Games Roundup Episode 9: The Fun, the Frantic, and the Faulty
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3 commentaires
White Shadow  [dév.] 2 juin 2016 à 12h04 
Heya. It's up to you, I don't mind. I think, from what most players have said already, I can see where the key problems with the game lie. Criticism is always helpful if it's constructive, so many thanks for that. :D
Lord Crocosquirrel  [créateur] 2 juin 2016 à 10h19 
You're welcome. This was the first impression-- I can do a full review if you'd like, but I doubt that in the game's current condition I'm likely to have much different to say.

On the plus side, you're one of the few devs that have taken my criticism well, and that speaks well of you. I'll drop you a line a bit later if you'd like more detailed feedback.
White Shadow  [dév.] 2 juin 2016 à 9h54 
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Really appreciate it. :)