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Instruction Manual
By kisguri
Instruction Manual for Quadle here!
Jump Quadle around the board to each Qube, Each time you step on a Qube you will reduce
its color down to eventually Yellow. When you jump on a Qube that is yellow it will turn
red and fall of the board once you leave it. The objective of the game is to remove all
the Qubes on the board and be left on only one.

You loose a level if you have no where to jump too and have more than one Qube on the field
left. Discover the fast method for each level, and complete them as fast as possible for
the best time.
Use the arrow keys on your keyboard or the controller to move Quadle on the puzzle. You can
also use the arrow keys or mouse to navigate the menus. NOTE: to use the Steam Level editor
you must use the mouse for navigation.
User Levels
From the Steam Workshop page you can subscribe to new levels, this levels will be downloaded
the next time you boot Quadle. To access the levels navigate down to User Levels. This will
allow you to play all the user level you have downloaded in alphabetical order.

Level Editor
The SteamPowered version of Quadle comes complete with a level editor. Select editor from
the main menu and begin building levels you can share on the Steam Workshop! Please read on
for basic guidence on the editor

Buttons on Editor
  • Test: Run a test of your game. You have to beat the level in order to upload
  • Load: Open and edit previously saved user levels
  • Save: Save currently editing level
  • Clear: Wipes the board clear, select yes when asked. You can also right click to access this function
  • Exit: Return to main menu, saves current work
  • World: Cycle between world backgrounds and music
  • Brick: Cycle through available Qubes

Buttons on Tester
  • Replay: Automatically restarts level regardless of playstate
  • Upload: Grayed out intill available, Complete level to access, Uploads to Steam
  • Back: Return to Editor

Buttons on Uploader
  • Upload: Begin Upload process, once begun wait till 100% to leavel screen
  • Back: Return to editor

Click on a brick type and and place Qubes in the play space. Remember to add Quadle on
a starting Qube. Also include the Qoal square on the board as well. Once you have a level
you like, click test to make sure it works. If you need to change something return to the
editor to manipulate your level.

Once you have happy with your level and it can be completed, you can select the Upload
button from the tester. This will ask you to select a level name. Once a name is entered
in the dialog box, hit OK. Now the game will screenshot your level, and prep the required
files. Once you see the level screenshot and if everything looks good, hit upload again.

Please wait till the level is 100% uploaded before exiting this screen with the back button