Randal's Monday

Randal's Monday

59 ratings
Randal's Monday walkthrough
By Stuart
This is not a hint system. This is a short sentenced walkthrough which might provide you with too much information. You get enough hints from Randal, other characters and your space key. Use this walkthrough only when you're really stuck.
Randal's Monday is a typical point-and-click adventure game. The puzzles are mostly quite logical and if you like hitting small animals with heavy objects or treat your friends with electric shocks or take the most important things in peoples lives to fullfil a small and unimportant task - then you will not have to randomly click on objects. Plus, the game gives you good hints when you pay attention to Randal's thoughts or other characters' answers. (e.g. during the first Monday, when offering Mel the small figure, he answers 'it's not like Captain Red or something', a hint you can need two days later).

There are three types of items. Ones which you find or steal or that are given by characters following sometimes only certain paths of conversation. Ones that you modify by clicking 'look' or 'use' which sometimes results in obtaining new, hidden objects. And finally objects which you obtain by combining items in your inventory. I tried to list them all.

Save your best spells and summons for the boss fights.

Be prapered to experience some strange stuff like Elaine being named Susan on Monday 2 or Sally serving beer while Sally still sits on her chair and more of unique stuff like this. I don't know if these are bugs or meant to be some matrix errors in alternate realities.

And yes, there seems to be no way to skip the cutscenes and extended and mostly boring dialogues, so if you're after achievents you better save after each conversation. It's mostly no fun to hear them again and again (I liked HAL citing GLaDOS though).

You watch the intro, do some talking and when Matt leaves, follow him.
Monday 1 - Items
- Matt's wallet (already in inventory)
- Oily pages (already in inventory)
- Tuna sandwich leftovers (already in inventory)
- Broom (Randal's living room)
- TV remote (Randal's living room)
- Duck hanger (Randal's bathroom)
- Ring (Matt's wallet)
- Some money (Matt's wallet)
- Extendible duck-hanger (combined item)
- Wire (modified item from inventory)
- Tube of glue with stuck-on cap (alley)
- Rusty razor blade (bum in the alley)
- Tube of glue (combined item)
- Murray figure (Threepwood station/Murray's office)
- Pin (Threepwood station/Murray's office)
- Dried out marker (Threepwood station/Betty's office)
- Subway pass (Threepwood station/Betty's office)
- Broken radio (in front of Emerson Express)
- Cones (in front of Emerson Express)
- Nut (modified object)
- Spring (modified object)
- Box full of junk (Randal's room)
- Hammer (Threepwood St./salesman)
- Too much money (Pawn Shop/Mel)
- Empty gas cylinder (Dr. Fred Edison St./Hot dog vendor)
- Receipt (Dr. Fred Edison St./Hot dog vendor)
- Modified pin (combined object)
- New gas cylinder (Pawn Shop)
- Hot dog (Dr. Fred Edison St./Hot dog vendor)
Monday 1 - Walkthrough
After waking up you collect broom and TV remote in the living room and the duck-hanger in the bathroom. After leaving the apartment you have a conversation with the landlord who won't let you go outside. You return to Randal's room, leave through the window and climb down the ladder. Because of the feline beast in your way you cannot reach the hook. Combine the duck-hanger with broom and use the extendible duck-hanger on the hook.

Get down to the alley, take tube of glue from the right trash can. Talk to bum and he will give you a rusty razor blade. Use it on tube of glue with stuck-on cap to obtain tube of glue. Walk out on the street and down to the subway station.

Look at Matt's wallet to obtain some money and the ring. Try talking to Betty, push down the earpiece of the phone, use tube of glue on telephone, use intercom. Jump over the turnstiles.
Talk to officer Murray, take a figure from the globe, lubricate the pin with oily pages (when the globe is not shaking), pull out pin. After the cutscene take Betty's dried out marker. Get Subway pass from Betty. Go to the platforms (or use the metro map). Travel to Emerson Express.

Talk to Phil, enjoy the conversation, leave. Take broken radio. Take cones. Enter the Pawn Shop, talk to Mel, travel to Threepwood St., try to get to your apartment. Talk to the salesman sitting next to the video store, get him call your landlord, then call him yourself, get him in rage (last dialogue option) and return the phone to the saleman.

