get to the cage with the dead Closer monster from Silent Hill 3, you will get a weird fixed camera angle for a few seconds that is another great reference to the original Silent Hill, albeit annoying. Wait a few seconds for it to wear off before trying to proceed through the corridor. The room at the end is the antique shop from earlier in the game. Just inside the door there is a grandfather clock with the KEY to the Hagith door inside its glass compartment that you can now take because you got the Stone of Time to cover the clock face. That is all you need there, so turn around and head back out to the hall and to the Hagith door that is now unlocked.

Hagith Area: When you go in, on your right is an elevator door that opens to reveal two tanks that are caught inside of a cage. They cannot get out, but they can still throw chunks of rock at you. Kill them and go inside the "elevator", which just leads to a short ramp you walk up. At the top of the first ramp go into the room at the right that leads to another hall. In that hall, stay on the left walkway around the pit and go to the last open door on the left side. In this room, which appears to be the jewelry store from the mall, you will find a health item, ammo, and the RING OF CONTRACT. Also, if you look through the bars in the back of the room, you can see the body of Alternate Heather from Silent Hill 3 sitting on a blue bench outside on the left. After leaving this room, keep going to your left and into the next hall around the corner to your right is another open room with a health item and either a pistol or molotov. There is another room in the last door on the left at the end of that hall that's filled with hospital beds, and which occasionally has a health item. Go back the way you came until you get back to the ramp leading upwards next to the red Silent Hill 3 symbol. At the end of the hallway is a table with two candlesticks on either side and a ghost witch that doesn't attack. Behind it are two paintings on the wall. Shoot at the one on the right to unlock the door on the right, which contains a health item. The opposite room has the birdcage KEY sitting in a chair in the back corner.

Phaleg Area: Go all the way back down both ramps to the birdcage room at the beginning. The lock is now gone because you got the birdcage key, so you can open its small door to reach the other KEY inside, which opens the Phaleg door right there in the same hall. This takes you to a new hall with an open door on the right that leads into a kitchen with a large, nasty looking refrigerator in the center that has a cross-shaped item stuck in the door. What happens here is if you just try to take the item, which is meant to be a dagger, tentacles will pop out of the door that drain your health pretty bad. So you need to click on the broken center of the gray cord (barbed wire?) that's attached to the door to apply the ring you got earlier, locking the fridge shut so you can take the DAGGER OF MELCHIOR without getting hurt. From this room, down the hall on the right is another open room with strange symbols painted on the walls where you can find a health item and a ghost witch under the table. The next room across from that has the KEY of Bethor on a shelf towards the back on the right of the white double-door inside. This double-door opens to another room with sometimes a molotov. Go back out into the hall and now you can open the Bethor room for a health item or two and some new guns. From this room, go left, and at the end of the hall on the right is Alessa's hospital room where you will see a ghost witch writhing on the bed. As usual, it can't hurt you. Right across the hall from that is what is supposed to be Alessa's bedroom.

Gillespie House: On the door in the back of the bedroom (or is it the front?) you will see two of the items you gathered earlier stuck to it, the star and dagger, meaning that it is now unlocked. This leads to a short area that is supposed to be part of Alessa's old house. Occasionally there is a tank in there. Go down the stairs and keep following the winding path until you reach the final room with the map exit, which changes depending on what "ending" the game decides to give you (this is apparently random). The different sceneries that appear here are references to the different Silent Hill game endings, and this will affect what happens to you in the next level.
Map 12: Ending
The game is not actually quite over. Depending on which one of the four ending room types you got from the previous map, different scenarios will take place here.

Ending A: Indicated by a scale model of a street in the final room of the previous level. You will wind up in one of the alleys of Silent Hill at night. Follow the only path to a gate that transports you back to the foggy version of the town, where there will be no more enemies. Keep following the only streets that are not blocked off by fences back to the original starting point of the game, where your fixed car is parked and waiting for you. When you get close enough, there will be a cut-scene of the car driving away into the tunnel under the bridge leading out of town, and you will get the message that the survivors have escaped Silent Hill.

