One Manga Day

One Manga Day

55 평점
Achievements Guide
DeXP 님이 작성
How to get all achiements in "One Manga Day"? Complete the game! Here you can read the most important choices.
즐겨찾기 해제
Important choices:
  • The choice of profession: teachers should be chosen consciously. Laiby will tell you who to better handle for a particular profession after the first failure.
  • Conversations with God: if you choose the "material" answers, it will open a bad ending. To go further it is necessary to choose the "spiritual" or "manga" questions.
  • You must not to give the project interceptors to get the only good ending. To get the usual ending - give up.
  • "Master undressing" - just undress the girl in right order (jacket - Swimsuit - a bikini - naked). If you ever make a mistake - achievement will not apear. You have to do it right the first time and without errors.
댓글 15
c0uple 2017년 5월 12일 오전 4시 45분 
nice game,but how can I get some cards:steamsad: ?
Stan Cobalt 2015년 6월 3일 오후 2시 46분 
@Mathyno although I can't say exactly the choices u do but you're supposed to keep doing choices to give up on the project and eventually it'll offer to have dex quit and *spoiler ahead* Lap will come in and chase after him them marrying and showing a short clip of them when they're 40 years in the future
Mathyno the black catkin 2015년 5월 5일 오전 5시 16분 
How do I get live to old age
シロエ 2015년 5월 5일 오전 1시 19분 
thnx got it
DeXP  [작성자] 2015년 5월 5일 오전 1시 03분 
@ぷちます give the project to interceptor on two scenes, marked with "Fight!" word.
シロエ 2015년 5월 4일 오후 7시 56분 
can u help me to get live to old age?
Toppot 2015년 5월 4일 오후 1시 32분 
Thanks a lot.
jHn 2015년 5월 4일 오전 11시 30분 
thank you very much! :)
DeXP  [작성자] 2015년 5월 4일 오전 11시 25분 
@jHn, ask about money, woman and weight.
jHn 2015년 5월 4일 오전 11시 23분 
ugh, can someone help me to get the Bad Ending 2? i tried a lot but it doesnt unlock. many thanks! :)