Devil's Bluff

Devil's Bluff

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Getting Started in Devil's Bluff
Tekijältä 2/3 Hangnail Anxiety
A simple guide to help kick-start your bluffing career
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Devil's Bluff is an 11v1 scavenger hunt game where there is 11 survivors and a single devil. The object of the game is to either work together with others to figure out who the devil is, or finish the scavenger hunt. Or, if you're the devil you could always murder everybody.

This guide will hopefully clear up some of the early confusion for beginners and help them jump into the heat of things a little bit faster.
  • Movement - WASD or ARROW KEYS
  • Run - SPACE
  • Sneak - ; or V
  • Investigate - K or X
  • Slap/Attack - J or Z
  • Capture - L or C
  • Transform (Devil only) - T
  • Map - M
  • Menu - P
  • Toggle Player Portraits - 1
  • Toggle Clues - 2

Controller (Xbox)
  • Movement - Left Stick
  • Run - Right Trigger or X
  • Sneak - Left Trigger
  • Investigate - B
  • Slap/Attack - A or Right Stick
  • Capture - Y
  • Transform (Devil only) - RB
  • Map - Left/Right D-Pad
  • Menu - Start (Pause)
  • Toggle Player Portraits - Up on D-Pad
  • Toggle Clues - Down on D-Pad

(This may not be correct, like at all.)
Controller (Playstation)
  • Movement - Left Stick
  • Run - R1
  • Sneak - L1
  • Investigate - O
  • Slap/Attack - X or Right Stick
  • Capture - Triangle
  • Transform (Devil only) - R2
  • Map - Left/Right D-Pad
  • Menu - Start (Pause)
  • Toggle Player Portraits - Up on D-Pad
  • Toggle Clues - Down on D-Pad
The survivors. Work together with everybody to find out who the devil is and capture him, or with your partner to finish the scavenger hunt.

There are several traps throughout the mansion to drop your HP down making it easier for the devil to finish you off. The devil can hit you for 50% of your HP, so if you're below half health you'd best stay with somebody unless you want to get picked off.

Ways to win as a Survivor
  • Finish the scavenger hunt: You and your partner (if you have one) can work together to find where the clues are.

  • Capture the devil: The devil, he's tough. I don't recommend taking him on alone, if you try to capture the devil yourself, things most likely won't work in your favour.
I'd also like to mention that if you win the scavenger hunt, you and your partner win.
But if you work together to capture the devil, everybody wins. So get to hog-tying. And besides, the devil looks super cute when he's tied up, poke him and stuff.
The Devil
The devil can explore the mansion a lot faster than survivors. He runs faster, and he has a couple of tools at his disposal such as the:

Skeleton Key
The skeleton key can open any door or side passage without having to find a button or switch to do so, he can also do it from any side of said door. Only down-side is you have to be transformed in order to use it.

The pitchfork does massive damage, along with being the only attack that can lower player HP. A single attack from the devil will deal 50% damage to your life bar. This is supposed to promote more teamwork-based play and make the devil a hell of a lot scarier.

Gargoyle Teleporter
The devil can instantly teleport into the bunker's camera room to spy on survivors through a hidden camera system in the mansion through a gargoyle statue. This can be done by going through the main hallways to the middle or "Slapfight Central." This isn't exactly a super-power however as you must be in slapfight central in order to teleport, and you also must be transformed. That and the survivors can find their way into the room pretty quickly.

Now, onto ways to win.

Ways to Win While Playing as The Devil
    Win the Scavenger hunt: You can do this a couple of ways
  • Play the game normally, give up your career in murder and soul-snatching and relax with friends
  • After killing people you can take their items they drop, but you can't be transformed if you want to pick them up.
Kill everybody
Simple enough, right?
Scavenger Hunt Items
I don't want to spoil all the fun so I'll try to keep this simple

The first scavenger hunt item is always in the main hallways

The clues to find the items consist of two parts, a location and an item. ex:
Swords and shields and axes to boot, you'll find me stuffed, fluffy and cute.
"Swords and shields and axes to boot" This would be the main hallway
"you'll find me stuffed, fluffy and cute" This is the Plush Cat item

Master the layout of the mansion, and you'll soon master the hunt.
This is my first guide, like, ever. I apologise for spelling errors and failed formatting as I'm super lazy and don't like writing.

Guide may not be super great but I hope I somewhat helped a bluffer out!
9 kommenttia
gamer 19.10.2018 klo 1.50 
can i have a guide on how to get into a game
2/3 Hangnail Anxiety  [tekijä] 1.11.2015 klo 12.42 
Talking is automatic, but also proximity based. You can't speak to alive players when dead
JK 1.11.2015 klo 3.42 
how can I speak ingame with mic?
2/3 Hangnail Anxiety  [tekijä] 31.10.2015 klo 11.29 
When you die, you click on the character portraits on the top right
BakunawaVT TTV 31.10.2015 klo 6.40 
How do I enter spectator mode when dead?
Jack Boot 29.10.2015 klo 2.31 
Excellent guide although it did not say how the Devil can teleport, it just said that he can.
doobs 28.10.2015 klo 7.44 
The capture meter is basically telling you if your capture is available or not, once you use your capture, your capture meter is reset and slowly recharges.
Ghosty 27.10.2015 klo 19.50 
Can you explain what the slap button means? (Next to the action button.)
Unfyeee 27.10.2015 klo 19.35 
Can you explain what the capture meter means too. (Under the health bar.)