The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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(Abandoned) Revised Smithing Perks
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16 Ιουν 2012, 0:45
2 Ιουλ 2012, 0:40
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(Abandoned) Revised Smithing Perks

NOTE: Please keep in mind that this mod is essentially abandoned, and has not been cleaned with TES5Edit. I strongly suggest going for something else, like Smithing Perks Overhaul (look on Nexus for a Dawnguard version) or SkyRe. Feel free to use my mod's ideas in your own if you wish.

Revised Smithing Perks

By TheCoincidence / Matty G



Over browsing various mods that change Smithing perks, I noticed that there
were a lot of great ideas people had. However, they did muck around with other
aspects that I wasn't happy with, such as changing stats for items or even
being part of an overhaul that changed a lot of stuff.

This mod combines some of those ideas and puts them into a single mod without
changing item stats or anything outside the perks.

What I am trying to do is make both sides of the perk tree look good enough
from start to end-game. In vanilla, I disliked how both paths went. If you
took the left, sure, you got a headstart with an easy Elven weapon, but Glass
is the only next best quality of weaponry. The right takes a long time to get
the best quality equipment around, but starts off really slowly.

This is my attempt to make things a bit more desirable for both sides, while
not changing everything in it's entirety. It's also a self-experiment to see
how the Creation Kit works and see what can be refined later on.

Keep in mind that this mod is still a work in progress, and will change as
time goes on. If there are some minor details that some people aren't too
happy with, I'm more than happy to make an alternate version with some things

Changes/Additions Made

This mod makes several changes to the vanilla Smithing perk tree.

1.1 Fixed a bug that caused any increase to Smithing to multiply by 629.

1.2 Nerfed Fletching a little, renamed some perks to adjust for some balance
tweaks, and made Light specialty gear be able to be double-improved with the
right perks.

Steel Smithing:
-Taking a chapter from headbomb's Smithing Perks Overhaul, the perk is renamed
to Basic Smithing and allows double-improvement of basic equipment, and unlocks
Steel stuff as usual.
-Covers Iron Armor/Weapons, Civil War faction (Stormcloak and Imperial) armors,
Hide and Leather, Draugr and Nord Hero weapons, and wooden equipment.
-A Longbow crafting recipie was added, and the Nord Hero Bow's own tempering
recipie was fixed.

Dwarven Smithing:
-Is now 'Apprentice Heavy Smithing'
--Covers Orcish Weapons and Dwarven Armor
-Requirement lowered to 25 Smithing
-Now also allows double-improvement of Draugr Honed and Falmer weapons, to add
variety to the 'Heavy' branch of Smithing. Nord Hero weapons are still covered
with Steel Smithing.

Orcish Smithing:
-Is now 'Adept Heavy Smithing'
--Covers Dwarven Weapons and Orcish Armor
-Requirement lowered to 45 Smithing
-Now also allows double-improvement of Falmer Honed weapons to add slightly
more variety. The improvement recipie has been added for them, too.

Ebony Smithing:
-Requirement lowered to 75 Smithing

Elven Smithing:
-Renamed to 'Light Smithing'.
--This is because it now allows double-improvement of some specialty light
armors - Shrouded, Thieves (and Improved), and Forsworn.

Advanced Armors:
-Name changed to Advanced Smithing
-Allows creation and double-improvement of Silver Swords and Greatswords, for
the sake of variety again.
-Like SPO's Balanced plugin, Elven Gilded is added on to this perk. Personally,
I did this because I use QuickFox's Elven Armor Overhaul.
-Allows double-improvement of Blades (uses same keyword as Steel Plate),
Guildmaster, and Nightingale Armors.

Glass Smithing:
-No changes made.

Dragon Armor:
-Requirement lowered to 90 Smithing.
-Renamed to Dragon Smithing to be name-friendly with Dragonbone weapon mods.

Daedric Smithing:
-Now requires Arcane Blacksmith and 100 Smithing; Ebony Smithing is completely
unecessary to get this perk for the sake of allowing access to top-tier weapons
for Light Armor users.
-Also repositioned to the middle of the perk tree to represent this.

New Perk - Fletching:
-Requires merely 20 Smithing.
-Allows creation of arrows, 20 per bundle. Initially you can make Iron and
Steel Arrows with the perk.
-The availability of types you can create is expanded depending on what other
Smithing perks you have. Glass Smithing for example, will allow you to make
Glass Arrows.

Other changes

Scaled Horn Armor, an alternate cuirass to Scaled Armor, is now craftable,
and can also be tempered.

Imperial Swords are also craftable.

The Nord Hero Bow entry for tempering is fixed. Falmer Honed Swords and
War Axes now have recipies for tempering as well.

Potential Conflicts

Unsurprisingly, Smithing mods are common. Basically, anything that changes
Smithing perks WILL override this mod unless you put this last in the load
order! BOSS should leave alone the mods that aren't in the masterlist to the

Some examples of conflicts:

-headbomb's Smithing Perks Overhaul will no doubt conflict. Considering his
Complete Crafting Overhaul requires that mod too, that will also conflict.

-Skyrim Redone, an overhaul mod, will also conflict, as it heavily modifies
Smithing itself, tailored towards other mechanics the mod brings.

Similar mods will conflict. However, weapon mods like Jaysus Swords and Weapons
of the Third Era shouldn't, or at least minimally. The only thing to worry
about would be some inconsistencies, which is usually fixed by merely going
through the Creation Kit and correcting them for this mod yourself.

Modders: What I did was simply added some keywords (WeapMaterialFalmerHoned for
example) on to perks, as well as added recipies for tempering Silver and Falmer
weapons, and crafting Silver Swords/Greatswords and Long Bows and different
arrows. That's all there is to it.

Possible FAQ's

Q. Why are some of the perk requirements lowered?
A. So Heavy Armor users can access them quicker. After all, until Ebony
Smithing, they're stuck with Dwarven, Orcish, or Nord Hero/Skyforge Steel until
then. Elven Smithing users on the other hand can create a powerful early
weapon with merely 30 Smithing.

Dragon Armor on the other hand, was certainly not worth 100 Smithing for
either armor user.

Q. What's with the Draugr/Falmer weapon association with Dwarven and Orcish
Smithing, and Silver weapons with Advanced Smithing?
A. Just more variety. Was fun.

Q. I'm unhappy with some tweaks in here!
A. Then don't use the mod, or modify it with the Creation Kit. Noone's stopping
you other than possible crashes some people get often.

To do

-Consider some community suggestions.


This mod goes well with:

headbomb's Weapons and Armor Fixes -
Fixes many odds and ends with weapon/armor properties.

AeonVita's Dragonbone Weapons -
Makes Dragon Smithing even more worth it. Pick the version that makes them
slightly stronger than Ebony but weaker than Daedric for better balancing.

QuickFox's Elven Armor Overhaul -
Allows creation of a full Elven Gilded set with Advanced Smithing, as well as
some other neat tidbits.


Bethesda for creating the game and the modding tools to do this
Valve for Steam Workshop
headbomb for Smithing Perks Overhaul, which inspired me to make my own version
Various perk mods for some nice ideas - if only if I had more talent to utilize
17 σχόλια
ubern00b 11 Μαϊ 2013, 16:10 
This sounds absolutely great! Thanks for finally fixing this, especially switching the roles of Daedric and Dragon, considering Daedric is superior to Dragon. I have yet to install it, and when I do, I'll see how it goes and report any troubles I might face. Good job! :)
DaPwny1337 25 Αυγ 2012, 5:56 
Shouldn't i be able to craft orc weapons with the "Apprentice Heavy Smithing"-Perk? Cause i can't, although stated in the description
Matty G  [Δημιουργός] 29 Ιουλ 2012, 20:40 
You will keep all existing perks you have. They're only just edited extensively.
TomarEmerald 29 Ιουλ 2012, 10:34 
what happens if I install this? do I lose all the perk points, or do they get refunded so I can respend them?
Matty G  [Δημιουργός] 14 Ιουλ 2012, 8:31 
@ El: There will need to be some rebalancing though. Dawnguard's Dragonbone weapons are stronger than Daedric, and thus will need some tweaking.

When it comes out, I'll remake the mod from scratch.
El Fonz0 14 Ιουλ 2012, 6:15 
I read your message, and this mod doesn't need to be obsolete when Dawnguard comes out. Just the Fletching perk will be.
Matty G  [Δημιουργός] 7 Ιουλ 2012, 23:22 
@ El: Yeah, not to mention that they're significantly heavier than Glass themselves, which results in a higher stamina cost per power attack.

@ OblivionDuruza: The problem is that either if I put in Ebony recipies with Daedric Smithing for those without the original perk, there's no reason to take the right-hand side of the perk tree. Shove Daedric to the right again and those who took the left-hand side can't get it easily without making the whole tree wrap around.
El Fonz0 7 Ιουλ 2012, 19:01 
Fun Fact: Honed Falmer weapons are Glass strength. Then again, that's offset by the small arsenel of Honed Falmer weapons and their rarity.
Not sure if you've done this already, but you should add improvment recipes for the Supple Ancient Nord and Falmer Bows.
X 7 Ιουλ 2012, 1:25 
Great idea, but lore-wise I have one gripe, Daedric Armour is Ebony Armour embued with the soul of a lesser Daedra, therefore the connection between Ebony and Daedric Smithing is both natural and almost necessary, imo.
Matty G  [Δημιουργός] 2 Ιουλ 2012, 18:46 
Believe so, you may need Arcane Blacksmith.