323 ratings
Sharks in each Map
By Sinopia
Information on what shark species are good for each map.
The pros and cons of sharks on each map
Each species is positioned from the best (top) to the worst (bottom) for each specific map. The same goes for shark combos, it goes from best combo to worst combo.

Any combination of sharks can be effective, but the best combinations include one tank (Great White, Hammerhead) and one speed shark (Mako, Thresher). The Tiger and Bull sharks are exceptions, and can work pretty well with any shark.

Of course anyone can disagree, and anyone can do really well with sharks I label as bad for certain maps. But there are some solid reasons as to why some sharks just don't work well in some maps.


Hammerhead - Antiguo has tons of flat walls for the Hammerhead to go crazy.

Great White - With lots of huge breakables, grabbing a diver and sprinting out of a room is pretty easy for this big shark.

Bull - The Bull shark can build up rage easily and safely in this map, whether it be by waiting around the divers or faking the divers into shooting.

Tiger - This shark does just as well provided its balanced speed and health.

Mako - Sometimes not as good in this map, the Mako can have trouble with corner camping mid-late game. But a good Mako should be able to get through with well-managed stamina.

Thresher - With wide rooms throughout the map, divers don't always stick together, making it rough on the Thresher.

Best teams:
Hammerhead + Tiger
Great White + Tiger
Hammerhead + Bull
Great White + Bull
Tiger + Bull
Hammerhead + Mako
Great White + Mako


Mako - Given a cave system with easy ins and outs, and one safe out in the open, the swift Mako dominates the waters in this map.

Tiger - Much like the Mako, the Tiger can be built to be quick getting in and out of the cave, and cloaking just makes it all the easier.

Great White - Using shift to traverse the caves, the Great White gets a lot of straight shots as well. But it's slow, which is not exactly the best for this map.

Bull - A decent shark for this map, the Bull can pretty easily build its rage. Combine its ability with hit and runs, and you generally won't be needing any seals.

Thresher - This speed shark can do hit and runs almost as well as the Mako, but the wide open rooms don't allow for many good tail whips.

Hammerhead - Being slow at sprinting and lunging alike, the Hammerhead is usually there to stay once he gets to the divers. With so many uneven walls to smash divers into, getting max damage is very difficult for this shark.

Best teams:
Mako + Tiger
Mako + Great White
Tiger + Great White
Mako + Bull
Great White + Bull


Thresher - Divers usually don't play four corners in this map, and the Thresher can destroy clumps of divers.

Hammerhead - With lots of flat walls and breakables facing STEVE, the Hammerhead can smash all wall-hugging foes.

Tiger - With Crude's color nearly matching, the Tiger, along with its cloaking ability, is very hard to see coming and going, making it a great ninja shark for this map.

Mako - While not the best map for this shark considering the corner camping, the Mako shines in between safes, and more importantly, between the fourth safe and the boat. That long stretch of open water is dark and perfect for the fastest shark in the game.

Bull - The Bull shark isn't the best for this map because of its size and the trouble it has gaining rage in the final stretch, but it can still do decently if all the large breakable walls are put to use.

Great White - Due to its size, the Great White can get shot up a little too easily without easy escapes when its only option is to grab a corner camper.

Best teams:
Thresher + Hammerhead
Thresher + Tiger
Hammerhead + Tiger

Devil's Head

Thresher - While the rooms are very big, everyone tends to hover around STEVE early-mid game, making it an easy shot for the Thresher to hit everyone at once.

Hammerhead - With walls just about everywhere, the Hammerhead has no problems smashing everyone into walls.

Tiger - With a good coloration for this map, the Tiger is not easily spotted, especially when using his cloak.

Great White - While not a great option due to the straight hallways, this tank should be able to power through to at least one kill per life.

Mako - The Mako is essentially a glass cannon, but that glass is much too easy to break when you have to come down a straight hallway with little to no options for unpredictability.

Bull - It's hard to do the best with this shark when it comes to these mine shafts. Waiting around for rage to build up in long corridor next to STEVE, it's pretty easy to figure out where this shark is and kill it before it can make its move.

