Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame

Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame

30 oy
Karmaflow: The Achievement Guide
[J7] Dsp21 ve 2 yapıt ortağı tarafından hazırlandı
From the very first achievement, to the last Data Shard, this guide will help you unlock all the achievements in Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame!
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Getting Started

Welcome to my Karmaflow guide! This will help you get all of the achievements in Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame. This guide will be separated in sections, each one of them will be dedicated to one of the achievements and what you need to do to unlock them, so you can use the index on the right side to navigate through the guide easily, use it as you wish!

I will try to cover the spoilers with spoiler tags or warn you before spoilers come up, so you won't get your gameplay experience ruined! :)

What you should know, before reading this guide:
  • First of all, nothing on this guide is completely certain, it may have mistakes, or just missing information. For that I apologize in advance, but you can always comment and tell me what did I do wrong, it will help!
  • Most of the achievements are very easy to obtain, but it just feels like a more complete guide if all the achievements are included, not just the Data Shard locations, which is the main focus of this achievement guide.
  • I have chosen to organize the achievements chronologically, this means that you can read the guide while playing the game, and you won't miss any achievement (except The Flow of Karma and the Data Shards collectibles, these are located at the end of the guide)!
  • I've also chosen to give you the information whether an achievement is hidden on Steam or not. These will be marked with (Hidden) after their title.

Lets get into the 5 Worlds of Karmaflow and collect those achievements, shall we?
Welcome Keeper (Hidden)
Enter a World for the first time
This will be your first achievement, you get it by basically starting the game, since it will automatically send you to World I: The Conductor
This Keeper is Purity
Pull off a double jump-glide-dash-glide combo
You can achieve this after you learn how to glide with your wings in World I: The Conductor. Just Double Jump with the Space Bar, then hold it to Glide, then Dash with Shift and Glide again with the Space bar.
This Keeper is Divinity (Hidden)
Achieve Full Karma
You can get this at any time in the game, but I found it easy to achieve on World I: The Conductor, especially on the Villagers section where you can also achieve We Are One, We Are Many, just keep collecting Karma from all the possible sources until you reach 24 Karma points, you'll achieve full Karma and unlock this achievement.

We Are One, We Are Many
Hear the complete story of the Villagers
Location: World I: The Conductor
Missable, and may not unlock due to bugs
About halfway through the first World, you'll arrive to The Consonance Village. To hear the complete story of these Villagers, you must be able to watch the first cutscene, and the last one. Now here lies the problem. A lot of the times, the final cutscene does not trigger, and you're not rewarded with the achievement. If you do miss it, COMPLETELY wipe your save games and try again, there's no workaround. (Thank you XBlazingStarX for the tip, it worked for me)

Here's some theories of what you should / should not do:
  • Do not interfere with the Villagers that sing you the first song when you arrive. If you do they vanish, and this may cause the cutscene to not trigger.
  • Do not EXTRACT Karma from the Villagers that are walking around, just to be safe.
  • Extreme measure: Do not EXTRACT Karma from the village at all, use only Karma from outside sources.
  • Try to INFUSE on all of the instruments as quick as you can, just to be safe.
  • Collect both Data Shards, although I'm almost sure it's not related, Data Shard's locations are on the I Have the Sight of Eternity section, their numbers are #5 and #6

You'll be rewarded with this achievement upon getting close to the tree entrance (not inside!), if the final cutscene with the Villagers singing to you does trigger, you'll get your achievement right at the beginning of it. Don't confuse this cutscene with the one that starts inside the tree, in case you've only watched that one, you need to replay the village section.
The Creator (Hidden) / The Destroyer (Hidden)
The Creator
Save a World

The Destroyer
Destroy a World

Upon reaching the end of one of the 5 Worlds, you'll get the option to either save a world, or destroy it by giving to the Dissonance. You'll inevitably unlock one of these two, you'll just have to be careful with your choices if you're aiming for a specific achievement!

