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Watch Dogs - ALL easter eggs!
由 SpaceWeed 發表
I want to share alle Watchdogs easter eggs with you guys here. I don't want to take credits of video, text or pictures since I took the most content from ign. I will put the link in the very end.

Ubisoft are known for putting alot of funny and interesting easter eggs around their games. Watchdogs got alot of easter eggs, and they aren't that hard to find. I will now show you some of the easter eggs, but I took this from IGN.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 1
Hacking any blank electronic sign in the city generates a random message, usually a wink or inside joke from popular culture. Over sixty of these unique messages exist, and appear at random as hacks are activated.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 2
Game developers decided to sneak two keychains from Hasbro's animated show, My Little Pony, inside several cars. A Rainbow Dash, and a Trixie keychain are featured. The Trixie keychain can be seen sporting the same clothes as the main character.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 3
In AC4 there are several references to Watch Dogs, including people discussing the Blume Corporation. (the creators of the Chicago ctOS), employees Easter Eggs And References who are considering relocating to Chicago and a presentation on a new security system by Blume executives, which happens to be Chicago ctOS 2.0, a smarter system for a smarter city.

In one of the video feeds accessed during a Privacy Invasion, the scene is of a father and son playing a video game (maybe you've hacked their Kinect). The father asks the son why he is talking to the man he just killed. When the son tries to explain, the dad says it's stupid. This is a veiled reference to the assassination scenes of the Assassin's Creed series
Watchdogs - Easter egg 4
After you've completed 17-18 of the Side Missions of the Criminal Convoys, your final mission involves killing and/or knocking out the CEO of the evil face of the Templars, Abstergo.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 5
In the Campaign Mission Wrench in the Works, you'll find actress and Ubisoft press conference spokesperson, Aisha Tyler, talking to another NPC.

You can also see Aisha in what appears to be a hotel room or lounge talking on the phone. In the City Hall building in the Loop district, there is a City Hotspot. Nearby is an unmarked 'intrude' console which Aiden can hack. Doing so accesses a camera where you can watch Aisha on the phone telling someone not to worry about her being followed, and humourously discussing her farts. Guide is below.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 6
In the first quest of Campaign Mission Hope Is A Sad Thing (Mission 1, Act 3 you are introduced to a character in a bar called T-Bone and in that bar, you meet a talking Moose head that tells jokes. And they say "Hope Is A Sad Thing", huh?

Watchdogs - Easter egg 7
During the Campaign Mission Grandma's Bulldog (Mission 7, Act 2), a number of Arcade Cabinets can be found in the Gang's HQ with Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon written on them.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 8
Hidden in the mountainous region of the map in a train tunnel, the Circle-A (Anarchy) symbol can be found after hacking an electrical box. The Circle-A (Anarchy) symbol has connections to Anarchism which formed around the time of the French Revolution; the period in which Assassin's Creed Unity is set.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 9
Images of the Slender Man can be found scattered all around the city. There is graffiti on the walls in alleyways too.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 10
During the Campaign Mission Big Brother (Mission 2, Act 1, if you enter Jackson's bedrooom you will be able to find a toy of a Raving Rabbid.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 11
The singing Trout is a wall mounted plaque that's located in the 'Texture Patch' clothes shop, in Parker Square district. Walk up to the fish and enjoy the 'alternative' song that follows.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 12
In order to achieve 100% ranking in Watch Dogs you'll need to spend some time playing poker. The achievement is earned by clearing the table of 3 opponents during one match up.

If you're having trouble doing this by your own grit and good fortune, there is a way you can cheat.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 13
A free gold D50 for use in the single player story. It does require a Ubisoft account, access to both UPlay & Ubisoft Club and the required minimum amount of Units for purchasing the game addon. The addon can not be purchased anywhere else other than UPlay and requires that you have the game in your collection on your account to purchase the gun. See UPlay for details.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 14
In the Digital Trips Spider-Tank, the Spider-Tank itself and it's weaponry are closely resembled to that of the Spider-Slayers from the Spider-Man franchise
Watchdogs - Easter egg 15
If you hack the 3rd Server from the left in the Bunker, you will stumble upon a teenager with his father playing Assassin's Creed.

Watchdogs - Easter egg 16
During the Campaign Mission The Defalt Condition (Mission 4, Act 4, after you have hacked into Defalt's server, you will be able to profile him. However his name and occupation is in binary code. It basically translates to "ROFL".
Watchdogs - Easter egg 17
There is a Privacy Invasions mission, upon which happening in the scene, is of a man called Walter who is suffering with cancer and his wife who is seeking for answers and he is obviously the exact copy of Walter White from the TV Series of Breaking Bad
Watchdogs - Easter egg 18
If you scan all of the in-game QR Codes using your real life phone whilst looking at it through a security camera, the embedded texts of which you scan the codes of are listed below and can be scanned in any order but the texts will remain in the same order no matter which one you scan first:

1: BadBoy17? Bad, BOY, 17? Really?
2: Itz all 4 d GIGGLES!
3: G1gg1L3s... 1L... IL... Get it?
4: Can U find D rest?
5: U R getting WARMER
6: (^._.^) U can findz QR codes!
7: Mark IV style muthaf*cker!
8: DedSec? More like DedSUC!
9: *\0/* U found one! *\0/*
10: Don't QQ if U can't find me.
11: Hey DedSec! ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
12: DedSec can suck my 8=====>
13: ~~(8:> will U be my BFF? 4 realz!
14: o_O O.O O.o O_ó
15: U must werk out. >_<
16: How U finding these? ಠ_ಠ
17: p8wnd n00b
Watchdogs - Easter egg 19
During the Campaign Mission The Defalt Condition (Mission 4, Act 4), when you walk into the club with a man serving drinks, he has a box decorated in QR Codes on his head. If you scan the QR Code on the top of the box with any real life phone, a hidden text message saying "BRAVO UBISOFT MONTREAL!" will appear.

7 則留言
1sfand4ik_ 2024 年 1 月 8 日 上午 6:28 
Thank you!
Windows 2023 年 4 月 22 日 上午 12:55 
For as much as I've played this game though 3 different consoles ever since its release, some of these like the qr code ones i never knew of, and its so cool. thank you for sharing these:wd_Nexus:
Anõnymõóse 2022 年 11 月 10 日 上午 8:04 
The mission title "Wrench in the Works" is an Easter egg of its own hinting at watch dogs 2 character wrench
waltz 2020 年 4 月 25 日 上午 6:30
raw_input() 2020 年 3 月 6 日 上午 6:04 
H4cK3R$ 4 D3M0cR4cY
Fox Mulder 2019 年 12 月 8 日 上午 1:18 
TRI:Mika 2019 年 12 月 5 日 上午 8:01 
Its been almost 5 years later.
I did not know most of these...