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Ghostdream Short Guide
By Arkhouse
This is a very brief walk-through of Ghostdream - meaning I won't be explaining here the logic behind the puzzles or retelling the story: usually the info is given in the dialogues (and the books) and about 50% of all the dialogues (and all the books) is optional. Half of the rooms are optional as well, so if it isn't necessary to go to a certain place, it won't be mentioned in this walk-through.

Some images used here are taken from the game's book - you can get it here:
Ghostdream Black Book []
Go left 2 rooms.
Talk with the demon (all options) - after the dialogue a card should appear nearby.
Enter the card, using "interact cursor" (of the mouse).
In the options of the card choose to look at its back and enter the following combo (by pressing the buttons):
After the next dialogue, interact with a new card to open it, look at its back and enter the sequence, shown here:
Go right 2 rooms and talk with the knight. Talk until "Ready to become a knight" option would appear in the dialgoue. Choose it and answer the 3 questions of the knight.
First answer is: BARRUIN
2nd is: BARRON
3rd is BARROS
(Just enter the words in the empty option, using keyboards)
After the next dialogue return one room left and go one room up. Talk with Writer to end the chapter.
See the TOWN MAP.jpeg to navigate in the town:
Go to Writer's room and talk (all options)
Go to Courrier's room and talk (all options)
Go to Singer's room and talk (all options)
Now go to Mayor's room and talk (all options). New card appears after the dialogue - unlike the previous it's only a plan for an actual puzzle which is the whole town. To progress you need to locate the 7 lights, hidden in the rooms:
After all 7 lights are found return to Mayor's room and interact with the card to destroy it. After the dialogue go to square to end the chapter.
Wait until a portal egg appears. Interact the portal egg to get to the new room.
Wait until a portal egg appears - if you'll use it you will get to an optional room, but if you'll wait longer another portal egg will appear - use it to get to the next room.
Use the second egg from the right to get to the last room of the chapter.
Talk with doppelganger. The right answer is Canberra.
Interact the new portal to leave the room.
Use the interface on the left side of the screen to navigate and leave the room.
After the dialogue, interact the interface in the lower right part of the screen - press the upper circle.
In the next room interact the upper circle again.
Talk with Organ Grinder. Interact with the new card and enter the following combination:
After the dialogue enter the portal in front of you.
After another dialogue press the button in the center of the room to end the chapter.
Use the interface in the upper left part of the screen to navigate - press the button to go.
On the crossroads choose the lower path (lower button).
Talk with God and look at his card (from the dialogue).
Enter the button sequence shown here:
Use any cursor on the small "door" objects to navigate. Choose the right path.
Choose the right path again.
Use any cursor on the point shown here (4,3):
Use any cursor on the point shown here (6,9):
Use any cursor on the point shown here (5,2).
After the dialogue interact with the portal in the center of the room to start the endings and epilogues.

After the epilogue press "Awake" to end the game.
Biruchi 26 Mar, 2021 @ 4:46am 
Thanks! I got lost with the lights. I don't use guides but this time I was completely unaware about what to do.
KwirkriwK 2 Mar, 2019 @ 6:06am 
this guide make me finish the game but i still tried on myself!
Kiri-ешка 14 May, 2017 @ 6:44pm 
Nightsmaiden 17 Feb, 2017 @ 10:20pm 
Ah, nevermind. Just a *really* fiddly pixel hunt. Thank you very much for making this guide, would have been a major pain without it.
Nightsmaiden 17 Feb, 2017 @ 10:07pm 
How exactly do you "find" the hidden lights? The first one listed responded to my using the Talk option, but none of the others seem to respond to that. :-(