Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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America, The Rise to World Power, 1746-1782
By Fancy Fish
The History of America's rise to power and account of first part of the Great War 1746 - 1782.

- The first part of a fictional history of America under the leadership of George Washington, an account of the War for Domination of the old world

- Civilization V : Brave New World - Game setting as follows:
Standard Terra map, 10 AI players, Deity level, Starting in the Ancient Era, Epic pace
History - America in the Old Word - 4000BC-600AD
Birth of a Nation

America as a nation was founded in 4000 BC. The founding of the capital Washington on the Potomac River marked the birth of the nation and a begining of an era of peace and prosperity for the settlers in this strange new world. As Washington grew and expanded two new cities were founded: The city of New York and Boston. All three cities were soon connected via a vast transport network and trade flowed freely between them bringing wealth and prosperity.

"There is a Destiny which has the control of our actions, not to be resisted by the strongest efforts of Human Nature." - George Washington

The Three Founding Cities positioned in favourable locations, with temporate climate, plentiful resources and access to trade links from the Atlantic ocean, soon flourished. The three cities and the capital in particular were considered centers for cultural excellence. History records this as a Golden Age for the American people with contempary reports marking many of the buildings these cities contained as wonders of the Ancient World.

Population increased dramatically as plentiful food caused birth rates to soar and migrants flocked to the land of opportunity. Overcrowding and population density soon became an issue and the American workforce set about expanding thier cities infrastructure.

Exploration of the Old World

In the early parts of American history exploration parties were sent forth and diplomats made contact with other civilizations. The first encountered were the Mongolians in around 3000BC, they occupied hills and land to the North of New York and the capital. This intial contact was followed by the establishment of diplomatic relations with Hunic, Aztec and Roman Empires somewhere around 2000BC.

The Huns, a warlike people, led by Attila controlled a large section of land to the North East of Boston. Initial hostility led to a number of border skirmishes at around 1000BC, all of which were resolved with little gain in terms of territory made on either side.

"Do not underestimate the power of an enemy, no matter how great or small, to rise against you another day."- Atilla the Hun

Diplomatic relations with the Aztec and Mongolian civilizations proved to be a lot more cordial with the later entering into a makeshift alliance around the turn of 1st century AD. The Roman Empire was quite unknown during this time but under the leadership of Ceaser Augustus it was quietly expanding its borders to the south and growing its power.

The Clash of Nations

A number of wars between nations were fought during the 2-5th century AD, but owing to a strict policy of isolationism and non-interventionism America was able to avoid conflict and remain neutral during this period. Clashes between the Greek and Zulu empires saw the near annihilation of the Greek people and the fall of thier capital city of Athens. Conflict between Hunic and Aztec empires saw the Aztecs expand thier borders both North and East but overall weakened its military might.
History - America in the New World - 600AD-1200AD
The New World

In danger of being overtaken and overrun by the sprawling empires surrounding it, America decided that only a policy of expansion and settlement could advert the inevitable decline of thier empire. The newly discovered lands across the Atlantic Ocean to the west seemed ideally suited for this purpose. Contact had already been made with the City states of Belgrade and Melborne and an advanced party of settlers and their escorts made landfall and founded the city of Philadelphia in 650AD on the banks of the Delaware river. The cities of Atlanta and Chicago were soon to follow, their positions allowing for a combination of available resources and defensibility.

The 1st American Expeditionary Force (AEF), under command of Major General Arthur St. Clair, were tasked with the protection of these initial and vulnerable settlements. A number of battles involving the indegenious hostile native population took place in 700AD, but the technological advantages afforded by the discovery of gunpowder a few decades earlier allowed St. Clair to push home his advantage and expand American territory westwards across the continent.

Despite initial gains in territory and the founding of the new city of Los Angeles on the Western Coast, bitter conflict with native populations caused the Expeditionary forces to temporarily retreat and garrison the city in 800AD while awaiting reinforcements sailing from New York.