Go up to your room, take the box full of junk and return to Mel. On the way to the train station you will talk to the salesman and get a hammer. Talk to Mel, try the different objects in the box, sell the ring, get money. Exit, answer the phone and travel to Matt's apartment.

Talk to the hot dog vendor, get the empty gas cylinder and the receipt. Travel back to the pawn shop. Mel is in deep conversation with the thief and will not talk to you. The thief does not know if it's time for him to go. Look at the clock and the hole in the left side. Look at the radio in your intventory to obtain nut and spring. Combine pin and nut to get modified pin. Use it on the hole in the clock and wind it up. Talk to Mel. Take the gas cylinder. Get back to Dr. Fred Edison St., give new gas cylinder to the hot dog vendor, get hot dog.

Talk to Officer Murray then show him Matt's wallet. Enter the apartment. Talk to Sally then go to the kitchen. Survive the dialogue with Sgt. Kramer then read the suicide note and speak with the other guys. Talk to Kramer again who will order Murray to bring you home. Go to bed.
Monday 2 - Items
- Rotten lemon (Pawn Shop)
- Empty bottle (Pawn Shop)
- Matchbox (Matt's kitchen)
- Rat poison (Matt's kitchen)
- Bottle filled with water (Matt's kitchen or Randal's bathroom/inventory)
- Marker (Matt's kitchen/inventory)
- Fire extinguisher (Matt's house)
- Bowl with some corn left in it (Clayton's Cave)
- (Cocktail) Daiquirized Royal Mai Tai Iced Tea (Clayton's Cave/Elaine)
- Batteries (modified object)
- Cue ball (Clayton's Cave)
- Trash bag (Clayton's Cave/Elaine)
- Make-up kit (Clayton's cave)
- Bowl with popcorn (Pawn Shop/inventory)
- Bowl with poisoned popcorn (combined item)
- Tube (Randal's rooftop)
- Funnel ((Randal's rooftop)
- Glass (Charlie Comics)
- Straw (Charlie Comics)
- Note (Charlie Comics)
- Piece of scotch tape (Charlie Comics)
- Squashed spring (combined item)
- Twisted wire (Matt's kitchen/inventory)
- Homemade lockpick (combined item)
- Glass with fingerprints (combined item)
- Tape with fingerprint (combined item)
- Super Hot Chick catalog (Charlie Comics)
Monday 2 - Walkthrough
Get up, talk to landlord, pay the rent. Answer the phone. Get to Matt's apartment, talk to Susan, talk to Kramer and the other guys, read the note, talk to Kramer again, get out.

Travel to Emerson Express, talk to Phil, get fired. Go to the Pawn Shop, get rotten lemon from the pipe right to the entrance, enter. Talk to Mel, take the empty bottle. Travel back to Matt's apartment, go to the kitchen. Take matchbox and rat poison from the cupboard. Use empty bottle on faucet (can also be done in Randal's bathroom or at Emerson Express before exiting). Look at the mug, use dried out marker on it, get marker. Take the fire extinguisher in the staircase.

Travel to Clayton's Cave. Take the bowl with corn, talk to Susan, notice the make-up kit. Talk to Father Roy, learn about the Daiquirized Royal Mai Tai Iced Tea. Talk to Elaine, get the cocktail, bring it to Father Roy. Look at TV remote to get batteries. Pimp the cocktail: use rotten lemon, batteries, rusty razor blade and rat poison on it. Take cue ball from the pool table.

Talk to Elaine about non-alcoholic drinks. Try all of the fruit liqueurs from the list. Pay and go potty. Talk to Elaine, take out the garbage and use it on dumpster. Get back in, to the restroom and take the make-up kit.

Travel to Randal's house and go up to the rooftop. Notice the beer bong. Travel to the Pawn Shop. Use matchbox on gas cylinder. Use bowl with corn on base. Take bowl with popcorn. Go back to the rooftop. Use rat poison with bowl with popcorn. Use bowl with poisoned popcorn on pigeons. Feel sorry. Take beer bong, get tube and funnel.

