

32 vurderinger
ESL Insurgency Competitive Files
Av Aphex og 4 medarbeidere
An installation guide and file links for playing Insurgency in the ESL.
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ESL Configs & Theaters
The ESL Theater is similar to the default competitive theater that is currently used for public matches. We have utilised our experience as competitive players in Insurgency to help build the ultimate Insurgency experience. We have changed class load-outs, preventing Flankers the ability to equip HE nades and assault rifles, but providing silencers for primary weapons and flash grenades.

The ESL Configs simply organize the game-mode-related structure of the match, including round-time, round-limit, preparing-time, respawns, capture times and much more. The ESL Configs also houses 'sv_pure 2' and other command lines that prevents the use of ANY custom content.

ESL Insurgency Competitive (Playlist- based) much like normal competitive matchmaking, but incorporates the ESL Comp theater and rules. With this theater you are able to search for Competitive ESL Public Servers aswell as private servers with a click of a mouse! In the latest NWI updates the workshop support got fixed. You are now able to run an ESL Comp server without any more manual updates (if able to customize commandline). Follow the instructions on how to setup such a server. Besides, NWI added the feature to also have private servers running playlists, so no matter if you want a private warserver or a public ESL server - its working now! ESL Comp Servers ARE displayed in the Insurgency Matchmaking System (for clients that subscribed to workshop file).

You can have an overview of the new ESL Insurgency Theater version 1_6[] here.
Installation Guide

First, check if you are able to customize your commandline in your serverpanel. Some serverhosters do not give full access to the commandline or have preset custom ones that do not fit the Insurgency requirements. If that is the case, contact your hosting company and ask for a fully customizable commandline for your server.

If you can customize the commandline, proceed with ESL Comp Installation (-workshop).

If you can not customize the commandline, proceed with ESL Comp Installation.

ESL Comp Installation (-workshop):
*Update 3rd July:

1. Download the "ESL INS Competitive v1_6 (-workshop).zip"[] from the list below and unzip it at your drive.

2. Customize the needed settings in the server.cfg.

3. To install copy the "insurgency" folder of the ESL Comp directory to your Server (steamapps/common/Insurgency Dedicated Server/).

4. Do not forget to put the "subscribed_file_ids.txt" into your steamapps/common/Insurgency Dedicated Server/insurgency/ - directory (this .txt carries the ID to the workshop upload).

5. To get the playlist automatically downloaded from workshop onto your server
you need to add: "-workshop" (without "") to your commandline.

6. Restart your server 2-3 times and see if its listed in the Matchmaking (to see your server in matchmaking, you will also need to subscribe to the ESL Comp workshop upload).
Your server will now automatically update the ESL Insurgency playlist and theater in case it got updated by restart.

7. The ESL Insurgency Comp files currently support the gamemodes Firefight, Elimination and Ambush. Priorized when its about updates is always Firefight, since this is the main-comp mode of Insurgency. If you want to have Firefightmaps only in your mapcycle, open the mapcycle_esl_comp.txt you downloaded and delete everything but the firefight map-mode combinations out of it!

ESL Comp Installation:
*Update 15th October:

1. Download the "ESL INS Competitive"[] from the list below and unzip it at your drive.

2. Customize the needed settings in the server.cfg.

3. To install copy the "insurgency" folder of the ESL Comp directory to your Server (steamapps/common/Insurgency Dedicated Server/). Upload all the files of the .zip to your Server. Be sure, that the folder structure is the same as in the .zip. If you e.g. do not have a folder called "scripts", create it. Same with "scripts/custom" etc.

4. Restart your server, once you uploaded all the files.

5. Start Insurgency, and check if your server is listed in the ESL Insurgency Multiplayer Tab.

6. The ESL Insurgency Comp files currently support the gamemodes Firefight, Elimination and Ambush. Priorized when its about updates is always Firefight, since this is the main-comp mode of Insurgency. If you want to have Firefightmaps only in your mapcycle, open the mapcycle_esl_comp.txt you downloaded and delete everything but the firefight map-mode combinations out of it!


ESL Comp Installation:
*Update 15th October:

Simply Subscribe to ESL Comp (Workshop Upload) and you will always have the up-to-date Files on your Client. Check your ingame Matchmaking ("Multiplayer"-Tab in mainmenu) to join an ESL Comp Server!

SourceMod Server Match Plugin
(currently not supported)
Aphex's Match Plugin supports:
  • easy switch between ESL/DGL configs
  • pause-on-demand
  • pistol round and much more!
Its working with both ESL and DGL vpk files installed
Downloads and guides[]

We'll try to keep this list up-to-date.

