RPG Maker MV

RPG Maker MV

Converting your VX Ace project to MV
由 Peak Imouto 發表
A simple enough guide, but requires some knowledge on how to handle scripts. Be careful!
First off, this isn't some simple tool you just run and magically convert anything and everything into a brand spanking new MV project. If you had just started working on a VX Ace project, consider just restarting in MV because you will have to go through every event, every database post and fix things by hand in MV.

This is not a simple solution to your complex problems. Such does not exist.

Due to the new resolutions and what not, the graphics of your old project will most likely not be compatible with the new software. This includes characters generated through the character generator. Yes, that means what you think it means. All those kawaii characters in school uniforms you made? You have to redo them. Yup. Good news is that the MV character generator is loads better than the VX Ace one..! But that's another topic.

Still here? Ugh. You will hate yourself for this. But if you, like me, put 150 hours into your project and dont fancy starting over... Well. God speed, and good luck, because you are gonna need it. Sweat, blood and tears await.

This guide will cover how to do the conversion. The rest is out of my hands.
Step 1: RPG Maker VX Ace
Boot up the old dear. Load up the project you wish to convert. Minimize the program-

OK, first off, lets discuss how this will work. You will copy-paste a script from inside a .rb file in the RPG Maker MV dlc folder, so I recommend you download and install notepad++

I'll wait.

Installed? Good. Go to your steam folder, and then here: steamapps\common\RPG Maker MV\dlc\RPGmakerWeb_plugins\Shaz.

There's a file named "Ace MV Converter.rb" here. Open that with notepad++ and copy all the text inside.
Boot up your project inside VX Ace and then click the "Script Editor" button in the toolbar. Unsure which one that is? Don't worry, teach got you covered.

It's this one. That will open a window that, depending on if you have played around with scripts or not, will look something like this:

Scroll down until you find the drop-down that says materials. It will look something like this (again, depending on if you added your own scripts or not).

Either rightclick and insert a new line under the materials section. Click that new line, give it a name, and paste the script you copied earlier from the "Ace MV Converter.rb" file.

Click OK, save your project and test run it. If you do not test run the game, nothing will happen, so make sure you do.
Step 2: RPG Maker MV
OK, boot up MV and create a new project. Give it a name. This will be your "converted" VX Ace project, so maybe use the name of your old project, I don't know. Save and exit! Yep.

Now go the the project folder of your VX Ace project, usually it's in documents\RPGVXAce\your-Ace-project-name-here

There's a new folder there named mv_data. Copy the contents of that folder.

Now, go to the folder of your MV Project. By default it's documents\Games\your-MV-project-name-here. Open the data folder. Paste the files you just copied. Replace all of them! No mercy!

Then boot up MV and load your project. Enjoy the pain of going through each and every event, weapon, enemy, etc., replacing graphics that no longer exist. Don't worry if you miss anything, because you can't run the game until you replaced or removed all of the missing graphics. The game will tell you what's missing when you try and run it.

Now, I got 50 hours of pain ahead of me with my own project, so I'll leave you to it. Good luck, have fun.
9 則留言
Peak Imouto  [作者] 2018 年 1 月 20 日 下午 1:21 
Geyblade, judging from the file-extension ".obb" i think it's either a background sound effect or music.
Geyblade 2016 年 9 月 23 日 下午 2:16 
Worked on some level, not sure what decision3.obb is. Shame they didn't just add instal formats to VX Ace.
T-Lyo 2016 年 5 月 27 日 上午 7:32 
You should make a Youtube tutorial series on all these subjects because My brain is hurting just Reading all of this (More of a Watch and Learner)
Lars Ulrika 2016 年 3 月 8 日 上午 4:11 
I'm still hesitating to do that. But MV is so much better...
Peak Imouto  [作者] 2015 年 11 月 4 日 下午 2:30 
jvickers if that was only it xD my project had tonnes of custom art that just wont fit with the now one ^^

I thought it would take me 50 hours to be back on track. Im approaching the hundred now.
jvickers 2015 年 11 月 4 日 上午 11:17 
It's not perfect as there are a lot of image and sound files that were stock in VX Ace that are missing in MV, but if you can find and replace those, you're good to go. Thanks for resource!
Peak Imouto  [作者] 2015 年 10 月 29 日 下午 9:22 
After running the game with the script enabled, there will be a new folder generated in the VX Ace game's project folder, named "mv_data." Copy the contents of that folder into the data folder of your MV project.

Load up your MV project.
vinurd 2015 年 10 月 29 日 上午 2:32 
give the exact page address where to convert -I'm tired of looking for
ThisWasSparta 2015 年 10 月 25 日 上午 8:41 
Thanks for the guide. Seeing that I only just started with my most recent VX Ace project I'll start over. And good luck converting.