Go back to the Pawn Shop. Notice the cannon in the clock. Use bottle filled with water on base, use tube on hole in the clock, take hose (tube) and use it on the bottle. Use cueball on cannon, feel sorry, look at the notebook.

Travel to Charlie Comics. Talk to Charlie, notice that he is allergic to fish. Use tuna sandwich leftovers on softdrink, when is in not watching. Feel sorry. Take soft drink, get glass and straw. Use marker on poster.

Now go to the case with Super Hot Chick catalog and the lock of the security system. (If you feel like you need a hint, the thief is willing to give you some advice, you find him in the alley behind Randal's house.) Use hammer with spring to get squashed spring. Go to Matt's apartment, use wire with blender to get twisted wire, go back to Charlie Comics. Use squashed spring with twisted wire, get homemade lock pick. Use it on lock.

Use straw on DNA-reader. Use make-up kit on glass. Go outside, get the note and scotch tape (you can search the bum and talk to him about the note, if you like). Use piece of scotch tape on glass with fingerpints. Use tape with fingerprint on fingerprint reader. Take Super Hot Chick catalog. Use hammer on HAL. Leave and go to bed.
Monday 3 - Items
- Rotten hot dog (already in inventory)
- Package (Emerson Express)
- Delivery note (Emerson Express)
- Shirts (modified item)
- Beers (Matt's kitchen)
- Open beers (Matt's kitchen/inventory)
- Spray air freshener (Matt's apartment)
- Broken spray air freshener (combined item)
- Fork (Matt's kitchen)
- Stalactite tip (Matt's kitchen)
- Fishing rod (Sci-Fi convention/Supernerd)
- Eucalyptus candy (Sci-Fi convention/Space nerd)
- Captain Red poster (Sci-Fi convention)
- Plutonium rod (Sci-Fi convention)
- Business card (Psychiatrist's office)
- Key (Mortimer's room)
- Miniature (Mortimer's room)
- Coffee (Sci-Fi convention)
- Cue ball (Clayton's Cave/Elaine)
- Chalk (Clayton's Cave)
- Fishing rod with bait (combined item)
- Koala (outside Pawn Shop)
- Captain Red figure (outside Pawn Shop/inventory)
- Ring (Sci-Fi convention/Charlie)
Monday 3 - Walkthrough
Get up, talk to landlord, pay the rent. Travel to Emerson Express, talk to Phil, use Super Hot Chick catalog on him. Get package and delivery note.

Travel to Dr. Fred Edison St. (Matt's house). Talk to Sally, talk to Kramer then to the other guys. Go to the kitchen, take the beers, try to give them to the investigators, get back to kitchen, use the beers on Matt. Give open beers to the investigators. Take spray air freshener from the shelves. Go back to the kitchen. Open drawer. Use matchbox on air freshener, use air freshener in drawer, use matchbox on air freshener, get fork. Use extendible duck-hanger on cracked stalactite. Use stalactite tip on window, get out.

Go to the street, move right, talk to Murray, use delivery note on him, enter convention. Look at the package in your inventory, get shirts. Talk to hot dog vendor and Mel. Use shirts on nerds to start communication. Get fishing rod from Supernerd and eucalyptus candy from Space nerd. Talk to Charlie. Take Captain Red poster.

Travel to Psychiatrist's office. Talk to the receptionist, talk to Robert, use dial, talk to Alan. Use fork on broken dial, talk to Robert. Use fork, talk to Alan. Repeat this until Robert gives you his phone (dialogue options: 'can I borrow your phone...' - 'show you something...' - '...so old...' - '...features and stuff...').

Talk to the psychiatrist. In the Rorschach test give an idiotic answer and grab a business card while he's writing. Your answers don't matter.

Travel to Randal's apartment. Use business card on Mortimer's door. Use log. Open top drawer. Push red button. Use books (red-blue-green), open medium drawer, push blue button. Use books (red-blue-brown). Open bottom drawer, push green button, use books (grey-brown-green-and the last one). Take key. Use key on lock of showcase. Take miniature.

