Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number

418 ratings
[Guide] Points requirements to get A+ on Normal mode
By putin42
This guide will show you a list of points requirements to get A+ on Normal mode.
Normal mode, A+ ranking
Down Under
70'000 / 35000
84'000 / 42000
Hard News
106'000 / 53000
Final Cut
142'000 / 71000
First Trial
196'000 / 98000
Moving Up
184'000 / 92000
No Mercy
180'000 / 90000
128'000 / 64000
138'000 / 69000
Into the Pit
116'000 / 58000
Dead Ahead
280'000 / 140000
Death Wish
350'000 / 175000
136'000 / 68000
140'000 / 70000
158'000 / 79000
280'000 / 140000
First Blood
214'000 / 107000
164'000 / 82000
House Call
160'000 / 80000
340'000 / 140000
186'000 / 93000
Blood Money
208'000 / 104000
156'000 / 78000
Take Over
252'000 / 126000
The Abyss
112'000 / 56000
How scoring system works
Flexibility means the versatility of armaments. The more frequently you switch your weapons, the higher this value. This is especially important in the case of firearms, which depletes ammo sooner or later; as well as from the perspective of the characters that use no firearms and fight bare-handed. In such a case, the special value goes up.

Mobility determines how mobile you were. To gain as many points as possible, you need to restrict moments of taking a breath, to a minimum and keep moving around the map. It would be best if you combined movement with elimination of enemies.

Boldness means stunning with doors, throwables, and exposing yourself to enemy fire. The higher the risk that you take, the more points you receive. For example, you can stun and finish off an opponent when another opponent is running towards you, and after you are done, kill him also. You can start the shooting while dashing towards the enemies and finish them off while under enemy fire. Also, you can dash towards the enemy, shoot two of them, stun the third with the pistol that you throw and finish him off, while the rest are darting towards you. Each of these situation is highly risky and it may end in your death and, what follows, it is more valuable from the score perspective.

Time bonus determines if you have completed the mission fast enough. The game calculates the combined time that you have spent completing a mission, from the beginning, until you kill the last opponent (after you do, the timer stops). On this basis, it is determined if you earned the bonus. Each replay of the mission decreases the bonus, which in extreme situations amounts to zero.

Special depends on the character that you played as. For example, for Corey, her value is 8000, whereas for Tony - 22000. The more restricted the capabilities of a character, or the more difficult it is to play with that character, the higher the value.
How To Get S & A+ Rankings In Hotline Miami 2
The End
『 TITO<3』 18 Jun @ 11:08pm 
putin42  [author] 25 Oct, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
@The Son Thanks, I changed the score requirement.
♂️Deli♂ 25 Oct, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
bro release is 340 not 240...
mollymayabearr 20 Sep, 2023 @ 10:17am 
u can also ignore this and just full combo each screen (only certain levels will require you to sustain a combo between screens for A+, like Richter's first level in the bar requires you to carry a combo between stages). don't worry about points and grab weapons in this order of priority shotgun -> kalashnikov -> SMG -> M4 -> melee. that's how i did it
Somerandomgrape 17 Apr, 2023 @ 7:41am 
full combo.
Harabe 25 Oct, 2022 @ 1:17pm 
just got 272k on release and it resulted in an A , i think for A+ you need 300k or so
FoxYin_11♥♣• 1 Mar, 2022 @ 5:16am 
hang on, if I remember correctly.

If you lower your monitor's refresh rate (fps) then enemies will walk at a slower speed, right?
Cyber_oni 10 Jan, 2022 @ 4:46am 
i need my S+ rank
NOBODY_CARES14 6 Apr, 2021 @ 3:53pm 
YuichiYH - BR 26 Jun, 2020 @ 7:51am 
wait... there is a S rate?