Wyvern meets Ninja
"Hello my friends. 4 Years ago my childhood dreams came true. I met the Hero of my Childhood, here in Germany after 10 Years beeing away from the Movie Scene. It was a great moment for me, because over all the years i was in a small Fan Group of him. The leader of this group, a very nice Lady called Frederique from the Netherland, was informed of his visit and she told me about, so i said i will be there. She told him about me and when i was in front of him to get my autograph andd said i`m from the group he was very happy to see me. That was an amazing moment. The picture was taken that day late in the evening in a hotel, where he and other stars have dinner. Thank you for that day. Thanks Michael."
8 件のコメント
ミTᏔi𐌔T𐌄𐌃 10月27日 15時57分 
:orwell_relationship: :orwell_relationship: :orwell_relationship:
XTS 7月7日 18時33分 
You're very welcome :104: :puzzleheart:
Wyvern-of-the-Rising-Sun  [作成者] 7月7日 8時28分 
Thank your very much. :-)))
XTS 5月29日 22時50分 
I love moments like that. Congratulations on your achievement in life, another dream come true :D That is so awesome!
Cliff.uckingBooth 2023年12月29日 20時58分 
Cool! :broflex::rambro::broforce:
PSYGo 🌍 ALpHa ⁧⁧☕🤖 2023年12月16日 20時10分 
Arctica 2022年5月28日 13時36分 
Einer der ganz großen aus den 80igern, leider wurde er nie richtig zum Weltstar.:At2_Gashrun:
Luko 2022年5月18日 2時39分 
So cooooool ! Ich bin jetzt zwar nicht gerade neidisch, obwohl ich Dudikoff´s American Fighter geliebt habe, aber ich freue mich für Dich. Ganz sicher wirst Du diesen legendären Abend nie vergessen... (Das Hemd haste bestimmt nicht mehr gewaschen seit dem LOL).