Travel to the Sci-Fi convention, talk to Mel. Talk to Murray, talk to Mel, who has meantime moved to the latrine. Go back to the main area and talk to Murray. Use rotten hot dog on Murray. Talk to Mel, feel sorry, take coffee, use coffee on latrine. Talk to Mel, get money for the miniature. Give a lot of money to Charlie.

Travel to Clayton's Cave. Try using pool cues. Ask Elaine for a new cue ball. Use it with the pool table. Take a pool cue. Use lamp. Take chalk.

Travel to Pawn Shop. Use chalk on the figure from Officer Murray's office. Use figure on red paint (next to Bob), use figure on fixative. Koala assault.

Use eucalyptus candy with fishing rod. Use fishing rod with with bait on hole in the manhole cover. The koala hides when you approach. From some distance use hammer on koala. Feel sorry. Take koala, get figure. Take hammer.

Travel to Sci-Fi convention. Use Captain Red figure on Charlie. Get ring. Exit, get mugged. Use koala on thief, get mugged.
Monday 4 - Items
- Duct tape (alley behind Matt's house)
- Party blower (alley behind Matt's house)
- Baseball (alley behind Matt's house)
- Homemade silencer (combined item)
- Star screwdriver (Threepwood St. and later in game Charlie Comics)
- Piece of sheet metal (Charlie Comics)
- Lightsaber (Charlie Comics)
- Laser (Charlie Comics)
- Flat-blade screwdriver (Charlie Comics/Charlie)
- Improved extendible duck-hanger (combined item)
- Improved extendible lightsaber (combined item)
- Magnet (Matt's place and later in game Threepwood St.)
- Sponge (Threepwood St.)
- Soldering iron and some tin (Threepwood St.)
- Batteries (combined item)
- Lightsaber handle (Charlie Comics/Space nerd)
- Ligthsaber with no batteries (combined item)
- Plutonized lightsaber (combined item)
- Fixed radio (Charlie Comics/Space nerd or later in game Clayton's Cave)
- Soaked sponge (Clayton's cave/inventory)
- Coin (Clayton's Cave)
- Toy capsule (Pawn Shop)
- Open capsule (modified item)
- Chewing gum roll (modified item)
- Nail gun (Threepwood St.)
- Tape measure (Threepwood St.)
- Water gun (Threepwood Station/kid)
- Loaded water gun (combined item)
- Toy badge (Threepwood Station/kid)
- Police badge (Dr. Fred Edison St./Murray)
- Ring (Clayton's Cave/bum)
Monday 4 - Walkthrough
Wake up. Talk to bum. Take duct tape, partyblower and a baseball from the left box. Step on the street, talk to Murray. You cannot keep the badge now. Travel to Randal's. Talk to Classy nerd. Combine duck tape and funnel, use homemade silencer on nerd. Take star screwdriver.

Travel to Charlie Comics. Talk to HAL, play his game. I answered the question on a logical base and it worked. Then I realized that the correct answer is always the first term following 'if' in the question. Take piece of sheet metal. Take lightsaber. Use fire extinguisher on laser, take laser. Use star screwdriver on Charlie, get flat-blade screwdriver.

Travel to Matt's place. Combine piece of sheet metal with extendible duck-hanger, combine lightsaber with Improved extendible duck-hanger. Use improved extendible lightsaber on magnet.

Travel to Threepwood St. Use laser on the lock of the van. Use magnet on hole. Open door. Take sponge. Use toolbox, get soldering iron and tin. Take magnet. Return to Charlie Comics, talk to Space nerd. Give him the broken radio, flat-blade screwdriver, soldering iron and tin. Enter Charlie Comics, take star screwdriver, use it on lightsaber (works with both screwdrivers), get batteries. Use batteries on Space nerd.

Use lightsaber on Space nerd. Take lightsaber handle. Combine it with laser. Combine it with plutonium rod. Use it on Space nerd. Get fixed radio.

Travel to the Pawn Shop, talk to thief, learn about his respect for authorities. Go to Threepwood St., talk to the kid about his badge and get wet until he runs out of water.

