Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today

Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today

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A game walkthrough covering all four acts. This is not an achievement guide.
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Dead Synchronicity is set in a harrowing post-cataclysmic future where you play as Michael, a man who has lost his memory.

It is a typical point & click style game, where you interact with objects by clicking on them. Right clicking on an object will trigger Michael to make a comment on what he sees, these comments can be helpful for working out what something might be useful for.

Items that Michael picks up are placed in his briefcase, which happens to be large enough to hold anything from a few rusty nails to a petrol powered electricity generator! You can query items in the briefcase by right clicking and attempt to combine them by picking an item up and dropping it on another item.

Using items is just as simple as clicking on them in the briefcase and then clicking on whatever part of the world you want to use them on.

Pressing the space bar will highlight all of the clickable items in the room. This makes it much easier to ensure that you've picked up everything in a particular room.

This guide will walk you through picking up items and the puzzles. I've tried to avoid spoilers wherever possible, though sometimes these are unavoidable. Items are marked in bold, so you should be able to figure out what to do with an item by hunting for it in the guide.

If you follow this guide exactly, you'll get through the game; however it will not give you any information about the 20 non-story related achievements, for which I recommend using this guide instead. Most of the achievements are fairly off the wall, but are quite fun to stumble across.
Act 1 - A Camp Full of Rats
After watching the opening cinematic, you wake up in a pitch black room. Only a briefcase is visible in the top left hand corner of the screen. You need some light. Move the mouse to the centre of the screen and you'll be able to interact with an oil lamp.

Once you've spoken to Rod, he'll lock his room and you are free to poke around his trailer.

Open the oven and "borrow" the pot lid and notebook. The diary is worth a read, though most of it won't make any sense until a bit later.

Now pull back the bedsheet, oops, ripped it on a protruding bedspring (which is now revealed).

You can try the wardrobe, but Rod forgot to unlock it. No new clothes for you yet!

Time to leave the trailer and get a look at the post-"Great Wave" world. Meeting the loveliest person in the camp Hank/Hunter.

Have a look at the shopping trolley next to the homeless man, and then try speaking to him. Michael will step on a rusty nail and cut his foot.

It is always worth speaking to everyone you meet, at any opportunity, so speak to the homeless man for a bit more information about the state of the world now.

Place the pot lid on the homeless man's drum fire, smoking him out. Now click on the trolley to steal his credit card while he isn't looking.

Then go back to the trailer and deal with Michael's foot, you wouldn't want it to get infected now would you? (especially with the obviously sick homeless man spluttering everywhere)

Now Michael gets to channel his inner spy and use the credit card to unlock the wardrobe.

Grab the whisky and pillow. Michael doesn't want to get the shoes covered in blood, so he won't pick them up yet.

Now we're going to attend to Michael's foot, so tear the pillowcase on the bedspring and combine it with the whisky. Now put the makeshift bandages on the shoes, because clicking on Michael's feet would be too obvious...

Walk in on Rod, his wife and Colin. Where you'll find out what Rod is hiding and something more about Michael's condition. Rod wants your Michael's help, so now we need to find a way out of the camp to do this. As Michael can now walk around without destroying his feet, he can begin his quest. Walk out of the area around Rod's trailer, where you'll be faced with a choice of which way to go.

You can choose any of the directions (left, right or straight on). I'm going to start from the right hand side, where the big pile of rubbish is.

Speak to the girl in white , and then to her delightful handlers. They'll ask you to pay, like everybody else - so you need to find some money. We'll come back here later.

Now go back to the crossroads and pick the left fork.

Speak to the solitary inhabitant who'll give you some more information about the Great Wave and the city beyond the camp. He'll also point out the truth about the refugee camp you're currently in.

You can try interacting with various objects around the brick building, but none of them are particularly useful yet. Enter the brick building and become reacquainted with The Hunter.

Pick up the empty beer cans, because you can't just see something and not pick it up. It might prove useful later... Have a chat the bartender who is completely oblivious to the fact you've just nicked some beer cans. Have a chat with our friend The Hunter. Isn't he such a lovely man?