Best teams:
Thresher + Hammerhead
Thresher + Tiger
Hammerhead + Tiger


Tiger - This dark map is perfect for a cloaker, and it's even better with speed.

Hammerhead - This map gives lots of space along with lots of flat walls. It's easy to smash one, hide behind and object, and smash the next curious diver to come into view.

Mako - This map has a lot of ways to get in and out, including lots of small openings that only a small shark can squeeze through. Because of this and some long open water parts, the Mako can do a great job at hits and runs for this map.

Bull - Aside from the final stretch, this shark can build rage safely in Fractured, and has some pretty wide rooms to move around in.

Great White - This shark can get in and out of the room with ease using its sprint, given the large open rooms.

Thresher - Even with huge rooms, sometimes divers will camp in one or two corners, but more likely this shark will have some trouble unless it does hits and runs.

Best teams:
Tiger + Hammerhead
Tiger + Mako
Hammerhead + Mako
Tiger + Bull
Hammerhead + Bull
Mako + Bull


Thresher - This map has tiny rooms that make it difficult for divers to spread out. Not only can the Thresher annihilate an entire group in one go, but it can use its tail to safely break open the windows without getting shot.

Tiger - The next best thing is the tiger, as it's not easily spotted and should have enough speed and health to get in and out of the room.

Hammerhead - While it seems tempting with walls all around, this fat-headed shark can have trouble getting in and out and gets stuck a lot.

Mako - Although it is fast, the Mako has a lot of trouble when everyone is in such a small space. It has to be quick, and make sure the openings all have one hit, or are already broken for the best chances at escaping.

Bull - Being a large target and easy to hit in such a small space, the Bull has its best chance of survival in well-planned hit and runs with its ability.

Great White - Sometimes this big shark can tank one kill, but it takes up most of the room and is way too easily shot up.

Best teams:
Thresher + Tiger
Thresher + Hammerhead
Tiger + Hammerhead


Tiger - With many complaints to be had, the Tiger blends in almost perfectly with this map, the cloak is just a bonus.

Hammerhead - This map has lots of flat walls, making it a pretty good option for the Hammerhead. But the smaller openings are not very easy escape options.

Bull - With this map's large rooms and tons of cover, the Bull shark should have no problem building its rage safely before the attack.

Mako - This shark can be hard to hit with its speed, escaping fairly easily with planned attacks.

Great White - Without a nice traversal area for a sprinter like this shark, it's not always a good pick. However, with fairly large rooms, this shark should be able to get some good kills.

Thresher - These big rooms mean bad business for the Thresher, as divers are usually pretty spread out.

Best teams:
Tiger + Hammerhead
Tiger + Mako
Tiger + Bull
Hammerhead + Bull
Hammerhead + Mako


Hammerhead - With lots of flat walls, breakables, and space to move, the Hammerhead can go on a frenzy smashing through walls to surprise people and then smashing them into walls.

Great White - Much like the Hammerhead, the Great White gets a lot of room to traverse and surprise.

Tiger - This well-balanced shark is great for this well-balanced map. It's got the speed and health to do a lot of damage to the divers.

Bull - It may be rough trying hit and runs on this map, but gaining rage should be pretty easy, and all out aggression can work out with the sizes of these rooms.

Mako - With lots of breakables and openings, the Mako can do really well in some parts, but it gets trickier with corner campers.

Thresher - While you can always use the hit and run strategy, the Thresher doesn't always do too well in this map as the rooms are pretty open and have lots of room for the divers to split apart.

Best teams:
Hammerhead + Tiger
Great White + Tiger
Hammerhead + Bull
Great White + Bull
Tiger + Bull


Thresher - If the Thresher doesn’t hit the divers in this mostly massively cramped map, it will surely turn off their flashlights and essentially blind them due to the dark nature of Quarry.

Tiger - Because of the map’s darkness, this ninja shark can get in and out without being noticed.

Hammerhead - Walls are all around, and the Hammerhead can go on a field day. The walls are pretty uneven however, which might make ramming at max damage harder.

Mako - This shark is quick and has easy ways in get in and out of the rooms, even if they are cramped. However, with such low health and seals far away, it will surely need an early healing perk.