Travel to Clayton's Cave. Use sponge on puddle in the alley. Watch the Anti-establishment nerd from a distance, use pipe, watch his reaction. Use fixed radio on pipe, use box, use magnet on coin. Take radio.

Go to the Pawn Shop. Use coin on gum machine, use gum machine, take toy capsule. Look at it in your inventory to get open capsule and chewing gum roll. Travel to Threepwood St. Use chewing gum roll on tape measure. Get tape measure. Take nail gun.

Go to the station, use nail gun on kid, use nail gun on balloon, get water gun. Talk to kid, combine soaked sponge and water gun, use loaded water gun on kid. Talk to the kid and make him shoot different targets until he runs out of ammo. Use loaded water gun on kid, get toy badge.

Travel to Sci-Fi convention, talk to Murray, get police badge, use toy badge on him. Travel to Pawn Shop, use police badge on thief. After the cutscene get to the alley behind Clayton's Cave, talk to bum, use loaded water gun on him, feel sorry if you want to, take the ring.
Monday 5 - Items
- Glove (Threepwood St.)
- Laminated card (Clayton's Cave)
- Garlands (Clayton's Cave)
- Condoms (Clayton's Cave)
- Pie (Randal's house)
- Sensitive balloons (Dr. Fred Edison St./inventory)
- Mask (Charlie Comics/Jay)
- Cigarette (Charlie Comics/street)
- Birthday cake (combined item)
- Matt's picture (Matt's place)
- Taser (Dr. Fred Edison St. alley/Ned)
Monday 5 - Walklthrough
Wake up. Feel sorry. Talk to landlord, go out. Use extendible duck-hanger on glove. Travel to Matt's place, try the door. Use business card on door. Travel to Clayton's Cave. (Until you have talked to the neighbour the bar will be closed.) Talk to Elaine, use screwdriver on the vending machine in the restroom. Get condoms. Use glove on toilet, get laminated card. Get down, use extendible duck-hanger on garlands.

Go to Randals room, out the window, down the ladder, take pie.

Travel to Dr. Fred Edison St., talk to the kid, then to the ballon vendor. Play the complete 'please'-dialogue path until he inhales helium. Talk to the kid then to the ballon vendor again. Use helium valve when he inhales helium. Use condoms on helium valve.

Travel to Charlie Comics, talk to Jay. Use radio on Jay, talk to him, play 'your mother' dialogue option, get mask. Take cigarette from the sidewalk. Use mask. Enter Psychiatrists office.

Talk to the receptionist, try to entrer Doctor' office, choose 'birthday' dialogue option. Combine cigarette and pie. Use birthday cake, sensitive ballons and garlands on receptionist, use cones and party blower on Alan. Enter Doctor's office.

Travel to the Pawn Shop. Talk to Mel, go to Matt's house, use laminated card on door, take Matt's picture. Go out the door. After conversation with Kramer get out the kitchen window.

Use baseball on Ned. You can take more baseballs out of the box. Talk to Ned, use the 'taser' option. Use baseball on Ned. Use taser on the investigators when they shake hands. Feel sorry.

Travel to the Pawn Shop. Talk to Mel. Travel to Randal's house, read note. Go to the roof.
Monday 6 first day and The Hole - Items
- Glass with a hole (empty cell)
- Prison uniform (empty cell)
- Detergent tablet (empty cell)
- Bowl (Hallway B)
- Stock cubes (kitchen)
- Wok (kitchen)
- Pat (kitchen)
- Magazine (spitting contest)
- Crowbar (Hallway A)
- Nicotine gum (Bruno's cell/Carl)
- Bottle (Bruno's cell)
- Fixed glass (combined item)
- Glass of liquor (Bruno's cell/inventory)
- Adulterated food (Yard)
- Worm (modified object)
- Explosives manual (library)
- Sponge (The Hole)
- Ball (The Hole)
- Boiled rat (The Hole)
- Bar of soap (The Hole)
- Putrified sponge (The hole/inventory)
- Box of seeds (Murray/yard)
Monday 6 first day and The Hole - Walkthrough
Talk to Charlie. Go left. Take glass with a hole in the empty cell as well as prison uniform with detergent tablet. Enter Hallway A, talk to the sisters. Go right, take bowl in Hallway B, go to yard, talk to Sleazy, talk to the thief.

