Caves of Qud

Caves of Qud

Momoom, Mutant Marauder
"Caves of Qud is amazing. Can't overstate that. Inspired, I decided to make a random mutant and design a 3D-printable, 28mm scale miniature based on the character. "Momoom" here was designed in Scupltris and TinkerCAD. 3D print is on the way, and I'll post a picture of it once it's finished/painted."
ravni 8 Aug, 2018 @ 2:00pm 
I like the style! Love how the mutations are shown in the art.
Zayyeh 7 Apr, 2016 @ 3:01am 
So cool!!
Fluttermind 25 Nov, 2015 @ 1:09pm 
dutchmogul  [author] 25 Nov, 2015 @ 12:23pm 
@Kuranes Thanks for the heads up! I'll check that out now. My little game company is just about to release some miniature skirmish/wargame rules we Kickstarted. We're making it free/open to expansion:
Fluttermind 25 Nov, 2015 @ 11:53am 
Incase you wanna play around with that mini, have seen the Mutants and Deathray Guns mini game? :)
dutchmogul  [author] 9 Sep, 2015 @ 12:28pm 
Not according to history ;-)
Vice 9 Sep, 2015 @ 10:54am 
Sounds good. Also, not that it really matters, but I'm pretty sure a 'battle-axe' is two-edged. Whatever :)
dutchmogul  [author] 9 Sep, 2015 @ 10:32am 
Yeah, I'll make more for sure! Waiting for a good random mutant (who survives for more than a level or two.) Basing and painting the model soon.
Vice 9 Sep, 2015 @ 10:28am 
Man! Keep doing these and I'll be a fan within seconds! Please show us the 3D model too!
dutchmogul  [author] 9 Sep, 2015 @ 10:07am 
Thank you, all! More soon. Just got the 3D printed model in the mail.