World I: The Conductor
INFUSE to help The Conductor and get The Creator
EXTRACT to reunite The Muse and The Conductor and get The Destroyer

World II: The Guide
INFUSE to help the Shamans heal the Guide with their song and get The Creator
EXTRACT to help the Guide but crush the world's stability and get The Destroyer

World III: The Twins
INFUSE to help the Sun Brother and get The Creator
EXTRACT to help the Moon Sister and get The Destroyer

World IV: The Heart
INFUSE to help the Heart and get The Creator
EXTRACT to help the Hero and get The Destroyer
So Long, So Lost
Get through the high grass without being spotted by any Lost Soul
Location: World II: The Guide

Lost Souls are introduced right at the beginning of the second World, and will hunt you down if you step out of the high grass or if you get too close to them.

I recommend loading the game every time you get spotted. I was spotted some times but loading my savegame made my death not count! There's 2 sections with Lost Souls that you need to complete in order to get this achievement:

The first one is right after you start World II, and have to complete a puzzle while one Lost Soul is always present, it's easy to avoid it, just don't leave the high grass!

The second section is after you learn the RESONATE skill. After this, you have to use Karma in a various number of artifacts to be able to proceed. You are now able to spot Lost Souls using your new skill. They're scattered around the high grass now, just be careful and don't run into one.
I Am the Echo of it's Sound
Collect 14 datashards and learn about the Worlds and the Multiviverse!
A complete guide for all the locations and information for this achievement can be found in the last part of the guide named I Have the Sight of Eternity which requires you to find and collect all of the shards in the game. For this achievement you have to find half of them!
Intermission (Hidden)
Complete Karmaflow ACT I
When Karmaflow was released, only ACT I was out which contains the first two Worlds. You get this achievement after completing World II: The Guide, which is when you complete the first Act of Karmaflow
Don't Obstruct
Complete the Bird Goddess confrontation within 3 minutes
Location: World III: The Twins
You confront the Bird Goddess after the underwater sections, right after getting back into the surface. It's a Karma surfing section, and may take you some tries to get right. My best tip is to exit the game and backup your save before you try to complete this. The confrontation itself is easy, you just need to memorize the attack patterns. While confronting the Bird Goddess, every time you're hit, you'll fall down and lose progress, because in this section you're always going up in circles. You can still get the achievement if you fall once or twice, but if you fall more than two times, you should probably load your last savegame. You can also restart as much as you want, the timer resets every time.
These Were Written in Haste...
Complete the chase within 3 tries
Location: World IV: The Heart
You'll start the chase when the creatures start chasing you and you have to escape with the camera at your front, instead of your back as usual. It's easy to notice which part I'm talking about, since it's the only part where the camera is like this.

For me personally, this was the hardest achievement in the game so far. You can reload the game to reset your tries, but it's still a tricky section, mainly because of the camera angle.

Side note: This section is seriously bugged, when you load the savegame on this checkpoint, you'll probably die 2 times without having a chance to even control your character, so basically I had 1 try left when I could actually play. Just keep loading your save until you get it.
And the Cycle Starts Anew (Hidden)
Complete Karmaflow ACT II
You get this achievement after finishing World V: Epilogue, which concludes ACT II of Karmaflow.
The Flow of Karma (Hidden)
See the true ending
If you have completed Karmaflow the first time, you'll get the idea of how the storyline goes and chances are that you did not achieve this ending the first time you've played the game. To achieve The Flow of Karma you must destroy every single world (selecting the EXTRACT option everytime). If you're welcomed by The Destroyer in the Epilogue, you're on the right track. Complete the rest of the Epilogue and on the final decision, pick The Destroyer once again. A cutscene will play, showing the first part of the ending. If you did everything correctly, a new cutscene showing the universe will start. This is where the achievement will unlock!

Note: I have collected all the Data Shards on this playthrough so I am not sure if they are needed to unlock the true ending of the game.
I Have the Sight of Eternity - World I: The Conductor
Collect all datashards and learn everything about the Worlds and the Multiviverse!
If you want to cheat through these 2 achievements, you can delete the Collectable.karmacol file located in the SaveGames folder and collect the same Data Shards over and over again by reloading your save game since the game will keep adding +1 to the Steam counter. I do not support this, but this is an achievement guide, so every method to unlock the achievements must be listed. Collecting the Shards is way more fun too!