Go to the backyard at the right end. Talk to the salesman, get password. Go back to Hallway A, notice that Bruno's cell is open, enter the kitchen, talk to Murray, go to the kitchen.

Take stockcubes, look at the note, use hot plate (left green, right blue, right green, left green, red). Use detergent tablet on pot. Take wok and pan.

Go back to the spitting contest. Use pan on the third slab, wok on the first and bowl on the fifth slab. Spit. Get magazine.

Use magazine on Murray. Take crowbar in Hallway A. Go to library. Talk to Brooke (...promotion... - ...time... - ...Brahms...).

Go back to the cell block, use crowbar on bunks in Bruno's cell. Get nicotine gum from Carl. Take bottle. Use nicotine gum with glass with a hole, use fixed glass on liquor.

Go to the yard, talk to prisoner having lunch, use glass of liquor on food. Take adulterated food, look at it in your inventory, obtain worm.

Go to library, use worm on crow. Talk to Brooks. Get book. Talk to Murray. Use bottle on Murray.
Take sponge. Use door. Use sponge on filthy wall. Read inscription, use door, get ball.

Use ball on wall. Use ball on cracked wall. Use ball on fractured wall. Use crowbar on nut. Take boiled rat. Feel sorry. Use boiled rat on bucket. Get bar of soap. Use sponge on filthy bucket. Use putrified sponge on door slot. Get box of seeds.
Monday 6 garden and escape - Items
- Cigarette (yard/Sleazy)
- Match (yard/Sleazy)
- Medallion (yard/Box guy)
- Rake (backyard)
- Hose (backyard)
- Dry pumpkin (backyard)
- Sack (backyard)
- Dry leaves (backyard)
- Sack full of leaves (combined item)
- Gardening chest key (Murray/garden)
- Magic box (yard/Box guy)
- Pile of matches (Randal's cell)
- Rabbit's foot (cell block)
- Pillowcase x2 (Randal's cell)
- Pillowcase (Mortimer's cell)
- Weeder (garden)
- Two piece rope (combined item)
- Rope (combined item)
- Rope with hook (combined item)
- The one clover (garden)
- Penny (garden)
- Horseshoe (library)
- Apple (garden)
- Pink bismuth (yard/prisoner having lunch)
- Key (spitting contest/Bruno)
- Cooking oil (kitchen)
- Pressure cooker (kitchen)
- Pot with lucky soup (kitchen/inventory)
- (bomb in progress - inventory)
- Homemade bomb (combined item)
Monday 6 garden and escape - Walkthrough
Talk to the inmates. Take nicotine gum in Randal's cell. Use nicotine gum on Sleazy. Get cigarette and match. Use ball on Box guy, get medallion.

Go to the backyard in the bottom left corner, take rake, hose, dry pumpkin, dry leaves and sack.

Use rake on neglected field. Use dry leaves on trough. Use match on them. Use hose on faucet, use medallion on valve spot.

Take more dry leaves. Combine dry leaves and sack. Use sack full of leaves on old remains. Use dry pumpkin then prison uniform on scarecrow.

Use box of seeds on plowed field. Use valve. Use working hose on sown field.

Get up, take nicotine gum in your cell, use it on Sleazy. Go to the garden. Take hose. Except for watering the field go through it all again. Use putrified sponge on scarecrow then use hose on sown field. Get gardening chest key. Use key on padlock.

Go to the spitting contest, talk to Bruno. Strenght: Coach him.

Luck: Go to the cell block. Use both pillows in cell, get two pillowcases. Use rake on pillow in Mortimer's cell. Get pillowcase. Go to the garden, take weeder. Combine pillowcase with pillowcase. Combine two piece rope with pillowcase, combine rope with weeder. Use rope with hook on branch. Use nest, get penny.

