Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

163 ratings
A starting guide to CS:GO
By Nero
Learning the basics of the ranks.
First of all, i just want to say, I'm going to try and make this guide as informative as possible without wasting your time.
Now, getting started, if you're new to the game you will see an experience bar when you start up the game to the left, this will show you, your level one. To start playing competitively, you will need to reach rank 2. This is good, as it will allow you to have time to increase your map awareness, gun skill, movement etc. Once you get to rank 2, you will be able to win 2 competitive games a day, once you have won 10 of your placement matches, you will be put into a rank, this can vary between silver 1, being the least skilled rank, and LEM (Legendary Eagle Master), which is a very high rank, and this is the highest placement rank you can achieve just by winning your 10 placement games.To rank up, there is a system called ELO. If your a League of legends player, you should be familiar with this system. But if you're not, here is an explanation which i found from a wikipedia article.
Originally posted by Wikipedia:
The Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in competitor-versus-competitor games such as chess.

The difference in the ratings between two players serves as a predictor of the outcome of a match. Two players with equal ratings who play against each other are expected to score an equal number of wins. A player whose rating is 100 points greater than their opponent's is expected to score 64%; if the difference is 200 points, then the expected score for the stronger player is 76%.

A player's Elo rating is represented by a number which increases or decreases based upon the outcome of games between rated players. After every game, the winning player takes points from the losing one. The difference between the ratings of the winner and loser determines the total number of points gained or lost after a game. In a series of games between a high-rated player and a low-rated player, the high-rated player is expected to score more wins. If the high-rated player wins, then only a few rating points will be taken from the low-rated player. However, if the lower rated player scores an upset win, many rating points will be transferred. The lower rated player will also gain a few points from the higher rated player in the event of a draw. This means that this rating system is self-correcting. A player whose rating is too low should, in the long run, do better than the rating system predicts, and thus gain rating points until the rating reflects their true playing strength.

Basically, the higher the elo (which you get from winning games, the more experienced player, for example in a gold nova 3 match if you win against gold nova 4's you will get more elo for winning against gold nova 3's, the higher you're rank will eventually be. So keep winning them games!
Always train/warmup!
I can't stress enough that going into a game of competitive, without warming up, before hand, is BAD. You should always have a warmup game of deathmatch or aim maps before, so you are ready to play. A few good warmup/aim maps are on the workshop, these consist of,
  • Aim_freeload
  • Aim_redline
  • Aim_usp
  • Fy_eder
  • Fy_buzzkill
This also is a very good one, this helps practice one taps, and your flick shots, and your reaction time.training_aim_csgo
If you feel like your having a hard time with a certain weapon, go into a HS deathmatch to practice your accuracy with it. Also, if your warming up, why not listen to some music,i find it always helps with my concentration, and it feels more natural to play.
Movement is an important factor in CS:GO. This can consist of air strafing to maneuver around obstacles and bhop (bunny hop), which is used on 128 tick servers, it is not important for 64 tick servers which are the matchmaking servers as you'll always stop at around 270 velocity. 128 tick servers are servers which pro players play on and they are on ESEA and Faceit.
Anyway, on the subject of movement, surfing is a great way to improve your movement, it helps with your mouse accuracy, and actually helps keep head level when checking corners since your used to keeping your mouse at specific areas when moving/strafing. You could also try bhop servers to get used to the strafing.
Also, use the mousewheel up or down, to bhop, this keeps it consistent without stopping when hitting the ground which happens when you use your spacebar. Use this bind in your console: Bind mwheeldown +jump
How to play faceit with a good expierience. (for more experienced players)
Just a little tip, to play FACEIT witha better experience use these commands in your autoexc
cl_interp 0 cl_interp_ratio 1 rate 128000 cl_cmdrate 128 cl_updaterate 128 cl_allowdownload 1 cl_downloadfilter 0 ds_get_newest_subscribed_files
How to solo queue.
Solo queue, can be a big pain. You will come across a variety of teamates who will try and drag you down the ranks, thesse teamates can consist of
  • The angry people, these are the most common ones, who shout at every mistake you do, even the tiniest ones. The best way to avoid these types of people is to mute them.

  • The ingame leader (igl)
    This person can be a great help to the team, he knows his strats, he has good map awareness, and is normally quite friendly.