SERVER DGL Match (Server):
(version 09oct16r)
SERVER ESL INS Competitive (-workshop):
[url]ESL INS Comp (-workshop)
[] (version 1.7) *updated - 15th October

SERVER ESL INS Competitive:
ESL INS Comp[] (version 1.7) *updated - 15th October

CLIENT ESL INS Competitive :
Subscribe to ESL Comp Workshop Item *updated - 15th October
Competitive Platforms
There are several platforms hosting Competitive Insurgency events, such as DGL, ESL, ANZINS etc.

ESL Insurgency Group (Official ESL Insurgency Steamgroup)

Ins Gather Group (for new and vet players, mostly DGL Theater | EU/NA welcome)

Ins PUG Group (for new and vet players, DGL Theater | mostly NA-players)

Atleast one of them is hosting a pug/gather every night - just join the Steamgroup and wait for Eventannouncements.

Comp Matches/Events:
ESL Insurgency Discord Server[] (join up for a chat)

ESL Insurgency Group (Official ESL Insurgency Steamgroup)

DGL Group (Official Steamgroup of the Digital Gaming League)

Join the Steamgroups to get information about upcoming events, announcements, news ... or simply to keep up to date!
Update Log
15th October 2016

- updated download links for theaterupdate v1_7
- theater v1_7 features new nwi update changes to playermodels

3rd July 2016

- general update of installation guide & download links
- updated FF Theater & FF playlist
- no changes to Elimination and Ambush theater (yet)
- check changelog of version 1_6[]

11th March 2016

- general update of installation guide & download links
- removed ESL Match entirely
- Added ESL Comp (playlistbased) options without commandline edit
- Theater and configs still the same (version 1_5)

22nd February 2016

- general update of installation guide & download links

ESL Comp updated (workshop upload)
- Client files (workshop file) got updated
- Server files (workshop file) got updated *ESL Comp Server now supports Workshop subscription
- added the v1_5 theater to ESL Comp
- added ambush v1_5c and elimination v1_5c theaters
- added ambush and elimination cvars to the playlist

ESL Match updated
- added ambush v1_5c and elimination v1_5c theaters
- added ambush and elimination configs
- NO changes to firefight theater & configs (still latest version 1_5)
20 kommentarer
Humpty 15. apr. 2017 kl. 23.08 
Hi Mr. Pink,

My console just keeps spitting out - "Tried to look up command sv_pure as if it were a variable."

Any thoughts?  [skaper] 24. feb. 2017 kl. 23.42 
Not in the ESL. But there are pugs and a team vs team event coming soon in here: Join up!
Siilis 24. feb. 2017 kl. 7.06 
Is Insurgency competitive still alive?  [skaper] 16. okt. 2016 kl. 13.01 
Update to the ESL Ins theater!  [skaper] 3. juli 2016 kl. 7.25 
Yo folks!

ESL Insurgency Comp version 1.6 is here with updates of FF Theater and Playlist! Be sure to check it out and update your servers (clients subscribed to ESL INS Comp workshop will autoupdate). Have Fun!
Broglah 27. mai 2016 kl. 11.59 
Hi, I managed to resolve it in the end, but thank you very much for trying to get somone to contact me.
For those that want to know how to setup a DGL server read ahead;
Instead of trying to get the VPK file to load do the following
Step 1: create scripts folder inside insurgency root folder where you can see other folder such as cfg.

Step 2: create an aditional folder inside scripts called theaters

Step 3: upload the following theater to insurgency/scripts/theaters/ []

Step 3: create or edit you server.cfg file to include the following.  [skaper] 27. mai 2016 kl. 1.26 
Well, I asked the DGL admins to do so and added them as creators, hence this site here was created as "comp files". But nothing happened yet. Will try to get you in contact..
Broglah 26. mai 2016 kl. 20.05 
I cant for the life of me work out how to get the .vpk files to load for DGL. I can get ESL working fine using the workshop one. can you upload the same for DGL cfg and theaters? or link to workshop
[PRS] jigsaw77 19. mai 2016 kl. 13.27 
ok thanks I check it  [skaper] 19. mai 2016 kl. 0.00 
Its working for me just fine. Its also in the playlist from workshop:

Be sure to not have a mapcycle.txt in your /insurgency/ folder, which has no heights in. All the maps in playlist are the basemaps that can be used in esl insurgency. With a mapcycle.txt file you can reduce those maps - e.g. if you do not want ambush/elim maps on your server, add the mapcycle.txt with ff only maps, add "mapcyclefile" "mapcycle.txt" to your server.cfg and go ahead.
By the way, the workshop version only makes sense if you can add -workshop to your commandline :) Otherwise the server is missing the playlist (which he gets from workshop after 2-3 restarts).

I will add a mapcycle.txt in next esl ins comp version, where you can reduce the mappool to the maps you want to have running on your server.