Data Shards are scattered throughout the 4 Worlds of Karmaflow, and in each of these Worlds, there's 7 to be found, making it a total of 28! (there's no Data Shards on the final chapter) These Shards contain extra information of the storyline, it's characters and the Worlds you're exploring! Data Shards have an orange/yellow aura around them, which makes it easier to spot them at a distance. It's also very easy to mistake Data Shards with Checkpoints at a really long distance, since the coloring is identical. When you're near one of these Shards, you can hear a chime that helps you find them.

Just a reminder, when you collect a Shard it will not appear on a new playthrough. This happens because the information whether you've collected a Shard or not, is stored on a separate file, not on your playthrough's savegame file. This was probably made so if you miss one, you can just replay the game and find it, without having to re-collect the others once again.

I've decided to include the name of the checkpoint I'm at when I collect a shard. You get this information if you open the Load Game menu.

Here's how the Shards look like:

There's spoilers scattered in this section, you should only read this after completing the game!

Data Shard #1 - Checkpoint: Welcome Keeper
After you're introduced to the Conductor, the Shard can be easily seen

Data Shard #2 - Checkpoint: The Protokeeper
Once you see the Muse flying away for the second time, look to your right.

Data Shard #3 - Checkpoint: The Dissonance Village (3)
This one is pretty close to the checkpoint, you'll have to make a big jump and glide to a platform, while gliding, you can see the Shard

Data Shard #4 - Checkpoint: The Muse
After the confrontation with the Muse, go to the path that is to the right of the French horn (considering the front is where the air comes out), and you should have the Shard right below you in no time.

Data Shard #5 - Checkpoint: The Consonance Village
At the entrance of the village (when you're below the 2 lamps), choose to go right and start climbing up, then jump to the steps to your right. Keep climbing them until you can see the Data Shard far away, just Double Jump, Dash and Glide to reach it. Remember that you can unlock the We Are One, We Are Many achievement in this part!

Data Shard #6 - Checkpoint: The Consonance Village
When you pick up Data Shard #5 the sixth should be pretty close, climb the stairs next to the previous Shard and use the bridge on the screenshot to reach Data Shard #6.

Data Shard #7 - Checkpoint: The Conductor (?)
After turning the horns to open the locked door, look for the Shard on the far corner of the room. Use the platform on the right to reach it.
I Have the Sight of Eternity - World II: The Guide
Data Shard #8 - Checkpoint: Seek the Invisible
Right after learning the RESONATE skill, go to your left and use your new skill to see the shard hidden in the grass. So Long, So Lost can also be unlocked here, check it's section to learn how!

Note: In this world, you may choose which Shamans you want to rescue, there's no correct or incorrect order for doing it. You should follow my choices so you can easily collect the Shards, but in the end it's up to your decision. I chose the Harp Shaman first (left side), then the Flute Shaman (Swamp section) and finally, the last Shaman (which is irrelevant, since there's no shards near him).

Data Shard #9 - Checkpoint: The Entrance
Right after helping the first Shaman (it's obligatory), and after the Guide throws a huge boulder at you, go left. You should see the Shard really high up now. You have to move some blocks on the other side of the entrance to be able to reach it.

Data Shard #10 - Checkpoint: The Harp Shaman
You should have a cutscene when you meet the Harp Shaman, and you'll then enter a platforming area which requires you to move blocks around. Upon entering this huge area and helping the Shaman, look to the left side. You should see the Shard right away.

Data Shard #11 - Checkpoint: The Entrance
Complete the Harp Shaman section, and you'll both get on a huge block that will transport you to the center of this World, where you must reunite all the Shamans so they can help the Guide. After safely escorting the Shaman, head left and go up the hill until you see the Shard. Be careful with the falling boulders here!

Data Shard #12 - Checkpoint: It All Falls Apart / The Entrance / This Stick Swamp
These 3 checkpoints are near the Shard, so you may have passed through one of these before finding the Shard. This one may be hard to spot depending on what path you choose while heading for the swamp. It is located on the left side of the whole swamp area. It's easy to find your way up there.

Data Shard #13 - Checkpoint: This Sticky Swamp (2)
Highly missable! Upon arriving to your second checkpoint inside the swamp, pay special attention to the windmill close to you. Use the RESONATE skill to see how you can climb up the windmill, the Shard is waiting for you inside!

