Grim Legends 3: The Dark City

Grim Legends 3: The Dark City

62 ratings
Flask Puzzle Solution
By shiaakuma
A quick guide to the correct measurements for the flask minigame (making medicine for Solomon)
This is just a very fast way to get the three flasks of liquid to make medicine in the third chapter for anyone having difficulty visualizing the steps to get the right measurements (i.e. people like me that are bad with numbers), since the game is brand new and no walkthroughs are available yet.

There are probably other ways to go about this puzzle, so this just shows one way to get it done.
Red Flask
Fill the 9 flask and empty it into the 4 flask. Empty the 4 flask.
Repeat this until you have 1 unit of liquid in the 4 flask. Leave it there.

Now fill the 9 flask again and repeat the same process, and you'll be left with 2 units of liquid in the 4 flask. Once again, leave them there.

Fill the 9 flask again and empty it into the 4 flask, then empty the 4 flask. Repeat this until you have three units of liquid in the 9 flask, then pour the three units into the potion pot.
Green Flask
tart by filling the 9 flask with green liquid, then empty it into the 4 flask. Empty the 4 flask.
Repeat until you have one unit in 4 (same as with the red previousl). Leave it there.
Now fill the 9 and empty it into the 4 again.
You'll be left with 6 units in the 9 flask which can be emptied into the potion pot.

Blue Flask
Fill the 4 flask and empty into the 9 flask. Repeat this three times and you'll have a full 9 flask and 3 units in the 4 flask.
Empty the 9 flask.
Pour your three units from the 4 flask into the 9 flask.
Refill the 4 flask and empty it into the 9 flask.
You'll have a total of 7 units and can empty it into the potion pot.
Ran_Sophia 6 Jul, 2024 @ 8:49am 
Thank you. 👏👍🏻
Banake 4 Sep, 2022 @ 11:26am 
robinrescues 10 Feb, 2021 @ 9:06pm 
Thank you!
stephencodd 3 Sep, 2019 @ 9:20pm 
thanks very much
CrazyAngel 10 Dec, 2018 @ 2:15pm 
Thank you!
Unperson 17 Jan, 2018 @ 11:28am 
Saved me hours of torment.
Wh!te 2 Sep, 2017 @ 10:32pm 
Absolutely genius, thanks!
tom- 24 Oct, 2016 @ 12:25am 
My previous post is actually in your guide, in the solution for the Blue part you come across 3 units in the 4 flask. :)
tom- 24 Oct, 2016 @ 12:16am 
You can get the 3 units of Red quicker by putting 8 units into the "9" flask (by filling it twice with the "4" flask), and then filling the 4 flask and with it fill the "9" flask, transferring 1 unit and you're left with the desired 3 units in the "4" flask.
Pandatia 7 Aug, 2016 @ 7:21am 
Thank you for this. The blue one was driving me nuts.