Punch Club

Punch Club

431 ratings
Bear style guide - under 100 days
By Spiattalo
Looking for an effective Way of the Bear build? Look no further!
Edit 18/10/16: This guide has received and still receives a lot of views and comment, which is something I'm really happy to see and did not expect. However, I feel the need to point out that even though I still read the comments I no longer play the game; this guide was published in February and I know the game has been updated a few times since.
As such, this guide may very well be outdated and no longer relevant. Let me know in the comments how you go. :)

So you want to play a Strength based character, hit like a bear and end most of your fights in the first round? And you want to finish the game in 100 days on top of all that? Well then my friend, read below.

Disclaimer: This is my first guide ever, so bear (get it?) with me.
Early game
Early game is tricky. Refer to this awesome guide by Fugitive Unknown for maximising efficiency in the very first two days.

You will lose your first fight with Bobo no matter what, he's just to strong for now. Restart the game until you get Punch and Block and choose the Strong Arms perk.
Don't bother sparring with Silver when he offers because you don't get anything other than loss of health.
Hit the gym and get to 3 Strength before the first Rookie Fight (and Stamina 2 if possible), you will win that easily. Make sure you eat your pizzas so you can work at the cafe and ignore the construction site. By the second match you definitely want to be 4-1-2 or 3-2-2 and then you should soon be able to join the Bloody Championship. You should win the first fight but the second will be tricky - which is fine, as getting injured will unlock Chinatown. If you don't want to lose the fight, skip it until you get to 4-2-3 or 5-2-3.
Then you'll be on a roll.
How to train stats?
You might have got that from the previous section, but you don't want to go full Strength and ignore the other stats. Contrary to Agility builds, you definitely need all three for the Way of the Bear. I finished the game with 15-12-12, but I believe Agility is less important in the beginning and more important in the late game (after you win one of the two championships). I'll put down what I think are good "checkpoints" to reach with your stats:

(Str-Agi-Sta): 3-1-1--->3-1-2 --->4-1-3 or 4-2-2 --->5-2-3 --->6-3-4 --->7-4-5 ---> --->10-5-7 --->13-8-8 --->14-10-10 etc. I believe that Agi at 12 is a must for when you fight all those Agi 14+ opponents in the end.

Which skills to choose?
As mentioned, you want to start with Punch and Block. Then I suggest the following path:
Tactics Learner ---> Uppercut

You're going to use Punch and Block until you unlock Uppercut (replace Punch) but keep an out on your energy: if you run out of it too quickly use Punch. Then
---> Muscle Memory ---> High Punch (you'll never use this though) ---> Skip Attacks ---> Active Skill

Now we're rolling. Use Uppercut, Block and Skip Attacks and you should be having no problems now.
---> Crosspunch ---> Some Motivation ---> Way of the Bear ---> Boxing Punch ---> Closeline

Replace Uppercut with Crosspunch first and Closeline as soon as you get it. You won't be using any attack other than Closeline until you unlock Ruthless Aggression.
---> Triple Punch (doesn't work with Closeline, don't use this) ---> Muscle Memory II ---> Tormentor Strikes ---> Active Skill II

Now you have 4 active slots, which should be Block, Closeline, Skip Attacks and Tormentor Strikes. You can also get Some Motivation II or Exhauster if you want, but I'd suggest getting to Wreck'em as soon as possible.
---> Iron Skull ---> Wreck'em ---> Strength Focus

The fifth skill should obviously be Wreck'em. Iron Skull can be useful is you struggle against Stamina focused opponents. Now you have two choices: a) you go back and you pick up Exhauster (which can replace Skip Attacks if you want) and Some Motivation II before you continue or b) you go on and take Muscle Memory III, Berserker and Some Motivation III. Just make sure you go for the skills in a) before you get Ruthless Aggression as you won't be able to use Block or Skip Attacks anymore. I finally added Knee Crush myself, as I don't think any of the other skills are worth it.

By now you should be pretty much unbeatable. Make sure you pump your agility up for when you face the Ninjas.
Final comments
This build is extremely strong as long as you balance your stats correctly. The only hard opponents are those that stack Agility, but if your Agi is high enough to get two or three hits in that's all you'll need - on the other hand, high Stamina will give you enough time for those hits to land.

With this build I was albe to win most fights on Round 1, and sweep all the endurance fights from the first try.

I lost 6 fights overall, 1 being the very first fight you can't win, and 1 that I lost on purpose because I didn't want to get the pro card, 2 being sparring fights and 2 in the early Bloody Championship. I never unlocked the potion vendor because I never lost a fight in the Rookie League. I also could definitely have finished the game earlier if I wanted to, as I defeated the crocodiles.

Char 27 Aug @ 8:34am 
72 days 14/12/12 non-hardcore russian route
Guiuguiu 8 Jul @ 4:54pm 
Can you beat your brother with this?
Grumpy OAP 28 Jun @ 5:37pm 
93 Days 11/7/8 Really Helpful
Hyuki 28 Apr @ 3:09pm 
SCARaw 23 Feb @ 10:09pm 
i got under 100 days in my very 1st run turtle/tiger
Richchips 28 Dec, 2023 @ 11:40pm 
Super helpful guide! The grind in the late game was not fun. I found swapping out Knee Crush for Boxing Punch and getting the Boxer trait made the final fights a breeze. Good luck everyone!
Tyrone 2 Dec, 2023 @ 9:43am 
I think you're completely wrong on the bloody championship 1st fight stats because I'm on my 2nd attempt and lost again.. :Dave_bancho: im 5-2-3
Kenshiro 19 Aug, 2023 @ 3:59am 
Hardcore run, I ended up on day 104... The reason is on hardcore, enemies tend to be so random that fighting the same opponent 3 times gave me result of 2 ultra wins and 1 very hard loss. Even I got trashed once by "Ninja 1" on gang career. Final stats 16/12/13

Nice guide, recommend.
Phantom[TH] 18 Jun, 2023 @ 6:04am 
um in the end, agility still is needed this much.15/12/12 is also quite grinding
FantasyMatzeYT 23 Apr, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
Can you on YouTube play this game in 100 days ? Pls ( without glitches )