Data Shard #14 - Checkpoint: The Guide (?)
After reuniting the 4 Shamans, they will raise a huge arm for you to climb. Just look for a windmill once again and the Shard shall be there!

Awesome! You have probably unlocked I Am the Echo of it's Sound by now! Only 14 shards left!
I Have the Sight of Eternity - World III: The Twins
Data Shard #15 - Checkpoint: The Old Guardian
After you trigger the checkpoint and pass through the little creatures that help you fly up, look to the left. You should see a platform with the Shard on it.

Data Shard #16 - Checkpoint: The Karma Rail (2)
When you Karma Surf for the second time, keep using the left rail as much as possible. Soon enough you'll see the Shard, just jump over the obstacle and jump again to collect the Shard.

Data Shard #17 - Checkpoint: The Grave
It's above the Father's grave, it should be easy to spot (you can even see it during the cutscene).

Data Shard #18 - Checkpoint: The Power of Water
This one is after going underwater. The Shard is hidden behind some coral, after going through the incoherent water currents for a second time. It's located right after you get out of the second current.

Data Shard #19 - Checkpoint: A Healing Light
The 19th Shard is on the Sea God maze, when you find yourself with 4 paths available to pick. The first path is where you should go to progress through the story, following the Sea God. Pick the second path to find your Shard.

Data Shard #20 - Checkpoint: The Bird Goddess
This one is before the Bird Goddess confrontation, where you can unlock Don't Obstruct. Upon reaching the surface through all of the air pipes, go to the back of the tower you just climbed.

Data Shard #21 - Checkpoint: The Moon Sister (?)
Before meeting the Moon Sister, check behind a pillar on the room where's tons of Dissonance gas leaking through the pipes, this is actually the Moon Sister's room, be careful not to get too close to her, otherwise you'll miss this Shard.
I Have the Sight of Eternity - World IV: The Heart
Only one world left, it has been quite a journey!

Data Shard #22 - Checkpoint: The Old Lands (2)
This shard is close to the colored blocks puzzle (you can see them in the screenshot), when you're looking for the gears to INFUSE Karma.

Data Shard #23 - Checkpoint: The Dormant Guardian (1)
After learning the KARMAPULSE skill, look to your left, you should see the Data Shard now. Use your new skill to reach it.

Data Shard #24 - Checkpoint: The City
In the section where you have to EXTRACT the Karma from the 4 plants to open the door, head front, and then look into the huge pit to your right side.

Data Shard #25 - Checkpoint: The City
Climb up as much as possible using the ledges on the left side of the huge door, this Shard is close to one of the plants you need to EXTRACT.

Data Shard #26 - Checkpoint: Into the Tunnel / Writings on the Wall
There's a cutscene where the Hero sings about the Prophecy, and shows you a wall with ancient paintings. Right after this cutscene, use your new skill again to reach the Shard on your right.

Data Shard #27 - Checkpoint: Written in Haste
The Shard that XBlazingStarX couldn't find is finally here! Complete the music boxes puzzle, after opening the door, you should see the Hero in the distance, ignore him! Go to your left side after going through the door!

Data Shard #28 - Checkpoint: Close to the Core (2)
Once you complete The Chase section (where you can get the These Were Written in Haste... achievement), you're welcomed to the last section of the 4th World. First, head to the checkpoint in the middle of this huge area, you should now see the Shard far away, but reaching it shouldn't be a problem.

Congratulations! You've now collected every single shard and have unlocked I Have the Sight of Eternity! Now go ahead and finish the game! :D
End Credits

Thank you very much for checking out this little guide! I have to thank everyone who has contributed in every single way, mostly XBlazingStarX for spending hours and hours looking for Data Shards, for that I'm eternally grateful. Also thanks to jojobean and Hoaxmor for providing 2 locations of Data Shards that XBlazingStarX couldn't find!

Obviously, thank you Basecamp Games for making this great adventure. I could just feel the heart of the developers being poured into the game at times, and I'm really happy that you guys did end up finishing it, even if all of the money that was needed, wasn't there. Getting all of the artists into this was probably a lot of fun, and it makes me sort of jelly even! Getting to know some of the artists is a blessing if you're into the Metal genre.

