From The Depths

From The Depths

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Jackdaw IV
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13 Thg08, 2016 @ 5:30pm
14 Thg08, 2016 @ 6:50pm
7 ghi chú thay đổi ( xem )

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Jackdaw IV

Mô tả
Fast and durable destroyer capable of destroying all unit types with great effect.
Eats Kingsteads for breakfast and shoots down Kobolds for fun meanwhile bullying a Wyvern.

- 1 Huge gatling-gun of death and murder.
- 2 Little AA/AV guns that go pew pew.
- 2 Double barreled mortar things of raping.
- A ton of radar guided missiles with proper range and payload.
- Horrible amounts of anti-missile... missiles which launch on enemy missile detection.
- A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of torpedos for murdering the weak cowardly submarines.

Also includes two command bridges for maximum comfort.