Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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GALIL - Frostbite
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Waffe: Galil AR
Lackierung: Sonderlackierung
8.758 MB
2. Sep. 2015 um 20:51
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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The Yeti is real, and he's really really cold.....
We have been wanting to create a skin with the sliding mechanics of the galil ever since we saw EGO DEATH’S “Chatterbox.” One of the many ideas that we came up with while brainstorming was a “teeth shivering” action. When the opportunity to work with the amazing 3D artist SLiD3 came up we knew exactly what we wanted to do. Here you have the result of about 20 hours of “work” (because it was extremely fun to create the design with SLiD3) and production of this item was a breeze.

This finish features a frozen look to the gun, as well as a centerpiece of a very adorable Yeti in SLiD3’s acclaimed 3D artstyle. Around the grip, barrel, and stock of the gun you will find a snow and ice landscape. The body of the gun and magazine feature some more of SLiD3’s 3D snowflakes.

This item has been a blast to make and we will absolutely be working with SLiD3 again, so expect more amazing content in the future. Thank you for checking out the design!
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