Now it's time to try and make a quick escape. Speak the the gate sentries, who'll tell you about how you might get out, and prove themselves to be jerks in uniform. You can try touching their motorbike, but surprise, surprise they don't take it very kindly.

Walk to the left of the screen and enter the house on the hill. Speak to the woman smoking. Try to pick up the pack of cigarettes from the drawer on the floor.

Strangely enough this doesn't go down too well with the woman smoking. Walk out through the curtain on the left side of the room.

Speak to the two boys throwing rocks. They want something to throw their rocks at, maybe some empty beer cans might do? Give them the empty beer cans and have a chat with them afterwards. While they go and distract their mother, return to the house and steal the cigarettes you saw earlier.

Return to The Hunter's bar and give the cigarettes and the bottle of whisky to the bartender in return for a food package. Return to the house on the hill and give the food package to Misha/the woman smoking. You get the Mole's bracelet from Misha in return for the food, for which she is so very grateful.

Show the Mole's bracelet to the gate sentries and leave the camp towards the city.

You've now finished act 1
Act 2 - Doomsday City
So we have reached the city, to discover how much nicer it is than the camp...

Speak to the City Dwellers to discover what life is like in the city. Then speak the the old man with the horribly blunt bolt cutters. Let him tell you about his daughter (this might be important later).

Now is time for church. Walk into the ruined church and pick up the glass shards underneath the window on the left. You can try moving the scuplture on the right, but it won't do much at the moment. You can't interrupt Reverend Blake so walk back outside and walk to the right into an area around the "hospital".

You can try to lift the manhole cover but it is too awkward at the moment. You can also try to walk through the front door of the "hospital" if you want. Well, it was worth a try wasn't it?

Read the plaque by the gate and then use the glass shards on the damp soil by the gate. Pick up the sign on the tree trunk. You now have plank to act as a lever for something, what unstable thing might we be able to topple now?

Walk back to the ruined church and use your lever (plank with message to topple the statue on the right. Pick up the thick jagged piece of glass and speak to Reverend Blake who'll fill you in on what we did to cause this mess.

Now head back to the damp soil by the entrance to the park. Use the thick jagged piece of glass on the damp soil and head under the gate. Ignore the rotten fish for the time being and walk through into the park. What a lovely place this is!

Pull the crowbar out of the ground by the man in the centre of the park. The pick up the rope and watch what happened.

Walk out of the park and back towards the church. Use your new crowbar to pull the subway sign off the wall.

Head back towards the camp, but instead of walking through the front gate go to the tree on the right. Use the rope on the tree, click on the burnt tree to get down in to the nasty looking pool of water. Investigate the hewn stones to get the carved stone. Now who was talking about a lion above the flames?

Now walk to where Rod's trailer is and use the crowbar to break open the car door of the abandoned car. Take the seat cover and elastic band from the driver's seat.

Go back to the city and use the seat cover on the window by the old man trying to break the lock. While you are by the window, pull off the poster that is covering the top right corner of the window. Use the crowbar to "quietly" break the covered window. The old man is more grateful than most, so grateful that he drops the bolt cutters and dives through the window (so fast you don't see him do it).

Now go in to the church and give Reverend Blake his lion rock (carved stone). He is so excited, he drops his stick. Pick up the cross-shaped stick and combine it with the rubber band to make a slingshot. I know of two boys who'd love a slingshot.

Go back to the house on the hill, speak to Misha and then walk outside to give the mole's children the slingshot. This will provide a distraction for you to investigate the motorcycle by the guard post at the entrance of the camp. No, you're not going to ride the bike but you are going to pocket the gloves in the saddlebag.

Return to the park and use the bolt cutters on the wall of trees and bushes. Revealing a path and a little more about Michael before the Great Wave.

Walk right and head through to an electric fence. Use the rubber gloves on the electrified wire and click on the half-buried pipe to reveal a secret trap door. Go through the trap door and past the darkened room.

You are now inside the "hospital" look into the main hall to discover what is going on. Pick up the acid jug and go through the ventilation grate.

Pick up the black bag from the janitor's cart. Then walk through the open door. You can look around this room, but the thing we want is in the glass case. Use the crowbar to break the case.

