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The Ultimate Item Combination Guide
Par E_net4 et 1 collaborateur(s)
Here's a list of all item combinations in "vanilla" Notrium.
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This guide contains all possible item combinations on the default mod of Notrium. You are advised to only look into the item you are desperate to craft but don't know the recipe.

When a basic item and the final form (like Force Field Generator) have the same name, it's always the basic item (the one you can find) when there isn't a (Final) after the name.
General Combinations
Ice Pack + Sand
Battery Charger
Battery Charger Chip + Fuel Converter
Battery Extension
De/Magnetizer + Long Metal Rod
Beacon Ray
Radiator + Pulse Beacon
Biomass Detector (Final)
Biomass Detector + Computer Unit
Cooling Unit
Glass Tube + Ice Pack
Energy Unit
Fuel Cell + Fuel Converter
Enhanced Powered Armor
Power Armor + Blue Alien Corpse
Power Armor + Life Support Chip
Flame Thrower
Welding Torch + Specimen Container + Long Metal Rod
Food Generator
Replicator Cell + Specimen Container + Food Generator Chip
Force Field Generator (Final)
Force Field Generator + Energy Unit + Computer Unit
Goggles (Final)
Goggles + Light Diode
Ice Pack Generator
Replicator Cell + Cooling Unit
Improved Targeting Beam
Light Diode + Motion Detector
Laser Pistol
Light Diode + Energy Unit
Laser Turret
(Motion Detector + Computer Unit + Long Metal Rod) + Laser Pistol
Laser Turret
Broken (L) Turret + Repair Unit
Life Support System
Life Support Chip + Replicator Cell + Specimen Container
Long Range Scanner
Glass Tube + Subspace Radio
Machine Gun Turret
(Motion Detector + Computer Unit + Long Metal Rod) + Rapid Fire Pistol
Machine Gun Turret
Broken (M) Turret + Repair Unit
Modded Subspace Radio
Subspace Radio + Computer Unit + Long Metal Rod
Navigation System
Subspace Radio + Computer Unit + Long Metal Rod + Star Chart
Opened Security Box
Security Box + Security Keycard
Pebble Shotgun
Powered Accelerator + Long Metal Rod
Pistol Chassis + Powered Accelerator
Powered Accelerator
Particle Accelerator + Energy Unit
Power Armor
Force Field Generator + Motion Detector
Propulsion System
Warp Coil + Fuel Cell + Particle Accelerator
Pulse Laser
Laser Pistol + Glass Marble
Powered Accelerator + Fuel Cell
Rapid Fire Pistol
Pistol + Cooling Unit
Repair Unit
Battery + Computer Unit
Sniper Bullets
Bullets + Ether
Sniper Pistol
Pistol + Long Metal Rod
Thermal Heat Pack
Ether + Ice Pack
Warp Gun
Tazor Stun Gun + Warp Coil
Welding Torch
Glass Tube + Lighter
Wooden Dart
Firewood + Queen Blue Alien Corpse
The items are not combined as usual, but rather you use the first item in the recipe when all ingredients are in your possession.

Glass Marble
Sand x 9 (Welding Torch required)
Looking Glass
Metal Tube* + Glass Marble (Welding Torch required)
Hover Bike**
Blueprints + Long Metal Rod x 4 + Anti-Gravitational Device x 2 + Flame Thrower + Powered Accelerator

* Yes, Tube not Rod.
** Not actually an item, it is deployed on usage.
Combinations for ending the game
Fixing the Escape Pod
Escape Pod + (Life Support Chip + Replicator Cell + Specimen Container) + (Warp Coil + Fuel Cell + Particle Accelerator) + (Subspace Radio + Computer Unit + Long Metal Rod + Star Chart)
Solving the Tattered Paper riddle
In this order: Tattered Paper + Sniper Rifle + Beacon Ray + Rapid Fire Pistol + Propulsion Boots + Flame Thrower + VC Stun Laser + VC Pistol + Electro Sphere + Reaper Corpse
Working Subspace Radio (to phone home)
Subspace Radio + Computer Unit + Long Metal Rod + Warp Coil
Psionic Tokens
Basic Tokens
  • Mass
  • Motion
  • Heat
Acquired Tokens
  • Liquid: Enter and complete the Liquid dreamscape in the ship graveyard.
  • Lifeforce: Enter and complete the Lifeforce dreamscape in the Eden.
  • Void: Enter and complete the Void dreamscape in the mining field.

Level 1 Combinations
Focus (1)
Motion + Heat
Mass + Motion
Mass + Heat
(Mass + Motion) + Heat
Level 2 Combinations
These combinations are unlocked with the Liquid token.
Focus (2)
Mass + Liquid
((Mass + Motion) + Heat) + Liquid
(Motion + Liquid) + Mass
(Mass + Liquid) + Heat
Level 3 Combinations
These combinations are unlocked with the Lifeforce token.
Focus (3)
(Liquid + Lifeforce) + Heat
(Mass + Motion) + Lifeforce
(Motion + Heat) + Lifeforce
(Motion + Liquid) + Lifeforce
((Motion + Liquid) + Heat) + Lifeforce
Level 4 Combinations
These combinations are unlocked with the Void token.
(Heat + Lifeforce) + Void
(Motion + Void) + Liquid
(Motion + Void) + Heat
((Lifeforce + Void) + Mass) + Liquid

Mystery Combinations
The following tokens don't really do anything, and just serve as interim forms.
Mystery 1
Motion + Liquid
Mystery 2
Liquid + Lifeforce
Mystery 3
Heat + Lifeforce
Mystery 4
Motion + Void
Mystery 5
Lifeforce + Void
Mystery 6
(Lifeforce + Void) + Mass
4 commentaires
E_net4  [créateur] 18 oct. 2018 à 11h38 
@TheCaptain Yes, unfortunately sniper bullets have to be made one at a time.
Rippa 8 oct. 2018 à 10h44 
how do you mass craft like ether and bullets = sniper bullets, or do you have to do 1 at a time?
E_net4  [créateur] 13 janv. 2016 à 7h29 
@Slick Thanks for the output. You are right, the solution for the tattered paper is missing (it wasn't in the original list, in fact). We will address that soon.
Slick 13 janv. 2016 à 0h25 
>all possible item combinations
>no tattered paper
cool guide bro