STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords™

66 valoraciones
Unlock Glitchy/Specific Achievements ("Pet Rock", "Nothing Personal" and Others)
Por ShinDigPig
I explain what things need to happen in order for Glitchy/Specific achievements like "Pet Rock" & "Nothing Personal" to unlock.
Pet Rock
Where: Kinrath/Crystal Caves, Dantoonie
Special requirements: You need to have Kreia in your party, and select the "Pet Rock" option when speaking to her.

Finding the special crystal:

Kriea chimes in: (Should get the achievement here.)

the "pet rock" option.
Nothing Personal
Where: Khoonda, Dantoonie
Special requirements: Side with the settlers up until the very last moment.

Publicado originalmente por Aspyr-Blair:
You have to side with the settlers all the way to the battle, and then hand over Adare and side with the Mercs.

We were going for a Game of Thrones style betreyal but clearly made it too hard (not intuitive). Tweaking for patch.

Talking to the mercs (May not matter):

Readying the battle plans and fighting for the settlers (Important):

Turning over the administrator at the finale of the fight (Obviously important):
First Light/Dark Side points (Larger World/Starting Down the Dark Path)
Where: Peragus, Morgue
Special requirements: Have "Tutorial Pop Ups" enabled in Feedback options.
Publicado originalmente por ilovecher (Aspyr Suppor):
The light and dark side achievements at the beginning of the game require the Tutorial Pop Ups option to be enabled (Options > Feedback).
Option that needs to be on:
Light prompt: ("Larger World" will unlock here)
Dark prompt: ("Starting Down the Dark Path" will unlock here)
Any other achievements you want added?
Just let me know, and I will explain how to get them
26 comentarios
Baltheon 3 JUL 2024 a las 6:28 a. m. 
whos the champ on nar shedaa?
Shadowstorm 21 MAY 2023 a las 11:38 p. m. 
theres the Hiss summoning glitch on korriban that lets you farm exp to lvl 50. At the crossroads before the Apathy is death room instead go right and you can keep checking the bodies for loot. Each time you do three Hiss's spawn. It's better for dark side palythu as light side does not regen force points as fast so light siders will want an fp regen item. Repeatedly selecting the body can fill the room with enemies Use force lightning of death field (or whatever it's called you know the one) to kill them quickly. This can crash the game due to particle effects and number of hiss's
five_rocks 20 FEB 2023 a las 10:18 a. m. 
@Shoggoth25 i found there isn't really enough exp in the game to get you there, try using cheats?
luisfcc 24 ABR 2022 a las 8:13 p. m. 
Did Pet Rock this night, without Kreia on my party. She talked telepathic with me, and boom! Achievement earned!
Shoggoth25 21 FEB 2022 a las 7:36 a. m. 
Due to certain missions glitching (like the Telos Bounty Hunting mission, rebuilding the speeder on Nar Shadaa, and possibly companion EXP events) I haven't been able to get a character to level 30 in 3 playthroughs :denied:
Aidyn 16 MAR 2021 a las 8:35 p. m. 
@jcdenton666 and Theophilus Fist From what I read online, this achievement can only be obtained playing as a women. You need a good relation with both Atton and Disciple. At one point, you'll get a cutscene in the ship with the two of them. I don't exactly recall the scene, but I believe it's Atton who's jealous of Disciple. Then you talk to HK-47, and should have an option about love.
jcdenton666 25 AGO 2020 a las 3:26 p. m. 
cupid's rifle is a problem...
Theophilus Fist 25 MAY 2020 a las 11:01 a. m. 
How do I get Visas and Handmaiden to fight for Cupid's Arrow?
k!po 19 MAR 2020 a las 7:26 a. m. 
Thank you! 29 DIC 2019 a las 9:15 p. m. 
[part 2]

Also, I think T3 has to discover about the signals concerning Vogga's schedules being sent (the part where T3 is on his own in Vogga's droid warehouse).

ALL the datapad droid dialogue options AND the Bith quest are absolutely necessary (and I'm positive the Vogga warehouse thing too). THEN AND ONLY THEN will the right dialogue options with G0-T0 get him to FULLY confess.

You can SORT OF make him confess if you miss one (I once forgot to datapad scan the racing droid) but it's not the FULL CONFESSION and hence... no achievement.