Great White - Quarry has easy traversing for this sprinting shark, which makes grabbing divers and taking them away an easy deal. But the rooms are small, and sometimes the shark doesn’t have many options to get away.

Bull - Much like Devil's Head, this map is a maze of long corridors, and there aren't many places to hide while building rage.

Best teams:
Thresher + Tiger
Thresher + Hammerhead
Tiger + Hammerhead


Hammerhead - Another map with flat walls perfect for this hard-hitting shark.

Great White - Sharks have a lot of escape options in this map, and divers don't have many chase options in this foggy map after the first safe. This shark can do some work.

Tiger - As a balanced shark, the Tiger should have no trouble getting in and out of a room.

Mako - Although corner camping is quite prominent in some parts of this map, divers are usually not very close together. Therefore, the Mako should be able to steal a diver from their spot and take them away without being shot up too much.

Thresher - As with many maps, the Thresher doesn't get too many options to hit multiple divers at once in these medium sized rooms. However, the map gets dark and foggy after safe one, and the Thresher can turn off divers' flashlights to make it even harder to see.

Bull - The Bull can be found pretty easily while it tries to gain rage here, so a more aggressive playstyle might be necessary.

Best teams:
Hammerhead + Tiger
Great White + Tiger
Hammerhead + Mako
Great White + Mako


Thresher - These tiny rooms are rich with corner campers, especially by STEVE. The tail whip on this shark does a lot of work on this map.

Tiger - Because of its cloaking and speed, this shark should be able to jump divers inside, and do some work in between safes.

Hammerhead - Much like Galleon, this shark is a bit too big sometimes. There are lots of walls to smash people into, but it is also tough to escape, and hard to not be spotted coming in.

Mako - With corner camping galore and small spaces, the Mako can have a lot of trouble with its hit and run tactics here, but dominates in between safes.

Bull - This shark has a lot of trouble in small spaces because of its size, but gaining rage isn't too difficult.

Great White - These tiny spaces make Great White difficult to play, even with its ability. It’s a big and easy target for all divers in such a small space.

Best teams:
Thresher + Tiger
Thresher + Hammerhead
Tiger + Hammerhead


Mako - This swift and agile shark does excellently on this map, especially early-mid game. There is a lot of open space to traverse and not many corners to hide in, making hit and runs a piece of cake.

Tiger - Like the Mako, the Tiger shark can build up its speed and manage its stamina to do just as well with hits and runs.

Great White - There is a world to explore here, with easy ways in and out, and columns to hide behind when in trouble. The Great White might not be fast, but it can sprint to safety with prey in its jaws before the other divers can deal enough damage.

Thresher - In the beginning, this shark might have a lot of trouble doing anything but hits and runs. Mid-late game is when this shark shines, given the cramped hallways in which divers escort STEVE.

Hammerhead - With so many uneven walls, especially early game, this shark can be a struggle. Even late game, when the divers meet solid walls, the hallways are small and the Hammerhead is easily taken care of.

Bull - Unfortunately for this shark, Temple is a very open map. While there are many obstructions to hide behind while charging the Bull's ability, it can still be easily spotted.

Best teams:
Mako + Tiger
Mako + Great White
Tiger + Great White

GlowyShrooms 13 Jun, 2022 @ 12:17am 
what about bigeye thresher for galleon:awkward:
Promises 4 Oct, 2021 @ 4:39am 
i miss quarry so much
🐉YT_likesimulator_TW🐉 4 Mar, 2021 @ 3:45am 
Projectile Dysfunction 23 May, 2020 @ 6:11am 
update plz
Recon 22 Nov, 2019 @ 2:19pm 
actually mako is the best shark... in all the maps
Tryhard Noob 27 Dec, 2018 @ 4:43pm 
gobbie, whitetip and blue?
Astrophyy 4 Aug, 2018 @ 9:26pm 
tiger shark= ninja 24/7
Rico 24 Jul, 2018 @ 11:16am 
dud, Bull Is good in every map:greatwhite:
Erm, what the Sigmar? 12 Apr, 2018 @ 5:07pm 
Please update thissss
theglizzygobbler 29 Mar, 2018 @ 7:48am 
Mako shark goes good everythwere just saying >.>