Use valve. Use working hose on cat. Take apple. Search The one clover in the clover field. Take it.

Talk to Box guy, get magic box. Talk to Murray, use magic box on him. Follow rabbit's foot to the cell block. Use fixed glass on liquor in Bruno's cell. Use glass of liquor on sink in Mortimer's cell. Take pile of matches in Randal's cell. Use pile of matches on liquor. Take rabbit's foot.

Go to the library. Use crowbar on horseshoe, take horseshoe.

Go to the kitchen. Use rabbit's foot, The one clover, penny and horseshoe on pot. Take pressure cooker. Use fixed glass on pot with lucky soup.

Wisdom: Talk to Alan. Use fertilizer on Alan. Feel sorry.

Go to the spitting contest. Talk to Bruno. Use pot with lucky soup on Bruno. Get key.

Go to yard. Use apple on prisoner having lunch, get pink bismuth.

Go to kitchen. Use key on pantry. Take cooking oil.

Use soap, fertilizer, pile of matches, pink bismuth and cooking oil on pressure cooker/bomb in progress. Get homemade bomb.

Use homemade bomb on poster in Randal's cell.

Enter the hallway to Randal's place.
Monday 7 - Items
- Nicotine gum (already in inventory)
- Mug (Randal's couch)
- Ceremonial dagger (Mortimer's room)
- Castor oil (rooftop)
- Castor oil-filled mug (combined item)
- Mug with zombie puke (alley)
- Fake mustache (Clayton's cave alley/Rod)
- Randal' wallet (Clayton's cave)
Monday 7 - Walkthrough
Talk to Matt. Go to the rooftop, get through the dialogues. Go down. Talk to Matt.

Take mug. Go to Mortimer's room. Use wing (of the statue). Use nicotine gum on rotatory base. Take ceremonial dagger. Get out. Talk to Murray. Use ceremonial dagger on Murray. After the dialogue take Castor oil.

Go to the alley. Talk to bum. Combine Castor oil with mug. Use Castor oil-filled mug on bum. Take mug. Use mug on puke.

Go to Matt. Open the window in the living room. Use mug with zombie puke on Matt. Feel sorry.
Talk to Rod. Get fake mustache. Enter Clayton's Cave.

Talk to Elaine. Take Randal's wallet from his pocket. Talk to Elaine, order a beer. Get Randal another beer. Follow him to the restroom, talk to Charlie. Go out to the alley, use Randal's corpse. Enter Clayton's cave.
ShamanInCap 25 Feb, 2023 @ 11:14am 
Monday 2
"(If you feel like you need a hint, the thief is willing to give you some advice, you find him in the alley behind Randal's house.)"

You meant behind Matt's house?
J-Script 31 Jul, 2022 @ 3:25pm 
On "Monday 6 first day and The Hole" after you get the magazine from the spitting contest you have to talk with the thief to give Randal a reason to distract the guard.
Stuart  [author] 30 Nov, 2020 @ 2:09pm 
@⚔ ElƵorro ⚔: not really, try and error
⚔ ElƵorro ⚔ 10 Nov, 2020 @ 11:42am 
Was there any clue for the log and books??
Locoma 20 Oct, 2020 @ 5:45pm 
really helpful guide man, many thanks. I used the items recap mostly to get hints. I appreciate that you put them in the order you would get them! Thanks to this guide I was saved from more than one game breaking bug. Really appreciated, and greatly done. Specially the bugs disclaimer at the beginning!:steamhappy:
ILS07L 19 Sep, 2020 @ 9:08pm 
Thanks for the guide. Got all but 3 achievements just following your guide. You could easily just add a quick note so they are not missable.

Feed the pidgeons 3 times.
Solve Mortimers drawer/bookshelf puzzle within the log timer.
Use the Bog's password.
Steve 9 Sep, 2017 @ 12:15am 
Ah, it looks like Clayton's Cave won't show up on the subway map on Day 2 until you talk to the Bum in the alleyway behind Randal's Apartment.
NoPantsBatman™ 7 Jul, 2017 @ 8:31pm 
really nice work, thank you <3