69 평점
Endless difficulty win in 4 turns
Kramit The Frog 님이 작성
Managed to legitimately (without mods) beat an endless opponent in 4 turns. Warning, much cheese ahead.
즐겨찾기 해제
Not much to it really, I did it on the first try. Although I likely have luck to thank for that. I made the custom civs and set the map settings as follows. Just split up your initial force, settle your city and play it as if you were playing normally. Then, with your starting forces, try to find the AI army before they themselves settle. Once in battle, just clobber the settler and presto all done. Hope it works for you! Yes this is an ultimate cheese win, but it's a win without mods at least!

Step 1: Your Civ: This is what I used but anything with fast moving starting units is best, gotta find the enemy fast!
Big thanks to Zapp Brannigan for pointing out that the "Well Connected" trait can increase odds of winning substantially.

Step 2: Enemy Civ: Set to Cultist affinity then nerf 'em. Have you even SEEN the modifiers endless difficuty gives the AI!?!?! Screw that, make em as weak as possible, which is still stronger than normal.

Step 3: World setup: VERY important to set the world small, with one landmass, few obstructions, and close start to other empires.

Step 4: Split the starting force and spread out. The AI has a score of less than 20 until it settles and gets started, so if that score goes over you've likely missed out. I managed to catch them with only my hero and one of the 2 starting units. Used my starting unit to lockdown the enemy hero and used my own hero to shoot the settler twice and that was game. I guess the AI is much more picky with it's starting location with the Cultist affinity, the length of your attempts will depend on how good their start is I guess.

Finish Strong!
Big thanks to Falcon_BR for the tip!
After winning, play to turn 25 and you'll also receive two more archivements!
"Quick out of the Blocks" and "Fast Start"
댓글 66
VforValentine 2023년 6월 3일 오후 12시 31분 
Though it didn't go exactly to plan, this worked for me. Thanks a lot! Been trying to get that achievement for awhile.
Kramit The Frog  [작성자] 2021년 11월 8일 오전 7시 32분 
Either way, this is not a comprehensive MLG strategy guide, it's a funny exploit guide that gives people some joy to execute and provides that little dopamine hit for unlocking a few achievements. If you desire a challenge, then you're in the wrong place.
Kramit The Frog  [작성자] 2021년 11월 8일 오전 7시 32분 
Unless they've made recent (in the last 8-12 months) changes to the AI settling behaviour, you can disagree all want. But the fact is that I literally have photos of it being accomplished above, corroborating comments by others who've succeeded below, and my achievement list is publicly viewable. In the almost 6 years since I wrote this guide, and after over 10,000 unique views, no one has yet mentioned issues with persistent turn 1 AI settling.

As for why I don't just play a full game on endless? Because this guide is aimed at people who don't have the time or skill to do it. Personally, I like EL a lot, and I royally suck at it.

Your points fall flat because first off, your "given" facts are already verified as false (again unless they've recently updated the AI), and second, because you yourself don't even have the achievements this guide details (yours are publicly viewable as well). I'm not saying you couldn't do it, I'm saying your credibility is weakened by it.
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 2021년 11월 8일 오전 1시 22분 
Yes I read the guide. Given we disagree on the first point, the second one is moot. If you have AIs that don't settle turn 1, then obviously you can attack their unsettled army. Given however that AIs always settle on turn 1, sometimes even on the very tile they spawn, this isn't viable (can be confirmed by playing Drakken and observing enemies). Besides, vanilla Endless is a joke anyway so why not just play a proper full game on Endless.
Kramit The Frog  [작성자] 2021년 11월 7일 오후 9시 02분 
Ok... I really want to be polite but those questions raise two questions of my own...

1) Did you even bother to read the guide? Turn one settling: No, they do not settle turn 1, especially as the cultist faction who, with only one city, must find the most suitable location once spawned. You can verify this via the score as specifically described in the guide.

2) Have you even played the game? Requirement to declare war: Hard no bud, this is basic diplomacy. Default status is Cold War. This means that you are free to attack units but not cities. More specifically, you can only attack units outside their home territory, as attacking in enemy territory automatically declares war. Thing is, if they HAVE territory, you've already failed in the attempt as it means they've settled.
Zlorfik [CH/BY] 2021년 11월 7일 오전 8시 50분 
But the AI always settles on turn one and does so while you are "sending out your units as scouts". So to be able to do that, you need to declare war, for which you'll need a ton of influence.
Kramit The Frog  [작성자] 2021년 4월 7일 오전 5시 50분 
Rock on bud! Glad to see this is still working 5 years later lmao!
StDrake 2021년 4월 7일 오전 2시 41분 
first turn saved the game, spread out everyone and found the cultist settler. Reoaded, sent everyone in that single direction, attacked and let them withdraw on auto, settled right next to them. Second turn it was all over, then just continued past turn 25. Took half a week of trying and couldn't get those 25turn achievements, and thanks to this I got them in two hours. Thanks!
Ichiorochi 2020년 3월 12일 오전 8시 50분 
Took me closer to 10, but still very much works
Kramit The Frog  [작성자] 2020년 1월 23일 오후 6시 12분 
Glad to be oh help! I don't see why a seeded map wouldn't work. If you find a seed that works particularly well, then post it!