Space Engineers

Space Engineers

1,962 평점
Aerodynamic Physics
즐겨찾기 해제
Type: Mod
Mod category: Script, Other
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3.072 MB
2015년 12월 8일 오후 9시 05분
2024년 10월 22일 오후 11시 24분
업데이트 노트 180개 (보기)

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Aerodynamic Physics

DraygoKorvan님의 1 모음집
Space Engineers Physics
아이템 11개
Adds lift profiles to all grids in the game.
Adds deadly reentry to the game.
Adds wind to the game.

Physics simulation includes, drag forces, deflection forces, lift, differential lift, ground effect.

Ground effect will calculate based on altitude from voxels or water.
Mod compatible with digi's wings blocks (this mod may override the physics of his mod).
Q: Drag does not feel like it is taking effect, I cant seem to get reentry to work?
A: Usually this is because you are running an unlimited speed mod or using relative top speed. In either of these cases if you want reentry to happen at lower speeds please change the Simulation Max Speed to a lower value. The Debug GUI will tell you what the simulated mach 5 is (m5), and simulated reentry ablation speeds (ab). ab is the speed that aggressive reentry heat happens.

Settings Menu
You can access a graphical admin menu with Alt + F10 (Or Shift + Alt + F10)
Player preferences menu is accessed by opening chat and pressing F2, these settings are global and apply to any online or private save.
Preferences Menu
Open Chat and press F2, then click Mod Settings
  • Particle Effects: Turns on and off particle effects
  • Lighting Effect: Turns on and off lighting effects
  • Center of Drag Gizmo: Auto - only shows you the CoM and CoD markers on craft you are actively building, Always On, shows for every craft, Always off, shows for no craft
  • Lift Gizmo: Shows the green marker to indicate an angled surface that interacts with the lift profile
  • Gui Options
    • Debug
      • Show Debug Text, shows some debug text, useful to attach to bug reports
      • Debug GUI Position, you can move the debug text using this option
      • Lift 1: Debug lift profile 1st direction
      • Lift 2: Debug lift profile 2nd direction
      • Lift 3: Debug lift profile 3rd direction
      • Lift 4: Debug lift profile 4th direction
      • Lift 5: Debug lift profile 5th direction
      • Lift 6: Debug lift profile 6th direction
    • Heat Alarm: Turns on or off the heat alarm and lets you move the GUI element
    • Heat Indicator: Turns on or off the heat indicator GUI and lets you move the element
    • Wind Indicator: Turns on or off the wind indicator GUI and lets you move the element
    • Show Hints: Turns hints GUI on/off
    • Reset GUI: Resets all gui options to default
  • Color Options
    • Center of Mass: Color of Center of Mass marker
    • Center of Drag: Color of Center of Drag marker
    • Block Lift Indicator: Color of lift indicator on the block you're building
    • Lift Test Direction: Line that shows which travel direction the grid is being tested on
    • Lift Result Direction: Result of the lift test
    • Block Drag Indicator: Same as lift indicator but only indicated if the block only effects drag

Admin Menu
(Alt+F10 menu or Shift+Alt+F10 on some computers - Top Left Corner)
  • Physics
    • Advanced
      • Drag Multiplier: Percent, multiplies drag by this percentage, Default 100
      • Deflection Multiplier: Percent, multiplies the deflection force on an aircraft.
      • Rotational Drag Multiplier: Only takes effect if Advanced Lift simulation is off, changes how easy it is to turn at speed
      • Atmospheric Minimum: Percent, How much atmosphere is in space. For those that want to apply drag physics to space (ie starwars sim)
      • Ignore Static: Skip static grids.
    • Advanced Lift: Enables advanced lift simulation (Center of Mass vs Center of Aerodynamics)
    • Disable Reentry: For maps where you do not plan to go to space adjusts the simulated mach 5 speed to match the max speed of the world
    • Small Ship Max Speed: Maximum speed for small ships, Default 150
    • Large Ship Max Speed: Maximum speed for large ships, Default 150
    • Simulation Max Speed: Max speed to use to calculate simulated mach 5 and simulated ablation speed. If you are running speed of light settings you can use this to bring reentry speed lower.
    • Enable Character Drag: Apply drag to characters
    • Simulate Wind: Apply wind forces
    • Enable Occlusion: Enable reducing drag based on how much the craft is occluded (inside something)
  • Heat Settings
    • Heat Damage: Turns on and off heat damage
    • Heat Radiation Multiplier: Adjusts how fast heat is removed from craft, default 100
  • Compatibility
    • Digi Physics: Enable or disable physics calculation on Digi's aerodynamic wings mod.
  • Reset Settings: Resets all settings to default

Mod Features
Mod will automatically adjust drag to be more realistic with higher maximum speeds. This is to allow drag to feel natural in worlds with 150m/s top speeds, and worlds without a top speed.

Mod takes in account your ship's design. If you have a sleek jet like design, flying forward will result in less drag, if you pitch up exposing the surface area of your wings to the direction of travel you will increase the drag and slow down faster.

Heat is calculated by adding or removing energy from the surfaces of your ship. It will dissipate on its own. Ideally you wont overheat from regular planetary travel, unless you strap a ton of thrusters on.

Ship drag and lift is pre-calculated in a separate thread to prevent lagging the main game thread.

Nerdy details
Math behind it:

D = (Cd * r * V^2 * A ) / 2

D = Drag Force (this is a force, it is applied to the craft with the opposite vector as the crafts direction of travel, mass impacts the delta v applied to the craft)
Cd= (coefficient of drag, varies based on max speed and drag multiplier setting)
r = density of the air at your particular elevation this is the games air density multiplied by the actual air density of well, air.
V^2 = velocity squared
A = Surface area of your ship facing the direction of travel. (Yes, very close to the actual surface area!)

Mod Support

The following file will let your retrieve certain settings from this mod, such as the digi setting and advlift.

Aerodynamic block properties can be modified using Mod Definition Extensions, details on discord.

MES compatability
Older NPC packs may not have the aerodynamic compatibility flag set. You can allow them to spawn by using the override command: /MES.Settings.Grids.AerodynamicsModAdvLiftOverride.true

인기 토론 모두 보기(33)
2023년 11월 11일 오전 9시 22분
Deadly reentry
2024년 2월 14일 오전 6시 57분
Question about Power generation
2022년 5월 4일 오전 8시 38분
Gatling Gun Crash
God Hates Weebs
댓글 3,422
hyphoenix 12시간 전 
Atmosphere entry/exit looks absolutely amazing, can't believe it isn't in the base game. Actually incentives you to make proper ship shapes
DraygoKorvan  [작성자] 2025년 1월 21일 오후 3시 50분 
custom planet?
quanquan 2025년 1월 16일 오전 9시 00분 
This MOD allows the wind turbine to produce only 1KW of electricity
m3 2025년 1월 1일 오후 1시 30분 
i cant find a thing to turn off the re entry damage
Sky 2024년 12월 27일 오전 8시 45분 
Sky 2024년 12월 27일 오전 8시 45분 
just a heads up of a potential bug ive noticed. it seems that anything i hold in my hand tool wise is able to cover the wind speed and direction part of the HUD like its a scren a bit further away almost rather than a HUD element
Masterbuilder2.0 2024년 12월 23일 오후 1시 00분 
not just a red overlay
Masterbuilder2.0 2024년 12월 23일 오후 1시 00분 
@Abisius it is one of the videos listed in the mod i want the orange sort of thing that washes over your build
SANDE iG. 2024년 12월 22일 오후 6시 13분 
guys wwhat is the hot key for lift test :(
ExCaedibus 2024년 12월 22일 오전 10시 45분 
@Aranchorro: See "Preferences Menu" on the description page. I too experienced your problem and it got unmanagable, i even could not safely fly the ship, and so far i only deactivated wind. But that menu is that the mod has.