Hunter's Grimm

Hunter's Grimm

98 人が評価
Super guide, to get 100%! / Um Super Guia para conseguir 100%!
作者: AlexandreBR
A detailed guide to help you get all the achievements.

Um guia detalhado, para você pegar todas as conquistas.
Let's Go! / Vamos lá!

The game has numerous achievements (695 achievements).
It is a very complex sequence so, I decided that I should put the steps in sequence.
Only to ensure you can get all the achievements for your game without error!


Como o jogo, possui inúmeras conquistas (695 conquistas) e pôr se tratar de uma sequência muito complexa. Eu decidi que deveria por os procedimentos numerados em ordem. Para garantir com que você consiga pegar todas as conquistas no seu jogo!

1 - Open the game. / 1 - Abra o jogo.
2 - Wait 20 minutes. / 2 - Espere por 20 minutos.
3 - Close the Game. / 3 - Feche o jogo.

After all this effort, nothing is better as listening to good music to relax. Congratulations! You deserve it!

Depois de todo o esforço, nada melhor do que ouvir uma boa música para relaxar. Parabéns! você merece!

30 件のコメント
Hiruwa 2021年8月16日 13時36分 
mee too lool\
Clericust 2021年2月25日 10時23分 
I just wake up with all achievement just by idleing.
Mary Virgin 2021年2月17日 10時26分 
I tried clicking buttons specified nothing worked! I ended up in different places, locations and was on auto pilot. i checked achievements they were 0 after 5 minutes. I CLOSED GAME AFTER 5 MINUTES AND GOT ALL ACHIEVEMENTS YOU LOONY GENIUS YOU.
2019年12月17日 8時34分 
This doesn't work anymore.
BalthierGR 2019年6月26日 13時00分 
i have i cant get anything i am at 0%
AlexandreBR  [作成者] 2017年12月21日 15時32分 
hahaha xD
Ardenwolfe 2017年12月21日 15時22分 
Hah! Thank you.
MorallyBankrupt 2017年7月18日 22時22分 
thanks bro!
[CAN] DarkXAngel55 2017年7月12日 2時10分 
10hr's in and not one achivement. even did the idle thing:nogo:
AlexandreBR  [作成者] 2017年7月2日 14時49分 