Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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What are Halloween Spells/Spelled Items and how do we trade them?
By Randompieguy3
A short guide on what are Spells, how to trade them and their prices.
What are Spells?
Spells are exclusive Halloween single use items. They can give weapons and cosmetics Halloween themed effects which are visible only on Halloween and Full Moons. These effects are also visible on servers which have "Halloween Mode" enabled. Halloween Mode can be enabled via server command or Eternaween.

There are many different types of spells, these are categorized as being:
•Paint Spells
•Footprint Spells
•Weapon Spells

What are Spells? (Footprint Spells)
Footprint spells are the most costly of all spells. They're considered the "God Tier" of spells. Footprint spells are also the most visible of spells. These spells when applied to an item will give that item footprints. These spells can be applied to any hat. This means that when a person moves footprints follow that person.

Like unusuals there are different tiers of spells. These are listed below.

God Tier:
•Headless Horseshoes

High Tier:
•Rotten Orange Footprints
•Gangreen Footprints

Mid Tier:
•Bruised Purple Footprints
•Team Spirit Footprints

Low Tier:
•Violent Violet Footprints
•Corpse Gray Footprints

Headless Horseshoes

Rotten Orange Footprints

Gangreen Footprints

Team Spirit Footprints

Bruised Purple Footprints

Violent Violet Footprints

Corpse Gray Footprints
What are Spells? (Paint Spells)
Paint Spells function like paints with only two differences. One being they are only visible when a server is in "Halloween Mode" the other being that the colours change, on a paint spell the colour changes slightly. For example it goes from dark green to light green then back to dark green. These spells work on any hat which paint works on, however if a paint is already applied to the hat on "Halloween Mode" the paint is no longer visible, just the spell. These spells can be applied to any paintable hat. Please note that the pictures below show a single phase the paint spells go through, at the bottom of the page is a youtube video where you can see the whole spell.

Like the footprints there are also tiers of paint spells, these are listed below.

God Tier
•Spectral Spectrum

High Tier
•Chromatic Corruption

Mid Tier
•Die Job

Low Tier
•Sinister Staining
•Putrescent Pigmentation

Chromatic Corruption

Putrescent Pigmentation

Spectral Spectrum

Sinister Staining

Die Job
What are Spells? (Weapon Spells)
Weapon spells fall into 2 categories. Spells which affect how the weapon fires and spells which affect what happens after you kill an enemy. Spells since the Tough Break have all been renamed. The names are shown in brackets beside the spell.

Spells which affect how your weapon fires:
•Spectral Flame, changes flamethrower fire to green fire. (Halloween Fire)
•Gourd Grenade (Pumpkin Bombs)
•Squash Rockets (Pumpkin Bombs)
•Sentry Quad-Pumpkins (Pumpkin Bombs)

Spells which affect what happens after you kill an enemy:

Spectral Flame (Halloween Fire)

Gourd Grenade (Pumpkin Bombs)

Squash Rockets (Pumpkin Bombs)

Sentry Quad-Pumpkins (Pumpkin Bombs)


What are Spells? (Voice Spells)
Voice spells are pretty discreet and change the voice of your character to a lower pitch. So when he says something like "Go, go, go!" it's in a lower pitch. There used to be many voices spells such as "Medic's Blood-curdling Bellow" but in the recent spell update they have all been renamed to "Voices From Below".
Why are Spells so expensive?
Spell prices varied from 0.11 refined to 20 keys in the 2014 Scream Fortress Event, spells were low in price because they were tradable, dropped regularly and the supply was massive. However after the Halloween Event was over spells disappeared from your inventory as soon as you opened the game. The only way to save your spells was to transfer them to an alt and never open the game.

This lowered the supply of spells, however the demand stayed the same increasing the price of spells. Last year's Halloween Event (2015) when everybody expected spells to drop again, they didn't. So the only way to have spells was to have an alt account which had spells items from the year before. Prices of spells skyrocketed. Once spells became untradable in December 17, 2015 it was clear Valve had discontinued them, so the only way to have spells is to buy spelled items. The increased this price of spelled items tremendously.
How much are Spelled items worth?
Spells are not like paint, you do not half the price of spell and add it to a hat. Normally for spells you add 1/4 the price of the spell to the hat. This may vary according to the hat of course. If it's an ugly heavy hat you might lower the price a bit. Due to the constant fluctuations in the spell market it's quite difficult to price an item, so please don't take my word for any of the prices shown below. The prices are an incredibly rough guideline to spell trading.
How much are they worth? (Footprints)
Footprint spells being the most expensive spells also make the most expensive spelled items. You would be lucky to get a footprint spelled hat for 1-2 keys, these are considered quicksells. I've made a small list below of how much you would pay for footprinted hats, note that they're been listed as most expensive to cheapest. Also note that as the prices for spells these are gathered through researching various spelled item prices and are completely subjective.

Expensive Misc, such as Buds
These are priced on a case by case basis, please ask for help from experienced spell traders.

Expensive Hat, such as Bill's
High-God Tier: 10-16 Keys
Low-Mid Tier: 7-9 Keys

Nice Hat, such as The Brotherhood of Arms
High-God Tier: 8-15 Keys
Low-Mid Tier: 5-8 Keys

Decent Hat, such as The Heat of Winter
High-God Tier: 5-8 Keys
Low-Mid Tier: 4-6 Keys

Cancer Hat, such as Hard Counter
High-God Tier: 5-6 Keys
Low-Mid Tier: 4-5 Keys

How much are they worth? (Paints)
Paint Spells aren't actually worth that much nobody really pays much extra for them. I've made a small list below of how much you would pay for paint spells, note that they're been listed as most expensive to cheapest. As you can see the difference is pricing is non-exsistent. Also note that as the prices for spells these are gathered through researching various spelled item prices and are completely subjective.