Now remember that the old man's daughter was a nurse. "Wait a minute... Did you say Uma? Nurse Uma?" will get you a pass. Speak to Uma to discover something horrible.

Open the dilapidated desk to get the tiny key then pick up the morphine from the cabinet you broke into. Walk back out into the hallway and open the metal closet with the tiny key. Pull out the wooden crate, which also contains the GPS,ID, and the report on the cure.

You can now leave the "hospital" and return to the city. Speak to Reverend Blake's sister and then walk back towards the camp. Speak to the gate sentry to discover the consequences of your previous actions.

Go to the area of stagnant water by the tree to the left of the camp. Climb down into the water and look at the dark bundle. Here we have the perfect scapegoat. Take the business card from the pocket and replace it with the slingshot. Now use the acid jug and the thick jagged piece of glass to "do the right thing".

Return to the camp and speak to the gate sentry.

Walk to the house on the hill and give Misha the Morphine, she'll give you money in exchange. Then go and speak to the two boys.

Michael now has the money he needs to see Rose, so give the wad of cash to the two thugs and enter the van. Speak to Rose to discover what she wants in exchange for revealing the secret. Look at the picture on the wall and then open the toolbox. Take the hand drill and the wire with burnt out lights from the toolbox and leave the van.

Go and see Rod to give him the army report on the cure. Wipe away your tears and go to see the lovely Hunter in his bar. Unfortunately it is barred, so we'll just have to bring them outside. Before you do this, take a look at the GPS - you'll discover something important is missing.

Use the hand drill on the line of drums by Hunter's bar. Use the line of drums and then use the bolt cutters on the electric cable.

Speak to Michael's good friend The hunter and ask him for the missing component of your GPS. He'll tell you to get him some fuel in return. Give him the ID and he'll give you your batteries. Combine the GPS with the batteries then walk outside and combine the business card with the GPS.

Now you'll be transported to the next act.
Act 3 - Oracles and Ashes
Michael has been spirited away to an entirely new area of the city by the magic of GPS technology.

Go and have a chat with the two soldiers. Aren't they a charming pair?

Pick up the empty tin can on the top of the dustbins behind the two soldiers. Then walk into the bookshop building on the far left of the screen (where there is a sign and a broken store window).

Investigate as much of the bookshop as you like, the most important thing is the wooden boards on the shelf near the computer monitor. Use the crowbar to open the blocked door and walk up the stairs behind it. You'll soon find that you can't get any further up the building without a distraction. There may be a way to use those stray cats the soldiers are complaining about; now where did we see some rotten fish?

Go to the entrance of the park and use the empty tin can to pick up the rotten fish. Then return to the area with the two soldiers. Place the can with rotten fish back on the trash cans and observe the consequences.

The soldiers have moved away from the electrical panel that controls the lights. Here you have to rotate all three of the knobs until all the lights are at their brightest. Then press the button in the bottom right of the panel.

Go back into the ruined bookshop and walk up the stairs. Once you are outside, you can now walk up to the rooftop.

Once you've admired the view, pick up the bucket from the ledge and walk back down the stairs. Read the metal plaque and pick up the handwritten note from the door. You can try to force open the door, but Michael can't shake the feeling he is being watched.

Leave the building (note that the exit is on the floor closest to the screen - don't walk back up the stairs).

Start heading back to the camp, you'll be interrupted on the way back by the two soldiers. Aren't they just the nicest people? Pick up the tooth fragment from the pool of blood and the torch. Now you can actually go back to the camp.

Fill up your bucket from the stagnant pool near the camp entrance by using the bucket on the water. Go to the area around Rod's trailer and use the bucket to put out the bonfire. From the ashes, pick up the burnt doll.

Use the wooden boards on the wooden crate to create a makeshift cradle. Unfortunately it doesn't rock like the one Rose wants, so we need to find some way to attach the broken subway sign to the cradle.

There is a conveniently placed roll of electrical tape (which was used to fix the cable you cut earlier) in Hunter's bar. Now combine the broken subway sign with the makeshift cradle to create a most luxurious rocking cradle. Now who was it who had managed to lose a baby?

Go and visit Rose in her van and give her the burnt doll and the cradle. Doesn't that baby look cute? In exchange, she'll give you a key.