Ending B: Indicated by foil-lined panels on the walls and a path between two fences in the final room of the previous level. This ending appears to switch between normal and alternate worlds as you progress. You will spawn in a foggy outdoor area surrounded by fences. There are some health items and a shotgun on the ground around the caution barriers at the starting point. Go forth toward the giant foil building just ahead and enter the door. It brings you back into what appears to be the normal version of the hospital. Go to the end of the hall around the corner and open the elevator door and go into the weird cage room that puts you back into the sewer when you cross through it. Keep going and the next doorway opens to the inside of the school. Go on through the hallway to the next door at the end that leads you back outside in a fenced-in area of someone's back yard. There's a molotov and health item laying on the ground there, and this is where perpetual waves of hordes and tanks will begin spawning simultaneously. Run and fight your way through the maze of fences, picking up various items along the way as you can when needed. Some of the gates won't open until after certain special enemies are defeated. The third gate will get you out on the street, which leads to a metal walkway at the end stretched over the abyss. Cross it and pass through the door on the other side to wind up on a normal looking road that lets you and your friends escape from Silent Hill.

Ending C: Indicated by a cross of metal grating with a yellow Silent Hill 3 symbol suspended over a black pit in the final room of the previous level. This ending takes place in the Otherworld. Go forward on the only path you can take to a raised section of grating with a red Silent Hill 3 symbol on it. Here you will find some guns and health items. From there keep going across to where there is a set of bars sticking up from the floor blocking your path. When everyone gets close enough to the bars you will all be teleported to the other side, where you cannot go back. Near the edges of the grating in three of the four corners of the room there should be more health items, which are sometimes hard to see. You should also find some ammo by the fence next to the yellow Silent Hill 3 symbol in the center of the area. Note that there is a fake bottle of pills next to the ammo. Don't pick it up until everyone is ready, because doing so triggers the final event of alternating horde and tank spawns. After about two of each, the green-and-white-striped part of the wall on one side of the area will raise up so you can pass through. But this also triggers another horde attack series. Just keep running through the path past all the random signs on the walls until you reach a fence at the end of the road with a normal-looking area beyond it. When everyone gets there it will end the game with the message that the survivors have escaped.

Ending D: Indicated by a flying saucer abducting a cow in the final room of the previous level. This is a homage to the original joke ending of the Silent Hill game, where you find out that all this weird stuff was being caused by space aliens. You wind up on the roof of the motel in the resort area where there are ladders for you to climb down to the ground. There are also ladders to climb up and down the roof on the other side of the building. You can go back in the garage, where the car is now missing along with the rolling door smashed to pieces, to find a whole pile of health items, guns, pipe bombs, and a couple of gas cans, molotovs, and even a pistol. You can't go anywhere else in the level because the streets are blocked off by fences, and whenever you try to walk away from the motel from the parking lot, it teleports you back up onto the roof. However, you can jump down from the roof onto the hedges to get on the street outside the motel, or just walk outside from the garage to do the same, though there is no reason to. In the middle of the motel parking lot there is a cow. When you click on it the flying saucer will appear overhead and suck the cow up into it and fly away, and then there will be a series of horde attack waves with tank battle intermissions. After the second tank battle the hordes and tanks will start spawning simultaneously. At this point, you need to get back onto the roof of the motel if you are not already there, because the flying saucer will come back and hover over the spot where you originally spawned. Everyone must be in that spot directly under the flying saucer to end the game and get the message that the survivors have escaped, presumably "rescued" by the aliens.
This walkthrough was written solely by "Dangalong." I (Olde) took no part in making it. The original published version can be found here. My reposting of this walkthrough is not meant to snub the author in any way, but rather to share this walkthrough and the author's effort in playing and writing to reach a wider audience. I take no responsibility for accuracy or inaccuracy of the information included above. The information may be incorrect if you are playing an updated version of the campaign.

This guide will be removed only at the author's or publisher's request.
Tuma Rido 28 May, 2023 @ 5:51pm 
Is this the one with the long-ass second level and UFO why-we-are-here-existencialist ending?
dsaS 26 May, 2023 @ 3:15pm 
Barthandelus 3 Apr, 2023 @ 11:54am 
how do i get ending d?
Graybeard Miner 17 Sep, 2022 @ 9:38pm 
I had to watch a longplay of the game 3 times to get this campaing whenever I played it and then I remember this [Guides] tab exists, thanks a lot :steamthumbsup:
Subaru 11 Sep, 2017 @ 3:19pm 
i read this entire guide and i dont even play left for dead

what am i doing with my life
Olde  [author] 7 Sep, 2017 @ 2:24pm 
I do.
thazine 5 Sep, 2017 @ 1:14pm 
Soleily 5 Sep, 2017 @ 8:43am 
Nice :47_thumb_up:
Silver3504 4 Sep, 2017 @ 7:21pm 
Damn you i guess Second -_-