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The Beacons guide to Brawlout
Por Craig y 3 colaboradores
A guide to the game written by Robo_Leader. Incomplete, but being actively worked on now that the game is in Early Access.
Basics and Terminology
First, to understand what is in this guide, we will need to clarify a few terms:

Midair jump: An airborne jump. All characters have at least one, and it refreshes upon taking damage midair. If you were to perform a midair jump and take damage, you would have another midair jump.

Fastfall: A maneuver that allows you to fall faster than normal speed during a jump. You perform this by tapping down at the apex of a jump or while already in the downward arc of one.

Rage: Brawlout's meter mechanic. Rage is used to power up Special attacks, use the game's combo-breaker, and to power up your character. It is indicated by the bar below your character's percentage display. See What is Rage? for more info.

Attack (A): A simple attack initiatied by pressing the Attack button.

Special Attack (S): A special move initiated by pressing the Special button. In general, these moves will drain your Rage Meter.

Tilt: An attack initated by pressing the Attack button while already inputting a direction.

Charged Tilt or Smash: An attack initated by tapping in a direction at the same time as you press the Attack button. By holding the Attack button, you can charge the attack for extra knockback. Some characters simply have charged versions of their tilts. These are charged tilts. Some characters have entirely different attacks for this input. These are Smashes.

Frame: 1/60th of a second. Generally how duration is measured in fighting games, and since the Brawlout's online component syncronizes inputs 60 times per second, it's how we'll measure duration here too.

Jab combo and jab combo followup: By repeatedly pressing the Attack button without directional input, your character will perform a multi-strike combo. By pressing the Special button after this combo, your character will initate a "finisher" of sorts, adding one final attack, typically with extra range.

Hitstun: A player state that is entered upon being hit. The duration of the hitstun state is dependent on the move the player was hit by and their current percentage. In this state, a player cannot attack, jump, dodge or move freely until the state is exited by either the hitstun period elapsing, or using a burst to get out of it.

Burst (combo breaker): initiated by pressing either both triggers on a controller, or your burst button on a keyboard. Doing so resets your player state to neutral, halts your current trajectory, pushes your opponent away and makes your character briefly invulnerable.

DI (Directional Influence): While in hitstun, a player maintains a slight amount of control over their trajectory. This is called Directional Influence. This is typically used to escape combos as well as reduce the total knockback taken from attacks. You accomplish this by inputting the direction you'd like to go as you are entering hitstun. This is typically used to escape combos.

Invulnerability Frames (iframes): A period of time where your character is fully invulnerable to all attacks.

Dodges: There are many kinds of dodges, all initated by pressing your dodge button. All dodges have a 4-frame startup, after which you are briefly invulnerable.
  • Spotdodge: Initiated by pressing your dodge button while on the ground and not inputing a direction.
  • Roll: Initiated by pressing your dodge button while on the ground and inputting a direction. Your character will roll a short distance before becoming vulnerable again.
  • Airdodge: Initiated by pressing your dodge button while airborne. You can shift your character through the air slightly with this by also inputting a direction. You may only use one airdodge before landing on a platform.

Wavedash: A quick movement initiated by directional input and pressing Jump and Dodge at the same time. Doing so allows you to quickly slide across the stage and off of platforms. A wavedash can be canceled with an attack or by releasing the directional input.

Waveland: A quick movement initiated by landing on a platform in the middle of a directional airdodge. Unlike Wavelands, these cannot be canceled.
What is Rage?
Rage is built up as you deal or take damage. It is indicated by the red bar below your character icon.

You gain rage proportional to the damage you take, and half rage for damage you deal.
So, starting at 0%:
  • If you were to take 50% damage, you will have 50% of your rage meter filled.
  • If you deal 50% damage, you will have built 25% meter.

Your rage meter is consumed when you use most special moves. We'll get back to that later, but keep in mind that spamming special attacks will drain your meter quickly.

Additionally, two moves that don't deal damage (Olaf's freeze and Apu's grab) build rage.
How to use Rage
Rage is used to power up special attacks, to use the game's combo breaker (burst) and to power up your character for a short time.

Certain special attacks behave differently when used without meter. Feather's side special has reduced knockback and damage when used with an empty meter. Apu's chain whips do less damage and knockback. Olaf's side special can't be charged without meter. Since special attacks drain meter, you'll want to use them wisely. Certain characters, like Volt, are best when they are constantly burning meter. A character like Feathers, on the other hand, needs to use special attacks carefully, since he will need to use the combo breaker often due to his light weight.

At half rage meter, you will see a small icon appear on the halfway point of your rage meter. This means that you have burst available. By pressing both your dodge buttons (or if on keyboard, your burst button), you'll activate a move that spends your meter, resets your state to neutral, knocks back your opponent and takes you out of hitstun or your current action. By doing this, you can completely cancel out your current trajectory. This move can save you from attacks that would have been fatal to you. You can also use it to get an extra recovery, since using burst will get you out of a helpless fall state.

If your meter is full when you activate the burst, your character initiate a burst with greater knockback, will glow red and enter Rage Mode. How Rage Mode behaves depends on if the game's "Competitive Mode" is enabled (this is on by default in Ranked, off in Quickplay), but the following effects are always in place:
  • Your meter will begin to slowly drain, and when it is empty you will exit Rage Mode.
  • Getting hit while in Rage Mode depletes your meter faster.
  • While Rage Mode is active, you take 30% less knockback from attacks.
  • While Rage Mode is active, any damage you take doesn't increase your percentage.
Additionally, if Competitive Mode is turned off:
  • The knockback you deal is massively increased.
Character basics: Olaf & Tyson
-To be completed
Character basics: Sephi'ra
-To be completed
Character basics: King Apu
-To be completed
Character basics: Chief Feathers
Chief Feathers is a glass cannon. When it comes to the strength of his normal attacks, nobody else in the cast comes close to the power, range and utility of his tilts. All of his attacks are straightforward, easy to use and strong. But this strength comes with a massive catch: Nobody is easier to kill than Feathers. While characters like Olaf can use meter with abandon, Feathers players will need to practice careful meter management, as rapid special attack use is dangerous when your kill percentage is around 75%.

-To be completed (Roboleader)
Character basics: Paco
Paco is a close-range true-combo madman. From his f.air to his u.tilt to his jab combo to his grabs, just about everything in Paco's arsenal puts him in a position to land even more hits.

-To be completed
Character basics: Volt
-To be completed
Character Basics: Hyper Light Drifter

4 comentarios
rat balls 1 ENE 2018 a las 18:36 
"Waveland: A quick movement initiated by landing on a platform in the middle of a directional airdodge. Unlike **Wavelands**, these cannot be canceled."

Hello there boi, uh just thinked u meaned wavedashes here, just so u noticed :rbpenguin:
Sinyx 8 MAY 2017 a las 8:51 
Or simply spam the only combo that you know, like everyone else... tired and sick already of this shit.
Mr. Chicken nipples 26 ABR 2017 a las 12:49 
Does this game have wavedashes and L cancels?
Freefork 23 ABR 2017 a las 11:35 
Another thing to take note of:

When doing your jab 3, you can input special to do a jab four.