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Aperture Hiring - Part 2: Employment
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Aperture Hiring - Part 2: Employment

dpi.erico [TF2 Odds Collector]님의 1 모음집
Aperture Hiring
아이템 3개
This map is part of a series, make sure to start with Part 1 first!

Congratulations, you're now officially an employee at Aperture Laboratories!
Your title? Executive Testing Engineer of Science Facilitation and Equipment Analysis.
Your job description? To identify broken assets, attempt to repair them, or initiate appropriate disposal.

Before you start your career, it's important to know what your department looks like. Time for a tour! This is where all broken equipment ends up, should you deem it irrepairable.

DISCLAIMER: Beware of the dangers of malfunctioning assets, as they may be harmful to anybody that comes into contact with them.
In the event that you should receive injury or worse, Aperture Laboratories is not responsible for any consequences, direct or indirect, caused by this happening.

Also contains a hidden Companion Cube, can you find it?