“I know I could have saved my reputation by sacrificing the army; but were I to do so, I should forfeit that which the world could not restore, and which it cannot take away, the approbation of my own conscience” - Major General Arthur St. Clair

The Western Coast and the building of the Pancontinental Expressway

With the arrival of reinforcements, the expansion of American territory continued and the cities of San Francisco and Seattle were founded on the Western coast. It was decided that a new transport system was needed to connect the cities of the New World. As such a great public work was undertaken, the building of the Pancontinental Expressway to connect the new city of San Francisco to the city of Philadelphia and every city in between. Continued development would occur throughout the Great War, but the cities of the New Wold were mostly untouched during this stage of the conflict and its people lived in relative peace.

History - The Rise of Rome - 1200AD-1700AD
The might of Rome

With its forces depleted during the Hunnic wars, the Aztec empire was too tempting a target for Augustus to ignore. Roman troops advanced smashing all who stood in their way and one by one the cities of the Aztec empire fell to Roman occupation.

The Roman empire continued its expansions in the Southern seas and the islands surrounding the city state of Sydney. Vast trade networks supported the massive Roman Army and Navy. Roman technical advances soon saw the empire become the leading scientific nation.

"I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble." - Augustus

For all its advancement Rome earned the condemnation of the other nations for their rapid and agressive expansion. Emboldened by its new found power and military prowess, Rome embarked on two further campaigns against the Greek and the Assyrian Empires decimating their armies and capturing many of thier cities.

History - The Prelude to War - 1700AD-1746AD
Rome's Dominance

Tension between America and Rome increased dramatically at the start of the 18th century AD. Rome's policy of agressive expansion, combined with technological advancements and massive military expediture had made it truely the worlds first superpower.

Rome was not afraid to use that power either, the previous century had seen the destruction of the Greek and Assyrian empires, who's close border proximity and volitile nature had threatened the absolute power of Augustus. Now Rome's attention was on the city state of Sydney positioned on an Island near the city of Arretium.

"Wars, both civil and foreign, I undertook throughout the world, on sea and land, and when victorious I spared all citizens who sued for pardon. The foreign nations which could with safety be pardoned I preferred to save rather than to destroy." - Augustus

Hostilities and Mobilisation of the Fleet

Sydney was at this time in allience with America, who had previously provided financial and military support when requested. Augustus ordered the Roman Legions to surround the city and through military intimidation, Rome was able to extort vast sums of gold and goods from the terrified population of Sydney.

Messengers were dispatched urgently from Sydney to the United States to request their aid in lifting the blockade, but despite desperate diplomatic efforts by the American ambassador John Nelson, the situation continued and led to a futher escalation in hostilities between the two nations.

Orders for the immediate mobilisation of the American Atlantic fleet was issued by president Washington. Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans and Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry were given joint command of the fleet which consisted of 8 battleships: (USS Mississippi, USS Idaho, USS Connecticut, USS Louisiana, USS Vermont, USS Kansas and the new commissioned USS Delaware and USS North Dakota) and various support ships. The Fleet was joined just south of New York by the newly comissioned USS Lexington "Lady Lex" the first modern Aircraft Carrier of the United States Navy. Once assembled and supplied the fleet then headed south towards Sydney and to a War that seemed almost inevitable.
War in the Old World - The Siege of Sydney - 1746AD-1760AD
The Siege of Sydney

"Yesterday, December 7th, 1746 - a date which will live in infamy - the City State of Sydney, under the protection of the United States of America, was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Rome." - President Washington's Infamy speech before Congress

The American fleet had barely made it into international waters when the attack began. The devastating power of the Roman air and Naval bombardment destroying many of the defending ships and troops and devestating large parts of the city.

