Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

985 évaluations
Insurgency Carbines Pack
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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: Arme
Mots-clés d'addon: Divertissement, Jeu de rôle
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78.645 MB
17 nov. 2016 à 0h33
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Insurgency Carbines Pack

Dans 1 collection faite par Полковник
Insurgency Weapons
9 objets
Carbines from Insurgency. Included:
M1 Carbine
You can change view model hands in
Options => Insurgency => Hands => Type the number from 0 to 6
WARNING! Hands model will change after you will respawn.
Discussions populaires Tout voir (3)
3 juin 2017 à 2h05
I cant see my arms? (How to fix)
6 juin 2023 à 8h04
why is this happen
27 oct. 2018 à 12h08
Things needed to be added and fixed
Admiral J ☑
40 commentaires
anton.bie 21 déc. 2021 à 11h03 
dude theres no sound when i shoot
van 17 oct. 2021 à 10h18 
On all the guns the recoil is awful i cant even shoot with the sights down
Marrko 23 janv. 2021 à 10h22 
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staryoshi06 10 juil. 2020 à 3h53 
Actually, is it possible to do this for every pack? Some of the others conflict too, such as the M249
staryoshi06 10 juil. 2020 à 3h41 
The M4A1 uses the same sound effect name as the CSS weapon in the lua file, and so it replaces the sound effect. Could you perhaps change the name of the sound effect to InsurgencyM4A1?
Captain N'wah 1 janv. 2019 à 1h35 
nice models, but please add muzzle flash
sirvus 27 oct. 2018 à 12h07 
why do these never show up in the insurgency tab
Lento 26 févr. 2018 à 3h12 
no custom?
Raider176 4 nov. 2017 à 11h23 
Can you make the M16 30 rounds and not 20
Duekreiser 7 oct. 2017 à 7h38 
Tyranno King It's Basically A CQB, Assault Rifle Their Lighter and Sometimes fire Weaker Ammunition Such as 5.56x45mm NATO Round M16 And M4 is the Same But if your talking AK47 It uses 7.62x35mm For Carbine AK74Us Variants