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Mac's Rhodesian FAL
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26 set. 2016 às 18:58
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Mac's Rhodesian FAL

Because the right arm of the free world was also used to kill a bunch of black people :D
6 comentários
VikingDeathBattle 14 ago. 2018 às 1:35 
You mean to defend from communists...
lemon juice 8 mai. 2017 às 11:46 
@VillainMacmillan They did not "lose" the bush war, nor did they win. The Rhodeisans absolutely kicked the Native African's asses in the war, killing almost half of their forces..With only about 1,000+ casualties. The rhodesians left because they knew it would be worthless to stay and fight because the Africans were pussies who couldn't kill Rhodesian servicemen, so they just stuck to killing and robbing women and children. Thatcher realized that the fighting was retarded, and that innocent white people didn't deserve to be robbed/killed/buchered by Marxist Terrorist...They give Zimbabwe to Mugabe, and the whites went back to britian, or stayed in south africa...
HD 13 out. 2016 às 9:46 
I know bro :D

nice gun man
Sigh-Ops  [autor] 12 out. 2016 às 21:05 
HD 12 out. 2016 às 1:23 
>makes Rhodie FAL
>doesn't apply Rhodie camo
Geneva 2 out. 2016 às 22:52 
if only the rhodesians won the bush war :((