America declared war immediatley and Washington ordered the fleet to make all haste to the aid of the battered city. The first American Battleships to arrive opened fire on the Roman fleet catching them by suprise and inflicting vast amount of damage, forcing them to retreat to within range of thier supporting Air forces. A number of Roman troops had landed outside the city walls but these were dispatched with the airpower provided by the arriving carrier USS Lexington.

The American Navy was caught off gaurd by a number of Roman submarines and battleships from the east, but in a pitched battle was able to destroy the Roman vessels with minimal losses.

The Naval battle around Sydney would continue for much of the war but the ferocity of initial offensive, coupled with the longer range of the American guns blunted much of the Roman naval power and repelled the invasion. Roman submarines would continue to harass the American fleet but by grouping ships and through use of support ships with sonar many of the submarines could be targetted and sunk before they came within range.
War in the Old World - The Battle of Boston - 1750AD-1765AD
The Roman Advance

With the crippling of the Roman Navy at Sydney, Roman military power was now focused on the City of Boston via land and air. The Roman army vastly outnumbered American troops and their infantry also had a number of advantages being better equipped with the latest modern armaments. Rome also had a huge airforce at this stage of the conflict and was able to station these in the surrounding cities of Neapolis and the previously captured city of Tenochtitlan.

The Roman Army although vast was split, when America had entered the war in 1746 Rome had already been at war with the Hunnic empire for a number of years, now the Roman Army found itself fighting a war on two fronts.

While the vast bulk of the Roman Navy had been destoryed at Sydney, under the protection of two Submarines and the Littorio-class battleship Littorio, two Roman aircraft carriers Aquila and Sparviero had managed to avoid detection by the American fleet and began thier advance on the city of Boston.

The struggle for Air Superiority

Vastly outnumbered and outgunned on the ground Washington knew the advantage was to be found in the new scientific advances America had made in flight. The invention of newer more advanced aircraft to replace the ageing Triplanes and Bombers of the United States Airforce was a tipping point in the balance of power and came at a crucial stage of the conflict. The new aircraft could fly faster, carry heavier payloads and travel much further distance to their hit targets.

The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress was mass produced in the vast factories and assembly yards of New York. They were then flown from the airfields of New York to their destination in the City of Boston and to the Carriers USS Lexington and USS Saratoga. Their increased range and firepower directly led to the sinking of the Roman aircraft carriers Aquila and Sparviero south of Boston in 1755. The US fleet was recalled to the aid of the beseiged city of Boston and with the help of the B-17's flying overhead was able to sink the Roman battleship Roma and several of the accompanying submarine escorts.

The P-40 Warhawk was produced in Washington and Boston and took part in the fierce Aerial combat over the skys of Boston during the Roman advance of 1750 and then played a key role in support of ground troops during the counter offensive of 1760. Bombing raids over Boston reached a peak in 1755 and damaged many parts of the city, but despite vast numerical superiority the now obsolete bombers of the Roman airforce proved no match for the newer American fighters.

The American Counter Offensive

With the tide turning, American force began to advance towards the city of Tenochtitlan. General George S. Patton led 5 Infantry divisions, 2 Machine Gun companies , 1 Artillery division and Anti-aircraft guns against 9 defending Roman Infantry divisions and 3 divisions of Roman Artillery and routed them at the battle of Tenochtitlan in 1765. B-17 bombers hammered enemy positions ahead of the American advance.
War in the Old World - The Liberation of Tenochtitlan - 1778AD
The Liberation of Tenochtitlan

Under comand of General George S. Patton, American forces entered the city of Tenochtitlan in 1770AD and liberated it, returning power to the Aztec people who had suffered for many years under tyranical Roman rule.

Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory. - General George S. Patton

The momentum and advantage were clearly now with the American forces and they advanced quickly over newly liberated soil towards the heavily fortified Roman city of Neapolis and the 3 divisions of Artillery holding it.
War in the Old World - Invasion and the Razing of Neapolis - 1780AD
Pattons Advance and the Razing of Neapolis

With the liberation of Tenochtitlan, Pattons army turned south towards the city of Neapolis. Almost immediately they came under a heavy barrage of artillery fire from Roman troops in and around the city.