Expensive Hat, such as Bill's
High-God Tier: 5-7 keys + price of hat
Low-Mid Tier: 4-5 keys + price of hat

Nice Hat, such as The Brotherhood of Arms
High-God Tier: 4-6 keys + price of hat
Low-Mid Tier: 3-4 keys + price of hat

Decent Hat, such as The Heat of Winter
High-God Tier: 3-5 keys + price of hat
Low-Mid Tier: 2-3 keys + price of hat

Cancer Hat, such as Hard Counter
High-God Tier: 3-4 keys + price of hat
Low-Mid Tier: 2-3 keys + price of hat
How much are they worth? (Weapons)
Weapon Spells have no different tiers making them so much easier to price!

Weapons with Spectral Flame (Halloween Fire)
2-5 Keys + Price of Weapon

Weapons with Gourd Grenades (Pumpkin Bombs)
2-4 Keys + Price of Weapon

Weapons with Squash Rocket (Pumpkin Bombs)
3-5 Keys + Price of Weapon

Weapons with Sentry Quad-Pumpkins (Pumpkin Bombs)
2-4 Keys + Price of Weapon

Weapons with Exorcism
1-2 Keys + Price of Weapon

Please keep in mind that these prices are only valid for your generic strange weapon, exceptional weapons such as Australiam may have varying prices
How much are they worth? (Voices)
Voices spells were worth next to nothing even after the massive shortage of spells. However they're slowly increasing in price, you pay like a key + the price of the hat for these.
How much are Spells worth? (UNAPPLIED ONLY)
These were how expensive prices for spells were unapplied, when you could use them on newer items. These prices are in no way reflective of spelled items, they are here only to represent how much it would cost to apply spells to items after spells stopped dropping.

Footprint Spells:
Headless Horseshoes: 80-100 Keys
Gangreen Footprints: 45-50 Keys
Rotten Orange Footprints: 45-50 Keys
Team Spirit Footprints: 30-40 Keys
Violent Violet Footprints: 30-40 Keys
Corpse Gray Footprints: 30-40 Keys
Bruised Purple Footprints: 30-40 Keys

Paint Spells
Spectral Spectrum: 5 Keys
Chromatic Corruption: 4 Keys
Putrescent Pigmentation: 3 Keys
Sinister Staining: 3 Keys
Die Job: 3 Keys

Weapon Spells
Spectral Flame: 5 Keys
Squash Rocket: 3 Keys
Gourd Grenades: 3 Keys
Sentry Quad-Pumpkins: 3 Keys
Exorcism: 2 Keys

Post Halloween 2014 spells
Spells were last dropped the Halloween of 2014 but were only removed from inventories the year after, this led to the possibility of spell bots having inventories full of spells which were never removed due to the game never being launched.

This allowed users to apply spells to cosmetics and weapons even after spells were discontinued creating some incredibly rare cosmetics.

For example, the above cosmetic is one which had a spell applied after halloween 2014 and is thus worth a good amount, pricing is incredibly varied for such items, this specific one could fetch upwards of 25+ keys. Similar items can also be found spelled such as the first gun mettle weapon skins, which come with elevated price tags.
Thanks to the awesome people below who gave me their explicit permission to use their screenshots/videos to show different spelled items!

Thanks to Pyotoru for allowing me to use his screenshots of the different footprint and exorcism spells! He's a spell item seller as well! Check out his bazaar trades.

Thanks to Strife for allowing me to screenshot his video for the photos of paint spells and weapon spells! He also has a cool youtube channel, check it out!

Thanks to this person for reading my guide!

If you want Randompieguy3's eternal gratitude, donate here! Or win even more gratitude and donate spelled items here!

If you have any questions or feel like I haven't mentioned something please let me know in the comments below! Feel free to ask about spell pricing as well.
Strawberry Cakes 27 Dec, 2023 @ 12:03pm 
by the prices on footrprint spells. I don't think so
Saxton Hale 29 Aug, 2023 @ 7:23am 
Is this guide up to date with prices?
BigBaba69 7 Oct, 2022 @ 8:59am 
i have a double spelled degreaser add me if interested
|JNA| `LukA 4 Jun, 2022 @ 12:18pm 
Good Guide !
NevereverSalty 17 Nov, 2021 @ 9:50pm 
Good guide :candyman:
Cigargoyle 5 Oct, 2021 @ 4:57am 
I have a number of halloween items with spells, including a strange black box with pumpkin bombs and exorcism, a haunted soldier soul with gangreen footsteps and voices from below, a strange shotgun with exorcism and a strange backburner with halloween fire.
76561198046247896 11 Aug, 2021 @ 8:21pm 
anyone have a strange pumpkin bomb rocket launcher?
Sizzyl 24 Jul, 2021 @ 6:14pm 
anyone still selling spells themselves or only spelled items?
Godder 16 Jul, 2021 @ 10:11pm 
Is a max head with voice from below and grey foot prints worth 120 keys? I need to know
microwaved curry 26 Jun, 2021 @ 11:22am 
Trade me if you have an australium flame thrower with halloween fire (Spectral flame)