Pillars of Eternity

Pillars of Eternity

211 ratings
Wizard's good spells, and bad spells
By swordfish
As all RPGs, there are bad, better, and good spells.But POE is a different case, there is not better spells or skills for most of classes, they are either bad or good. So i made this guide for wizards' spells as they play an important role in this game.
Level 1 spells
Level 1 Spells:


00- Sicken: Radius attack, cause Prone for 2 seconds. Do not misunderstand me!! Prone is good, but this spell is very short, and it does not even cause daamge at all. It will become uselss fast.

0- Spirit Shield (bad): + 30 concentration, +3 damage reduction. It helps, but it is not worth it as there other spells that could decrease damage much more.

1- Fan Of Flames (bad): good damage, but hard to use without doing friendly damage. It is a cone shaped spell that has a short cone, and hard aim to get many enemies without getting so close to them. Will get you killed or stuck while trying to get close to enemies.

2- Thrust Of tattered Veils ( bad): Little crushing damage, and disrupts sepllcaster ( hit one enemy only). Hard to time it to disrupt a spell at the time. This spell does not aid you in tough situations at all.

3- Kslkoth's Sunless Grasp ( bad): hits only one enemy causing -10 accuracy for 15 seconds, and doing little damage. -10 accuracy is good, but there are better spells that do - more accuracy and hit many enemies, and cause other effects.

4- Concelhaut's Parsitic Staff ( bad): In the first place, why would a wizard need a buff for a melee weapon as they cant withstand damage at all!!! it is uselss for a wizard they should stay far from enemies as much as possible.

5- Wizard's Double (bad): Gives +20 deflection until you get hit!!! Good buff, but wothless use as you lose the buff in one hit.

6- Minoletta's Minor Missles (bad): Very weak damage that hit one enemy only.... Uselss

7_ Jolting touch ( bad): good shock daamge that hit an enemy, and the nearest enemies with decreasing damage. But you have to touch an enemy to use it which endanger your fragil wizard.

8- Fleet feet :( Bad): gives + 3 move speed and 20 defense when disengaging for 5 seconds. This sucks even for a melee dude, and a wizard does not need it at all.


9- Chill Fog: Radius attack, 12-18 freez damage, and blinded for 3 seconds. Can get a lof enemies, freez causes other debuffs too besides the blind debuff. 3 seconds which is short duration but it will be longers with full Inellect as any wizard should have it maxed.

10- Ghost Blades: 20-30 pierce damage, radius attack, and make enemies hobbled for 4 seconds which has the same effect of blind but weaker. Still good as a level one spell and early game.

11- Eldritch Aim+ 30 accuracy for 10 seconds, but with full intellct it is about 14 to 15 seconds of increased damage. You could cause massive daamge with a gun using this skill until even end game.

12- Arkemyr's Dazzling Lights: Radius attack, - 10 will, dazed for 12 seconds: Another good controll spell.

Guide will be finish soon this week :) will do all other spells too

Level 2 Spells
Bad Spells:

1- Fetid Caress: causes two debuffs: 8 sec paralyzed and 6 sickned. Great for enemies controll. But there are other spells that do much longer debuffs, thats why i do not like it.

2- Infuse with Vital essence: +50 hp and endurance for 15 secs: Useless, this is good only for a melee dude, not a wizard.

Good Spells;

1- Merciless Gaze: 10% of hit converted to crtic hits for 60 secs. This spell good for a melee character not a wizard who uses ranged weapons. Most of powerfull ranged weapons are slow, and if you time slowness X 60 Sec X if you get lucky= you might not get even one crtic hit!!! So useless.

2- Misama of Dull Mindedness: Cuses -10 prception, resolve, and intellct for 20 secs base!! Woow, you crazy if you do not get it.
Level 3 Spells
Level 4 Spells
Level 5 Spells
Level 6 Spells
Snootch 13 Oct, 2024 @ 12:37pm 
Take more meds, sick boy.
swordfish  [author] 13 Oct, 2024 @ 10:01am 
Why are so obsessed with me? It is been some years and you still come back for me. You the most loyal human I have ever met
swordfish  [author] 12 Oct, 2024 @ 1:40am 
Thank you baby. You are such a pride to the American flag 🇺🇸
swordfish  [author] 11 Oct, 2024 @ 4:06pm 
I could not be any more integrated
swordfish  [author] 11 Oct, 2024 @ 6:00am 
Bro I have been fucked up last 4 yrs. My back is killing me
-GK- Librarian Markus Ramikin 7 Oct, 2024 @ 3:03pm 
> Guide will be finish soon this week :)

OK, I'll be sure to check!
epic eddie 13 May, 2024 @ 9:17am 
Unfinished and reeks of skill issue xD
swordfish  [author] 13 Apr, 2024 @ 9:19pm 
I will not delete it. Stay grumpy 🥹
swordfish  [author] 12 Apr, 2024 @ 12:56am 
Man you come back after 4 yrs lol
swordfish  [author] 20 Nov, 2023 @ 12:58pm 
Sorry no update my friend. It is been long time now. I do not remember a lot. Besides my health is not ok, it is not that am dying, it is just I have a medical issue that let me lose focus.
Good luck my friend.
You will find that buffing debuffing spells work best in this game, rather than damage spells