Pattons men advanced on the city, following a scorched earth policy of burning farms and surrounding buildings while at the same time resupplying themselves. This combined with the constant air raids of the American B-17 bomber squadrons weakend the Roman forces sufficently for American Infantry to take the City. Ever the controversial figure, Pattons troops then proceeded to sack and raze the city to the ground.

"May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t." - General George S. Patton

Fleeing Roman troops fell back under pressure from American firepower to positions around Cumae and further in Roman territory.

This concludes this section on the Rise to World Power of the American Nation.
FAQ and Afterword
Frequently Asked Questions
  • [Q] Why?
    [A] Part of the appeal of the Civilization series is that it is an alternate telling of human history and... well... Civilization. From the leaders, to the wonders, to the vast information in the Civilopedia the games contain a great deal of actual historical information. I wanted to expand on this further providing a brief historic account of one of my games playing as Washington and the American Civilization.

  • [Q] Is this a real history?
    [A] No, it is a fictionalised account based on my playthrough of the game.

  • [Q] Are some of the historical figures / quotes real?
    [A] Yes, where possible real quotes were used from historical figures but almost certainly out of context.

  • [Q] Do you use any mods?
    [A] Yes and No. No mods were used during the game, but the map and starting locations were editing to allow for a more balanced start.

  • [Q] What Map did you use?
    [A] The game was played on Terra map at Standard size.

  • [Q] What difficulty settings did you use?
    [A] The game was played on Deity setting.

  • [Q] This is the first part, are there going to be more?
    [A] Yes, the game is (at the time of writing) still in progress and I will release a second part as soon as possible.

  • [Q] You suck at this game / I have a better strategy to win / etc.
    [A] Firstly... not a question, secondly... rude, thirdly... the whole idea of this playthrough was to create a narrative and have fun playing, sometimes its not just about winning.

  • [Q] I have spotted an error or typo in this Guide, what should I do?
    [A] Please message me, or leave a comment and I will correct the error as soon as possible, thank you.


Well I hope you enjoyed that or found it somewhat interesting at least, and maybe I have inspired someone to go play this fantastic game. I'm sure like many of you I can't wait until Civ VI is released later this year, but in the mean time I still have a lot more gaming to do.

Thank you for reading.
Fancy Fish

Nora 14 May, 2021 @ 1:16pm 
This was fun. FOR THE GLORY OF RO- er, AMERICA! May your people be prosperous.
JEff 26 Jan, 2018 @ 2:45pm 
where is part 2?
Raventop 20 Mar, 2017 @ 11:07am 
YOOOO! When's the next part?!
JEff 6 Mar, 2017 @ 5:25pm 
In my opinion, civ 6 is trash. feels too cluttered for me. Well, you said you'd get around to it last time. Better hurry up and get around to it.
Fancy Fish  [author] 6 Mar, 2017 @ 1:59pm 
oof :ChipSad: now I feel bad... guess I should feel bad... curse them from bringing out Civ 6 and curse me for buying it lol :ChipJoy: I do plan on finishing this game some day honest :ChipWink:
JEff 6 Mar, 2017 @ 1:46pm 
Nigerian Astronaut 20 Nov, 2016 @ 3:59pm 
I love America in the Old Word
Leonine 20 Nov, 2016 @ 1:20pm 
What a story, i hope to see part two very soon :3
Raventop 23 Oct, 2016 @ 8:40am 
Hi, Fancy Fish. When are you continuing this? It was a pleasure to read.
ChickenPox543 22 Oct, 2016 @ 4:28pm 
Umm in the prelude to war section in the Hostillities and Mobilisation of the fleet theres a bit when it says Sydney had privided finicial and miliatery support. What im trying to say is that you spelled financial wrong.