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[ OUTDATED ] Focus 2.0 Where and how to farm ?
By Miyata and 1 collaborators
This guide is about exact focus farm locations and with which warframes you should farm it.
Where should we farm and what Warframes are recommended ?
So baciscly with what frame should you farm ?
Well of course you can do it with every warframe but there's one difference in high/fast DMG frames against low/slow DMG frames they have lower pull of focus.

Q.So how this freaking RNG Focus works then?!
A.Basicly you need Fast high damage frame like Saryn,Excalibur RJ and Mesa.They will give you overpowered amount of Focus(like 5-15 k from only one focus ^-^).

T1 Survival , Ceres: Interception//Draco
How many Focus is avialable per day ?
First of all 100 000 EXTRA focus can be earned per day.
Max per mission: 55 000 extra focus.
Lets begin with Saryn.

Saryn is high dmg frame with very easy combo(2 1 2 4 or 1 3 4)

Her build is not complicated.If you don't have Primed Continuity add normal continuity and try to buy cheap Primed one D:(it will be hard belive me or not xD)
With her you can get around37,000 in first long round inDraco.
Mesa as Saryn is high but not fast(not at all shh don't hate)dmg frame ~ Her 4th ability need to "warmup" before fast shooting :p
This build for Mesa is very old so please don't judge.At old time it was very high recommended now even thou my friend(Mesa main) said that this build is very good but he rather replace Flow with Prime Continuity and add 3rd forma for Coaction Drift because enemies got reduced armor by 30% and with this dirft 37%

As i said up later i played as Mesa veeeeeeery long time ago so i dunno how many focus she can get(i do shh) but i was informed by my friends that she can get 25 000 - 30 000 per mission so its good score as for a slow/high dmg frame ^-^
Excalibur is fast/high dmg frame only thing that i like most than in Saryn as Exca is that he is spamming 3 and 3 is doing more dmg than full combo of Saryn(wtf moment)Yeah you heard well EXCALIBUR IS THE STRONGEST WARFRAME EVER and of course most ballanced XD
Note - This is a 3 Forma build(Excalibur Prime) and 5 forma(Excalibur standard)
Excalibur gains 35 000 - 45 000 focus in one Draco round
As for Exca and Saryn , Ash is very powerful warframe ~
His High and ultra fast DMG from Blade storm makes him 2nd strongest warframe in game.

This build requires 1 forma on Ash prime and 3 forma's on normal Ash.

I recommend taking Tipedo on ASH beacuse its fastest weapon in game + His 4th ability is faster with Attack speed :P(it was tested many times belive me or not but just DO IT)
Thank you for stopping by !
Hope I helped you a little bit guys ! ^-^
Remember that Focus limit is 100k per day.
Mesa,Saryn,Excalibur Prime pictures are from -> www.warframe.wikia.com
Excalibur Umbra and Prime are made by -> http://marshallvex.deviantart.com/gallery/52662166/Warframe
Miyata  [author] 21 Oct, 2017 @ 7:34am 
its outdated sir.
Härski Arska™ 21 Oct, 2017 @ 6:12am 
limit per day is 250k per day atleast for me...
Miyata  [author] 22 Jun, 2017 @ 7:56am 
its outdated due to Draco being revamped
Executor 22 Jun, 2017 @ 7:53am 
Does it still work?
Lycrus 29 Mar, 2016 @ 3:48pm 
Builds are fine. Maybe you should also tell people where to put the lenses? Also your focus numbers are WAY exeggerated for the things you described. Excal would get at most 30k per long round without a booster. and that would need a 100%ev upkeep with an intense amount of mob-spawn -,-
Miyata  [author] 28 Mar, 2016 @ 6:23pm 
blarpbarp 28 Mar, 2016 @ 5:44pm 
so i should equip my equipment with the same focus?
doesn't that divide the focus evenly to the weapons+frames that i equip?
Miyata  [author] 28 Mar, 2016 @ 3:40pm 
I noticed that too :p
But thats not truth atll
If you get 4x greater lenses(or even normal lel XD) from same category like Naramon you'll get MORE FOCUS THAN USUAL :D: !
blarpbarp 28 Mar, 2016 @ 3:34pm 
recommended to put it on your weapon, frames get less affinity for some reason
Miyata  [author] 28 Mar, 2016 @ 3:17pm 
well you can install it anywhere you want xD