No Man's Sky
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Комментариев: 12
Wyvern-of-the-Rising-Sun 3 сен. 2018 г. в 1:56 
Very Nice shot. :happyhero:
Cpt. Wardova TCNMS Intrepid  [создатель] 10 мая. 2017 г. в 3:54 
thanks ;)
TouriStarr 22 мар. 2017 г. в 3:42 
Nice, like the b/w version a great shot!
Cpt. Wardova TCNMS Intrepid  [создатель] 16 мар. 2017 г. в 20:12 
Well, this is the power of many explorers indeed. We share your journeys and in turn can tag along with many on theirs. The Galactic Hub Project is perfect for this now with base sharing as they are all grouping up to explore in an area of the Euclid galaxy, so it's perfect for touring all those neat base designs and all the lush or unique planets that are out there.

If you want to see more of this planet, my base is on the workshop under TCNMS Persistance, you can see this shot and quite a few really nice scenes. Bring cold and heat shields though, it's not extreme, but it's for sure a desert mesa and has desert temperatures. :pals:
Anga Hakuna 16 мар. 2017 г. в 19:59 
... and, OK, I may be a biot obsessed, but this is now No Man's Sky wallpaper # 1,372. I figure I can never visit all he planets so I liove those vicariously via wallpapers. :D
Anga Hakuna 16 мар. 2017 г. в 19:58 
Cool. The [relatively] distant planet's atmosphere gives an impression of an all-white "rainbow." and the rock formations remind me of the American [west] desert.
BluRain 16 мар. 2017 г. в 13:24 
Wow :)
Cpt. Wardova TCNMS Intrepid  [создатель] 15 мар. 2017 г. в 19:36 
Thanks :D
FlapJack 15 мар. 2017 г. в 16:14 
Hmmm... Very beautiful landscape! ^^ 👍
Shaidak 15 мар. 2017 г. в 11:19 
Wow, this is really beautiful! Congrats =)