SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics

평점이 부족합니다.
cool pringles 님이 작성
This guide will show you how to add any ROM hack to the Simple Launcher.
즐겨찾기 해제
Tools (NEEDED)
You will need:

  • A modified rom of some sort
  • The pak creator (downloadable here[])
  • An unmodified pak
      That's about it.
The Process
This is the very simple list on instructions on how to get your mods on the simple launcher.
  • Download your modified rom.
  • Head into the games install directory (C:/Program Files x86/Steam/steamapps/Sega Classics) and go into the data folder. Pick out ANY pak. (e.g "g0021.pak")
  • Open it in PscdPack
  • On PscdPack, click "Replace rom" and choose your modified rom.
  • Rename the modified pak to any 4 numbers you want with a "g" at the start, without the quotes of course.
  • Put your freshly baked delicious brownies *cough* - modified pak in the data folder in the install directory.
    (C:/Program Files x86/Steam/steamapps/Sega Classics\data)
Now head on to the simple launcher and your freshly baked brownies *cough* - mod should be there.
Clearing things up.
PLEASE NOTE: I can't help you if anything goes wrong.
I didn't make any of this, I'm just here to share how to do it.
Either way, hope it works for anyone who tried it!
댓글 7
gatu 2020년 11월 22일 오전 9시 10분 
freshly baked delicious brownies
cool pringles  [작성자] 2020년 4월 15일 오전 9시 50분 
lol k
am sus 2020년 4월 3일 오후 8시 28분 
idk i was just annoyed that it was too hard for me
am sus 2020년 4월 3일 오후 8시 27분 
cool pringles  [작성자] 2020년 3월 27일 오전 10시 15분 
so why did you comment if you dont care?
Robo7 2018년 2월 24일 오전 9시 44분 
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pmc2112 2017년 9월 1일 오후 8시 38분 
is there a way to update the simple launcher to the new hub?