  • The smurf, SMURF means "Experienced gamer posing as a newbie", this is when a higher skilled person, goes into a lower skill group, to "rek" the other team, smurfs, are usually people who cant hold their current rank so they go into lower skill groups and destroy all the inexpierienced people, to make him feel better.

  • The actual good player
    The one on the team who is a good leader, a good player, and a good guy, he leads without forcing himself onto the team and he is friendly, and this is a good teamate, you should be happy if you have a person like this on your team.

  • And finally you have the Troll.
    The ones who want to ruin the game for their amusment, they don't defuse,listen to strats.They might throw the bomb to a place not reachable, he never sticks with the team, if your going to A, he will go to B, just troll. He Team kills or shoots you,so you lose health. If you have a troll on your team, just vote to kick him, its the best solution.

Always stay calm in a comp game, if you stress and get angry, it can lead to you not focusing, and missing easy shots, its not worth it to get angry about. I would be a hypocrite to say i never get angry in a comp game, however learn to control that anger, you will always play your best when you remain calm.
So remember stay calm and dont be toxic.
Dont just stick to one map!
Chances are, you only play dust 2. This is a bad start as you need to widen your map choices. Dust 2 is also know as a troll welcome map, this is where alot of the smurfs, trolls, and the russians play. Try and vs some bots and just have a few games on maps like, cache,overpass,nuke,mirage,and inferno, however inferno is not on the competitve pool right now, so if you're going to play inferno, dont play competitve on it, its a waste of time. Playing on different maps will help you adapt to the different playstyles of ct's and t's, also it will help strenghthen your map awareness, and if you learn different smokes and pop flashes, on a variety of maps, this will help secure bombsites and rushes.
Learning the sprays and configs.
To change your crossair, go to a map called CHRASHZ crossair generator, there you can create your own or use pro player's crossairs.
To change your viewmodel, go to CHRASHZ viewmodel generator and do the exact same as the crossair generator. This is the easy way for beginners to change there configurations.
Spray patterns are in the game to smoothen the skill gaps, to master the sprays for certain guns, you must follow these gifs, im about to show you, find a wall on any map, an just practice going in the opposite directions the gifs are showing you, just think, you are trying to fight the recoil, so when the first 10 bullets of the ak go in a straight line, you push down and keep it in a steady circle like spread. The spray pattern's below are the guns that will be mainly used, leaving out the negev and such as they are guns, players tend to not use, because obvious reasons.

Have fun!
CS:GO is a very popular game, you will meet nice people, and toxic peope, it's just the way the counter strike community is, however if you enjoy the game, dont let anything stop you from playing it, maybe you love the competitive scene, maybe you love surfing , just do what you enjoy!
My guides.
Feel free to check out my other guides, hopefully they will help some people, if you have any suggestions on what guides you want me to make, make sure to let me know, i am more than happy to help people.

A guide i created for how to unlock every icon and achievement on Emily Is Away.

A guide i made for the second shot update.
Upcoming guides?
If you enjoyed this guide, feel free to comment on it, and if people would like to see a trading guide, let me know, i put alot of work into this guide, I'm expecting hate due to the toxic environment that CS:GO has set, in my 850+ hours of playing, i have experienced this well enough, however if this guide even helped one person, i will be happy!
Thanks for reading my guide, i will be making more in the future.

Nero  [author] 12 Jul, 2017 @ 7:33pm 
Hypa 12 Jul, 2017 @ 7:33pm 
what rank are you now? I imagined you got quite far with this guide
Nero  [author] 21 Apr, 2017 @ 4:28pm 
@unbreakable patriot crashz' Crosshair Generator
Jorseph Cornelius 21 Apr, 2017 @ 3:20pm 
whats the crossair edit map called
Nero  [author] 1 Nov, 2016 @ 9:27am 
Nero  [author] 1 Sep, 2016 @ 9:50am 
Thank you :D
TrapGod 1 Sep, 2016 @ 8:49am 
Great guide, rated and faved
TinyBear24 20 Aug, 2016 @ 9:22pm 
Nero  [author] 19 Aug, 2016 @ 12:46pm 
No problem, glad you liked It :D
PrplTiger 19 Aug, 2016 @ 12:40pm 
Thank You so much for making this guide. It was very helpful especially because I am new to CS:GO.