Go back to the apartment of Michael Argent (where the two soldiers used to be) and use the key that Rose gave you to open the door.

Discover more about Michael's past by opening the music box and investigating the room. The thing we actually need is in the work closet, so open it up and take the camera from inside. Unfortunately there isn't any film here, so we'll have to find some later.

For now search the filing cabinet and find the newspaper that matches the letterhead of Sarah's letter that you found on the door. It is in the drawer marked S - V under the tab on the right, marked as The New Truth. Take this newspaper and then walk outside.

Combine the newspaper that you just picked up with the GPS.
Act 4 - Old and New Truths
Now that you've discovered much more about Michael's tragic past, it is time to find out more about the post-Great Wave world.

Once you've finished speaking to Chris, head back to the main vehicle entrance of the "hospital", near ther park gate. Use the crowbar to lift up the manhole cover and then use the torch to enter the sewers.

Investigate the area as you wish and then move onwards through the archway on the right. Search through the waste heap, and then through the pile of partially tangled waste with the crowbar.

Collect the flash drive and return to the newspaper offices (where the soldiers sillhoutes were coming from earlier). Give the flash drive to Chris and tell him whatever you think he should hear.

Pick through the jumbled objects in the crate to obtain the camera film. Combine the camera film with the camera. Unfortunately the door to the film slot doesn't stay shut, what do we have that is small enough to keep it closed? Why, Michael's tooth fragment of course!

Go back through the park to the trap door entrance to the "hospital. Use your torch on the dark room. Press the switch on the control panel and return up the ladder. Go left so that you have a good view of the lighted fuel compound and use the camera on it to take a phograph. Return to the Hunter's bar with the photo. Give the photo of the fuel depot to the Hunter. Leave the bar. Isn't the Hunter such a wonderful man, so kind and reasonable?

Go to Rod's trailer and take a peek through the window. Smash the window pane with the crowbar and click on the door to walk in. Open the cookie box and take the revolver from inside. Then speak to Colin.

Once you've dried away your tears, leave Rod's trailer and visit The Hunter so that Michael can tell him exactly what he thinks of his delightful methods. Then give Rose a visit in her van.

We now have the means to give Rose control over her own destiny. Michael can't shoot straight (as he's mentioned several times), so give Rose the revolver. Pick up the coins from the card table and then head over to Michael's apartment.

Use the coins on the photography backdrop and return to where you left Rose. Attempt to use the damaged generator and wait a few seconds. When time starts to skip, you'll get a brief moment in which to use the black bodybag and then the photography backdrop on the damaged generator.

The generator will no longer be damaged, so pick it up and return to see Chris. Give the generator to Chris and then enjoy the ending.

Congratulations. You've finished the game. Now the wait for part 2 begins...

15 Kommentare
hannes 7. Feb. 2024 um 2:56 
Thanks a lot!
Nowhere Man 30. Juli 2023 um 3:18 
I've never used a guide for a game before as I wanted to solve things on my own, but I chose to use a guide for the first time ever with this game. Thank you for providing this guide that helped me complete this game.
ChillyJamGang 23. Mai 2023 um 9:59 
What a great guide!!thanks
theguyB 7. Sep. 2020 um 21:05 
i couldnt believe the game was over until i read your reviéw, thanks for saving me time ^^
Hmm 17. Juli 2020 um 7:18 
thanks bro. this game including bullshit puzzles. you helped a lot.
Steven Stevia 30. Dez. 2017 um 2:58 
This guide is not only informative and well-structured, but also really fun to read :) Thank you so much!
MCVeldman 22. Okt. 2017 um 9:45 
Thx for the walkthru. Although I didn't use it, it was nice knowing it was there. Especially after the ending since there are so many questions unanswered. Any word on a part 2?
Animal 5. März 2017 um 5:14 
Thank you very much!
sairath 23. Juni 2016 um 11:22 
Thank you for the guide. I got stuck a few times and was able to look up the things I had missed without accidentally reading too much of what I didn't want to know. Thanks for making an effort to structure it so people can find what they need without reading into it too much :-)
mcmorris23 22. Apr. 2016 um 23:29 