As a reminder, you can always help this guide by giving your 2 cents, and help me improve it!

Update 0: Started the guide on 22 May, 2015 at 6:19pm
Status: Work in Progress
  • Number of maximum Karma points uncertain, for This Keeper is Divinity
  • Missing choices for World II, World III and World IV for Creator / Destroyer
  • Don't Obstruct incomplete
  • These Were Written in Haste... incomplete
  • We Are One, We Are Many did not unlock, requirements now unknown
  • Need better screenshot for the Lost Soul picture
  • Separate both Data Shard achievements
  • The Flow of Karma incomplete, not even sure how to obtain it
  • Need grammatical correction and organization for most of the guide
  • I Am the Echo of it's Sound / I Have the Sight of Eternity:
    • Do the number of Data Shards collected stack up on Steam, even if they're repeated?
    • World I: The Conductor complete, missing screenshot for Data Shard #7
    • Screenshot for Data Shard and description needed
    • Missing 2 Data Shards on World II: The Guide
    • Missing 1 Data Shard on World IV: The Heart
    • Screenshots for all Data Shards (or just the hardest) to be taken
    • Missing Checkpoint name for Data Shard #7
    • Missing Checkpoint name for Data Shard #14
    • Missing Checkpoint name for Data Shard #21

Update 1: 27 May 2015 at 11:29pm
Status: Work in Progress, published
There's still a lot to do, but I think the guide will help a lot of people at it's current state, I'll keep updating it until it's 100% complete!

Update 2: 29 May 2015 at 2:24am
Status: Work in Progress, published
Apparently I've reached the character limit for I Have the Sight of Eternity, so I had to separate the sub-guide into 4 parts, one for each world.

Update 3: 30 May 2015 at 6:37pm
Status: Mostly Completed
Every Shard located, every achievement covered, there's only some minor details missing!
10 Yorum
Fly 8 Tem 2019 @ 9:11 
If you are struggling with "These Were Written in Haste..." in the case scene - keep looking at what is ahead of you. If you will see red roots - them you will need to jump, if you will see while line that goes from above (spider web?) - go to the other side and be ready to jump above hole. Mostly this holes is the problem, but tracking white line make it pretty simple.
Allalinor 9 Şub 2018 @ 21:51 
XBlazingStarX  [yaratıcı] 16 Eyl 2017 @ 17:50 

They see you if you touch the purple fog. They will not attack unless you touch the fog or get very close in their space, which is also covered by purple fog. There is a set path to follow when you first get to the puzzle, but you gotta stay in the tall grass.
Saria 12 Eyl 2017 @ 22:17 
Anyone have any advice on getting So Long, So Lost? The only part I have trouble with is the first lost soul puzzle. The only way I've gotten through it is by finding a spot as far away from where the lost soul is perched and gunning it across, but that doesn't count because while it doesn't kill me, it does see me. I assume there's a way it's supposed to be done but I'm just not seeing it.
Kodiak-Rush 27 Tem 2017 @ 19:02 
A great guide thank you. Funny thing I noticd I managed "These were written in haste" first time, lucked out I guess. but "Don't Obstruct" took me forever to finally get :MMForFun:
XBlazingStarX  [yaratıcı] 29 Ara 2015 @ 13:02 
@julian_acotto, uninstall the game, then reinstall and give it another try, if you haven't already.
Akottos 5 Eki 2015 @ 14:09 
So... I give up... I replayed it like 5 or 6 times now.. collect every data shard, took side always with the dissonace.. heard every bad ending (wich I don't like) and every time I still get greeted by the creator and every world glows orange as if I had saved them... and I really want to play for myself the destroyer's version.. but there seems to be no way of getting it... any ideas?
astrochompski  [geliştirici] 3 Eyl 2015 @ 6:26 
Nice work!! Really cool to see all the work you guys put into the guide!
Supremeghost 4 Tem 2015 @ 10:26 
Many thanks to you, for this very helpful guide.
Now I have achieved everything (of course without this cheat you meantioned), and I finally could have enjoyed the complete game.
Again my thanks.
Shameless 6 Haz 2015 @ 10:05 
Awesome Guide!! I was finally able to find all the data shards. Thank you :Rubber_Duck: